To accommodate the increasing communication needs of Warrenton residents, businesses, and visitors while protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare, and visual and aesthetic environment of the City, these regulations are established to:
Provide a process and uniform comprehensive standards for the development of wireless communication facilities (WCFs);
Enhance the ability to provide communications services to City residents, businesses, and visitors;
Protect the City's natural resources, historical resources, and visual environment from potential adverse effects of wireless communication facilities, through careful design and siting standards.
Satellite dishes having diameters of three feet or less are exempt from this section and shall be permitted in all zones without need for review or permit by the City of Warrenton.
Satellite dishes with diameters greater than three feet shall be permitted in all zones and shall be located on the ground in the rear yard no closer than five feet to a rear or side property line.
Wireless communication facilities shall be allowed conditionally in the A-1, A-2, A-3, C-2, I-2, R-C, and OSI zoning districts, upon approval of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 16.220.
Wireless communication facilities are prohibited on all lands designated as residential, general commercial, mixed-use commercial, or general industrial by this Code and the City's Comprehensive Plan.
In addition to all standard required conditional use permit application materials, an applicant for a new WCF or modifications to an existing WCF shall submit the following information:
A visual study containing, at a minimum, a vicinity map depicting where, within a one-half-mile radius, any portion of the proposed tower could be visible, and a graphic simulation showing the appearance of the proposed tower and accessory structures from two separate points within the impacted vicinity, accompanied by an assessment of potential mitigation measures. Such points are to be mutually agreed upon by the Community Development Director and the applicant.
Documentation of the steps that will be taken to minimize the visual impact of the proposed facility.
A landscape plan drawn to scale that is consistent with the need for screening at the site. Existing vegetation that is to be removed must be clearly indicated and provisions for mitigation included where appropriate.
A feasibility study for the collocation of telecommunication facilities as an alternative to new structures, in conformance with Section 16.148.060. The feasibility study shall include:
An inventory, including the location, ownership, height, and design of existing WCFs within one-half mile of the proposed location of a new WCF. The Community Development Director may share such information with other applicants seeking permits for WCFs, but shall not, by sharing such information, in any represent or warrant that such sites are available or suitable.
If collocation is not feasible, documentation of the efforts that have been made to collocate on existing or previously approved towers. Each applicant shall make a good faith effort to contact the owner(s) of all existing or approved towers and shall provide a list of all owners contacted in the area, including the date, form and content of such contact.
Documentation as to why collocation on existing or proposed towers or location on an existing tall structure within one-half mile of the proposed site is not practical or feasible. Collocation shall not be precluded simply because a reasonable fee for shared use is charged or because of reasonable costs necessary to adapt the existing and proposed uses to a shared tower. The Community Development Director and/or Planning Commission may consider expert testimony to determine whether the fee and costs are reasonable. Collocation costs exceeding new tower development are presumed to be unreasonable.
A report containing the following information:
A report from a licensed professional engineer documenting the following:
A description of the proposed tower height and design, including technical, engineering, and other pertinent factors governing selection of the proposed design. A cross-section of the proposed tower structure shall be included. If proposed tower is intended to accommodate future collocation, the engineer shall document that the design is sufficient for that purpose. If the proposed tower is not intended to allow for future collocation, the engineer shall provide an explanation why it is not so intended.
The total anticipated capacity of the tower in terms of the number and types of antennae which can be accommodated. The engineer shall also describe any limitations on the ability of the tower to accommodate collocation. The engineer shall describe the technical options available to overcome those limitations and reasons why the technical options considered were not used.
Documentation that the proposed tower will have sufficient structural integrity for the proposed uses at the proposed location, in conformance with the minimum safety requirements of the State Structural Specialty Code, latest adopted edition at the time of the application.
A description of mitigation methods, which will be employed to avoid ice hazards, including increased setbacks, and/or de-icing equipment.
Documentation demonstrating compliance with non-ionizing electromagnetic emissions standards as set forth by the Federal Communications Commission.
Evidence that the proposed tower will comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration, the Aeronautics Section of the Oregon Department of Transportation, and the Federal Communications Commission.
A description of anticipated maintenance needs, including frequency of service, personnel needs, equipment needs and potential safety impacts of such maintenance.
If a new tower is approved, the owner shall be required, as a condition of approval, to:
Record the conditions of approval specified by the City with the Deeds Records Office in the Office of the County Recorder of the county in which the tower site is located;
Respond in a timely, comprehensive manner to a request for information from a potential shared use applicant;
Negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties; and
Such conditions shall run with the land and be binding on subsequent purchasers of the tower site.
The planning official may request any other information deemed necessary to fully evaluate and review the application and the potential impact of a proposed tower and/or antenna.
A WCF conditional use permit application fee as established by resolution of the Warrenton City Commission.
In order to encourage shared use of towers, all new WCFs shall comply with the following collocation standards.
To encourage shared use of towers, a conditional use permit shall not be required for the addition of antennae to an existing tower that has been already been designed and permitted to receive additional antennae arrays. A Type I Administrative Review by the Community Development Director and compliance with the Uniform Building Code and/or the State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code is required.
The height of an existing support structure may be increased by 10 feet or less for the purpose of accommodating collocation without a discretionary review process by the City, provided that there is no change to the type of tower and tower height is increased by the minimum amount necessary to accommodate the collocated facilities. Increases in height exceeding 10 feet, but not more than 20 feet, beyond the original design shall require the approval of a Type I administrative review permit as provided in Chapters 16.204 and 16.208. Height increases of 20 or more feet for the purpose of accommodating collocation shall require the approval of a conditional use permit.
All collocated facilities, and additions to existing towers, shall meet all requirements of the State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code, latest adopted edition. A building permit shall be required for such alterations or additions. Documentation shall be provided by a licensed professional engineer, verifying that changes or additions to the tower structure will not adversely affect the structural integrity of the tower.
All collocated facilities shall be designed in such a way as to be visually compatible with the tower structures on which they are placed.
All new WCFs shall comply with the following standards:
Tower Height. Freestanding WCFs shall be exempted from height limitations. This exemption notwithstanding, the height and mass of the transmission tower shall be the minimum, which is necessary for its intended use, as demonstrated in a report prepared by a licensed professional engineer.
A WCF that is attached to an alternative tower structure may not exceed the height of the alternative tower structure, unless findings are made by the Planning Commission that such an increase will have a minimal impact on the appearance of the structure.
All applications for development of new WCFs, or proposals to modify existing WCFs shall contain written consents from the following agencies: the FAA, FCC, ODOT Aeronautics Division, and Port of Astoria. This list is not meant to be an exhaustive list; the applicant is responsible for assuring that all new development complies with all applicable local, state, and federal laws.
The City of Warrenton supports use of the newest technology available to help camouflage WCFs and their support towers. At the writing of this Development Code (September 2002), the City of Warrenton considers the following design standard to be of the highest preference to the City: Collocate monopole with matching short-davit arm antennae array configurations, painted off-white.