Multifamily housing developments shall comply with the standards of this chapter. Multifamily housing means housing that provides four or more dwelling units on a single legal lot and sharing common walls, floor/ceilings, courtyard, playground, parking area, or other communal amenity. Condominiums are considered multifamily housing developments.
These standards are intended to control development scale; avoid or minimize impacts associated with traffic, parking, and design compatibility; and ensure proper management and maintenance of common areas.
Building Mass Supplemental Standard. The maximum width or length of a multiple-family building shall not exceed 200 feet (from end-wall to end-wall).
Common Open Space Standard. Inclusive of required setback yards, a minimum of 20% of the site area shall be designated and permanently reserved as useable common open space in all multiple-family developments. The site area is defined as the lot or parcel on which the development is planned, after subtracting any required dedication of street right-of-way and other land for public purposes (e.g., public park or school grounds, etc.). Sensitive lands (e.g., wetlands, riparian areas, and riparian setback areas/corridors) and historic buildings or landmarks open to the public and designated by the Comprehensive Plan may be counted towards meeting common open space requirements.
Trash Receptacles. Trash receptacles shall be oriented away from adjacent residences and shall be screened with an evergreen hedge or solid fence or wall of not less than six feet.