The purpose of this chapter is to:
Provide rules, regulations and standards for efficient and effective administration of site development review;
Carry out the development pattern and plan of the City and its Comprehensive Plan policies;
Promote the public health, safety and general welfare;
Lessen or avoid congestion in the streets, and secure safety from fire, flood, pollution and other dangers;
Provide adequate light and air, prevent overcrowding of land, and facilitate adequate provision for transportation, water supply, sewage and drainage;
Encourage the conservation of energy resources; and
Encourage efficient use of land resources, full utilization of urban services, mixed uses, transportation options, and detailed, human-scaled design.
Site design review shall be required for all new developments and modifications of existing developments, except for regular maintenance, repair and replacement of materials (e.g., roof, siding, awnings, etc.), parking resurfacing, and similar maintenance and repair shall be exempt. This applies to all development within the city limits of Warrenton. Site design review ensures compliance with the basic development standards of the land use district (building setbacks, lot coverage, maximum building height, etc.), as well as the more detailed design standards and public improvement requirements in Divisions 2 and 3.
Site design review shall be conducted by the Community Development Director with public notice (Type II); or the Planning Commission with a public notice and hearing (Type III). (See Chapter 16.208 for review procedure.)
Application Review Procedure.
Site Design Review—Determination of Type II and Type III Applications. Applications for site design review shall be subject to Type II or Type III review, based on the following criteria:
Residential developments with between five and nine dwelling units shall be reviewed as a Type II application, except when development review is allowed under Section 16.212.020. Residential developments with greater than nine units shall be reviewed as a Type III application.
Commercial, industrial, public/semi-public, and institutional buildings (including building additions) with:
Up to 10,000 square feet of gross floor area and developing less than two acres of land shall be reviewed as a Type II application.
More than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area or developing two or more acres of land shall be reviewed as a Type III application.
Developments involving the clearing and/or grading of two acres or more shall be reviewed as Type III applications.
Application Submission Requirements. All of the following information (subsections (B)(1) through (7) of this section) is required for site design review application submittal:
Proposed Site Plan. The site plan shall contain the following information:
The proposed development site, including boundaries, dimensions, and gross area.
Natural land features identified which are proposed to be removed or modified by the development, including modifications to existing drainage patterns.
The location and dimensions of all proposed public and private streets, drives, rights-of-way, and easements.
The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, utilities, pavement and other improvements on the site. Setback dimensions for all existing and proposed buildings shall be provided on the site plan.
The location and dimensions of entrances and exits to the site for vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle access.
The location and dimensions of all parking and vehicle circulation areas (show striping for parking stalls and wheel stops, as applicable), and proposed paving materials.
Pedestrian and bicycle circulation areas, including sidewalks, internal pathways, pathway connections to adjacent properties, and any bicycle lanes or trails.
Loading and service areas for waste disposal, loading and delivery.
Outdoor recreation spaces, common areas, plazas, outdoor seating, street furniture, and similar improvements.
Location, type, and height of outdoor lighting.
Location of mail boxes, if known.
Locations, sizes, and types of signs (shall comply with Chapter 16.144).
The Community Development Director may require studies or exhibits prepared by qualified professionals to address specific site features (e.g., traffic, noise, environmental features, site drainage, natural hazards, etc.).
The applicant's entire tax lot and the surrounding property to a distance sufficient to determine the location of the development in the City, and the relationship between the proposed development site and adjacent property and development. The property boundaries, dimensions and gross area shall be identified.
Identification of slopes greater than 10%.
The location, condition (paved, gravel unimproved, etc.) and width of all public and private streets, drives, sidewalks, pathways, rights-of-way, and easements on the site and adjoining the site.
Any areas identified as located in a designated floodplain and/or floodway.
Depict any wetland and riparian areas, streams and/or wildlife habitat areas.
Site features such as pavement, areas having unique views, and drainage ways, canals and ditches.
Any designated historic and cultural resources areas on the site and/or adjacent parcels or lots.
The location, size and type of trees and other vegetation on the property.
North arrow, scale, names and addresses of all property owners.
Name and address of applicant, project designer, engineer, architect, surveyor, and/or planner, if applicable.
Architectural Drawings. Architectural drawings shall be submitted showing the following information from subparagraphs a through c of this paragraph 2, and shall comply with Division 3:
Building elevations with building height and width dimensions.
Building materials, color and type.
The name of the architect or designer.
Preliminary Grading Plan. A preliminary grading plan prepared by a registered engineer shall be required for developments which would result in the grading (cut or fill) of 1,000 cubic yards or greater. The preliminary grading plan shall show the location and extent to which grading will take place, indicating general changes to contour lines, slope ratios, slope stabilization proposals, and location and height of retaining walls, if proposed. Surface water detention and treatment plans may also be required, in accordance with Chapter 16.140.
Landscape Plan. A landscape plan is required and shall comply with Chapter 16.124.
Proposed sign(s) shall be required in conformance with the City's Sign Code (Chapter 16.144).
Copies of all existing and proposed restrictions or covenants.
Letter or narrative report documenting compliance with the applicable approval criteria contained in subsection C of this section.
Review Criteria. The Community Development Director shall make written findings with respect to all of the following criteria when approving, approving with conditions, or denying an application:
The application is complete, as determined in accordance with Chapter 16.208 and subsection B of this section.
The application complies with all of the applicable provisions of the underlying land use district (Division 2), including building and yard setbacks, lot area and dimensions, density and floor area, lot coverage, building height, building orientation, architecture, and other special standards as may be required for certain land uses.
The applicant shall be required to upgrade any existing development that does not comply with the applicable land use district standards, in conformance with Chapter 16.276, Nonconforming Uses and Development.
The application complies with the applicable design standards contained in Division 3.
(Ord. 1175-A § 21, 2013)
Performance Bonds for Public Improvements. On all projects where public improvements are required, the City shall require a bond in an amount not greater than 100% or other adequate assurances as a condition of site development approval in order to guarantee the public improvements.
Release of Performance Bonds. The bond or assurance shall be released when the City engineer finds the completed project conforms to the site development approval, including all conditions of approval.
Completion of Landscape Installation. Landscaping shall be installed prior to final building inspections and issuance of occupancy permits, unless security equal to the cost of the landscaping as determined by the Community Development Director, City Engineer, Planning Commission, or a qualified landscape architect is filed with the City Recorder assuring such installation within six months after occupancy. If the installation of the landscaping is not completed within the six-month period, the security may be used by the City to complete the installation.
Business License Filing. The applicant shall ensure that all contractors and sub-contractors, and business occupants of the completed project, whether permanent or temporary, apply for and receive a City business license prior to initiating work on the site or conducting business from the site.
Development shall not commence until the applicant has received all of the appropriate land use and development approvals (i.e., site design review approval) and building permits. Construction of public improvements shall not commence until the City has approved all required public improvement plans (e.g., utilities, streets, public land dedication, etc.). The City may require the applicant to enter into a development agreement (e.g., for phased developments and developments with required off-site public improvements), and may require bonding or other assurances for improvements, in accordance with Section 16.212.050. Site design review approvals shall be subject to all of the following standards and limitations:
Modifications to Approved Plans and Developments. Minor modifications of an approved plan or existing development, as defined in Chapter 16.228, shall be processed as a Type I procedure. Major modifications, as defined in Chapter 16.228, shall be processed as a Type II or Type III procedure and shall require site design review. For information on Type I, Type II and Type III procedures, please refer to Chapter 16.208. For modifications approval criteria, please refer to Chapter 16.228.
Approval Period. Site design review approvals shall be effective for a period of one year from the date of approval, unless otherwise specified in the City's site plan approval decision. The approval shall lapse if:
A grading permit or building permit has not been issued within the applicable approval period, as defined above; or
Construction on the site is in violation of the approved plan.
Extension. The Community Development Director shall, upon written request by the applicant, grant an extension of the approval period, provided that:
No changes are made on the original approved site design review plan;
The applicant can show intent of initiating construction on the site within the extension period;
There have been no material changes to the applicable Code provisions on which the approval was based. If there have been material changes to the applicable Code provisions and the expired plan does not comply with those changes, then the extension shall not be granted; in this case, a new site design review shall be required; and
The applicant demonstrates that failure to obtain grading permits and/or building permits and substantially begin construction within the applicable approval period was beyond the applicant's control.
The Community Development Director may grant subsequent extensions after the initial extension upon written request of the applicant provided that the application continues to meet the criteria in paragraphs (C)(1) through (4) of this section.
Phased Development. Phasing of development may be approved with the site design review application, subject to the following standards and procedures:
A phasing plan shall be submitted with the site design review application.
The Planning Commission shall approve a time schedule for developing a site in phases, but in no case shall the total time period for all phases be greater than two years without reapplying for site design review.
Approval of a phased site design review proposal requires satisfaction of all of the following criteria:
The public facilities required to serve each phase are constructed in conjunction with or prior to each phase;
The development and occupancy of any phase dependent on the use of temporary public facilities shall require City Commission approval. Temporary facilities shall be approved only upon City receipt of bonding or other assurances to cover the cost of required public improvements, in accordance with Chapter 16.212. A temporary public facility is any facility not constructed to the applicable City or district standard, subject to review by the City Engineer;
The phased development shall not result in requiring the City or other property owners to construct public facilities that were required as part of the approved development proposal; and
An application for phasing may be approved after site design review approval as a modification to the approved plan, in accordance with the procedures for minor modifications (Chapter 16.228).