Applicability. This section applies to the following activities that directly affect the coastal zone:
Actions requiring federal permits or licenses.
Federal activities and development projects.
Outer continental shelf activities.
Federal grants or financial assistance.
Consistency Review Procedure for Activities Requiring Federal Permits or Licenses.
Applicants for activities in Warrenton's coastal zone which require a federal permit or license shall submit to the Community Development Director a copy of the completed permit application, other supporting material provided to the permit granting agency, and a set of findings which demonstrate that the development would be consistent with the applicable elements of the Comprehensive Plan and this Code.
If the activity requires a local permit, the applicant shall apply for the local permit under the established permit program. Approval of the permit shall constitute a ruling that the action is consistent with the applicable elements of the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code. If the action does not require a local permit, the Community Development Director may make an investigation to provide information on the project's conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code standards and provisions. The investigation can be done administratively or through public hearings.
The Community Development Director shall respond to state or federal permit granting agency within seven working days of the local actions. The response shall contain a statement of whether the permit is consistent with the applicable elements of the Comprehensive Plan, the reasons development is or is not consistent, standards and conditions which apply if the permit is granted, and the need for local permits for developments associated with the activity.
Consistency Review Procedure for Federal Activities and Development Projects.
Federal activities in the coastal zone are not subject to the established local permit procedures. Federal activities which directly affect the coastal zone of the City must be consistent, to the maximum extent practicable, with the coastal zone management program. The coastal zone management program includes the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code. The federal consistency determination is reviewed by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development.
Consistency determinations for federal activities shall be reviewed for conformance with the mandatory enforceable policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code. The review may be done administratively or through public hearings. The federal agency has the option of applying for a local permit to demonstrate consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code. The Community Development Director shall communicate concurrence or disagreement with the consistency determination, and recommendations on conditions of project approval, to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation Department within 21 days of receiving the notice for reviewing the federal consistency determination.
Outer Continental Shelf Activities. Federally licensed or permitted activities described in outer continental shelf plans and which affect Warrenton's coastal zone shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the coastal zone management program. The applicant's consistency certification is reviewed by the Department of Land Conservation and Development. The Community Development Director may review these activities for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code. The review may be done administratively or through public hearings. The Community Development Director may communicate concurrence or disagreement with the consistency certification to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development within the time specified on the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development notice for the activities.
Federal Grants and Financial Assistance. Federal financial assistance or grants to state agencies, cities, counties, special purpose districts, or regional bodies, for activities which affect the coastal zone shall be granted only when the activities are consistent with the coastal zone management program. The Community Development Director may review the grants and financial assistance for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code. The review may be done administratively or through public hearings. The Community Development Director may communicate its review findings to the Intergovernmental Relations Division Clearinghouse within the time specified on the Clearinghouse notice.