The Community Development Director shall review building permits, and other proposed land use actions that may affect known archaeological sites. If it is determined that a proposed building permit or land use action may affect a known archaeological site, the City shall notify the State Historic Preservation Office. Such notification shall request assistance in determining whether the proposed action will in fact affect the identified archaeological site. If the State Historic Preservation Office determines that a site would be affected, it shall be requested to also develop appropriate measures to protect the site and its contents (appropriate measures are defined in this chapter). No permit shall be issued unless one of the following has occurred:
The State Historic Preservation Office determines that the proposed action will not affect the archaeological site; or
The State Historic Preservation Office has developed a program for the preservation or excavation of the site and the implementation of that program is made a condition of approval for either the building permit or land use action, e.g., conditional use permit; or
The City has received no comment from the State Historic Preservation Office within 20 days of the date of written notification.
Indian cairns, graves and other significant archaeological resources, uncovered during construction or excavation shall be preserved until a plan for their excavation or reburial has been developed by the State Historic Preservation Office. In development of the plan, the State Historic Preservation Office shall consider the appropriate measures listed in this chapter.
In development of a program to protect an archaeological site, the State Historic Preservation Office shall give consideration to the following appropriate measures:
Paving over the site without disturbance of any human remains or cultural objects.
Redesigning the proposed construction or excavation so as to avoid disturbing the site.
Setting the site aside for non-impacting portions of the proposed development such as storage.
If permitted pursuant to the substantive and procedural requirements of ORS 97.750, contracting with a qualified archaeologist to excavate the site and remove any cultural objects and human remains, re-interring the human remains at the developer's expense.