The purpose of this section is to implement the policies of the City of Warrenton Comprehensive Plan; provide for City review of all annexation requests for a determination of the availability of facilities and services as related to the proposal; provide for dissemination of public information and for sufficient time for public review; provide for City and County coordination of a request for an annexation; and provide for an expedited process by establishing procedures whereby the annexation and zoning, if applicable, may be considered concurrently.
Annexation is a land use decision and is subject to applicable provisions in the City of Warrenton Comprehensive Plan, Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 222), and Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 660-014-0060). In addition, the procedures below shall be followed:
Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing after notification of all property owners within 200 feet outside of the boundary(ies) of the proposed annexation. The Planning Commission shall review the proposal for compliance with the annexation policies contained in this chapter and make a recommendation to the City Commission, based on the Planning Commission's recommendations and findings.
Upon receipt of the Planning Commission recommendation, the City Commission shall conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance declaring the requested lands to be annexed to the City of Warrenton.
The City Commission shall review the record of the Planning Commission public hearing, their recommendation, and shall determine whether to approve, approve with conditions or modifications, or disapprove the feasibility of the proposed annexation in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section 16.260.040.
The City Commission may conduct additional public hearings.
The City Commission shall make findings and declare their decision in writing.
The petitioner (property owner) for annexation shall complete an application form provided by the Planning Department. The application fee shall be submitted with the application. The application shall include:
A map demonstrating that the proposed annexation is contiguous to the City limits.
Specific information on each parcel within the proposed annexation area:
Acreage of property(ies) to be annexed.
Map and tax lot(s) number.
Lands may be annexed only if the City Commission finds that the requested annexation complies with ORS 222, OAR 660-014-0060, and the following criteria:
Written findings, which address the following:
Existing land uses within annexation area.
Existing zoning within the annexation area.
Existing improvements: water, sewer, streets, storm drainage.
Special districts within the area: water districts, irrigation districts, fire districts, school districts, other.
Urban services, the present availability of urban service systems to the proposed annexation area, their capacity and cost of extension and/or improvement to urban standards: sanitary sewers, streets, parks; storm drainage, water; fire, power; schools, police.
Compliance with all applicable policies of the City of Warrenton Comprehensive Plan.
The petitioner has adequately addressed infrastructure supply and demand issues. The annexation is considered timely in that an adequate level of urban services and infrastructure can be provided by the City upon annexation or a plan is in place for the provision of such services or infrastructure in a reasonable period of time.
The procedures for processing a request for a full and complete annexation shall be:
A completed application with fee is received by the City of Warrenton Planning Department.
The Community Development Director shall schedule public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Commission. Hearings shall comply with Section 16.208.060. A staff report shall be prepared by the Community Development Director addressing the applicant's findings and request to annexation.