Purpose. The City has approved plats with lots, which do not now meet the square footage requirement of the zone in which the lots are located. The City intends to avoid personal hardship to property owners by granting an exception to lot size standards for lots or parcels legally created prior to the adoption of the initial Zoning Ordinance of this City, dated April 21, 1975.
Exception. An exception to lot size requirements is granted to individual or contiguous lots or parcels which:
Have an area or dimension deficiency under this Code that would forbid development; and
Have not been reduced in size since April 21, 1975. In addition:
Lots previously platted 33 and 1/3 feet by 100 feet and located in a residential zone other than R-H will require two lots to be a legal lot; and
Lots previously platted 25 feet by 100 feet will require two lots to be a legal lot; and
Development of a legal lot or lot of record must meet all other applicable development standards, except for the minimum lot size of the zone.
In residential zones, the exception is limited to one detached single-family dwelling for any lot or adjoining contiguous lots which were in the same ownership as of April 21, 1975. Once an exception has been granted for a series of adjoining contiguous lots under the same ownership, development of the remainder of the contiguous lots shall conform to this Code.
Authorization Requirements. The following exceptions to yard requirements are authorized for a lot in any zone:
Where there are buildings on both abutting lots which are within 100 feet of the intervening lot and the buildings have front yards of less than the required depth for the zone, the depth of the front yard for the intervening lot need not exceed the average depth of the front yards of the abutting lots.
If there is a building on one abutting lot which is within 100 feet of the lot and this building has a front yard of less than the required depth for the zone, the front yard for the lot need not exceed a depth halfway between the depth of the front yard of the abutting lot and the required front yard depth.
Architectural features such as cornices, eaves, canopies, sun shades, gutters, chimneys and flues may project up to 24 inches into a required yard.
Accessory Structures in Rear Yard Setback. Accessory structures with a floor area of less than or equal to 150 square feet and maximum wall height not exceeding eight feet and a maximum overall height of not more than 13 feet are permitted to be placed in the rear yard setback areas in R-D, R-40, R-10, R-M, R-H, and C-MU zones on the condition that a minimum five-foot rear yard setback is maintained and all other standard setbacks are maintained in the other yards.
Vertical Projections. Vertical projections such as chimneys, spires, domes, elevator shaft housings, towers, aerials, flagpoles and similar objects are not subject to the building height limitations of the Code. Vertical projections may be subject to height limitations due to other applicable Code standards, such as location of the structure in the City's airport overlay zone or the imposition of conditions of development via the conditional use permit review process.