The commission shall hold a regular meeting at least once a month in the city at a time and at a place which it designates. It shall adopt rules for the government of its members and proceedings. The mayor upon his own motion may, or at the request of three members of the commission shall, by giving notice thereof to all members of the commission then in the city, call a special meeting of the commission for a time not earlier than three nor later than 48 hours after the notice is given. Special meetings of the commission may also be held at any time by the common consent of all the members of the commission.
A majority of members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for its business, but a smaller number may meet and compel the attendance of absent members in a manner provided by ordinance.
The commission shall cause a record of its proceedings to be kept. Upon the request of any of its members, the ayes and nays upon any question before it shall be taken and entered in the record.
No action by the commission shall have legal effect unless the motion for the action and the vote by which it is disposed of take place at proceedings open to the public.
The mayor shall be chairman of the commission and preside over its deliberations. He shall have a vote on all questions before it. He shall have authority to preserve order, enforce the rules of the commission and determine the order of business under the rules of the commission.
Except as this charter otherwise provides, the concurrence of a majority of the members of the commission present at a commission meeting shall be necessary to decide any question before the commission.