The mayor shall appoint the committees provided by the rules of the commission. He shall sign all records of proceedings approved by the commission. He shall have no veto power and shall sign all ordinances passed by the commission within three days after their passage. After the commission approves a bond of a city officer or a bond for a license, contract or proposal, the mayor shall endorse the bond.
Qualifications. The city manager shall be the administrative head of the government of the city. He shall be chosen by the commission without regard to political considerations and solely with reference to his executive and administrative qualifications. He need not be a resident of the city or of the state at the time of his appointment. Before taking office, he shall give a bond in such amount and with such surety as may be approved by the commission. The premiums on such bond shall be paid by the city.
Term. The manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term and may be removed at the pleasure of the commission. Upon any vacancy occurring in the office of manager, after the first appointment pursuant to this charter, the commission at its next meeting shall adopt a resolution of its intention to appoint another manager. Not later than four months after adopting the resolution, the commission shall appoint a manager to fill the vacancy.
Powers and duties. The powers and duties of the manager shall be as follows:
He shall diligently discharge his official duties, attend all meetings of the commission unless excused therefrom by the commission or the mayor, keep the commission advised at all times of the affairs and needs of the city, and make reports annually or more frequently if requested by the commission, of all affairs and departments of the city.
He shall see that all ordinances are enforced and that the provisions of all franchises, leases, contracts, permits and privileges granted by the city are observed.
The manager shall appoint and may remove appointive city officers and employees except as this charter otherwise provides, and shall have general supervision and control over them and their work with power to transfer an employee from one department to another. He shall supervise the departments to the end of obtaining the utmost efficiency in each of them. He shall have no control, however, over the commission or over the judicial activities of the municipal judge unless acting as such.
He shall act as purchasing agent for all departments of the city.
He shall be responsible for preparing and submitting to the budget committee the annual budget estimates and such reports as that body requests.
He shall supervise the operation of all public utilities owned and operated by the city and shall have general supervision over all city property.
Seats at commission meetings. The manager and such other officers as the commission designates shall be entitled to sit with the commission but shall have no vote on questions before it. The manager may take part in all commission discussions.
Manager pro-tem. Whenever the manager is absent from the city, is temporarily disabled from acting as manager, or whenever his office becomes vacant, the commission shall appoint a manager pro-tem, who shall possess the powers and duties of the manager. No manager pro-tem, however, may appoint or remove a city officer or employee except with the approval of three-fourths of the members of the commission. No manager pro-tem shall hold his position as such or more than four months, and no appointment of a manager pro-tem shall be renewed.
Interference in administration and elections. No member of the commission shall directly or indirectly, by suggestion or otherwise, attempt to exact any promise relative to any appointment from any candidate for manager. Except while in a commission meeting open to the public, no member of the commission shall directly or indirectly, by suggestion or otherwise, attempt to influence in any way the manager in the making of any appointment or removal of any officer or employee or in the purchase of supplies; or discuss directly or indirectly with him the matter of specific appointments to any city office or employment. A violation of the foregoing provisions of this section shall forfeit the office of the offending member of the commission. Nothing in this section shall be construed, however, as prohibiting the commission while in open session from fully and freely discussing with or suggesting to the manager anything pertaining to city officers and employees, city purchasing and affairs, or any other matter or thing in the interests of the city.
Neither the manager nor any person in the employ of the city shall take part in securing, or contributing any money toward, or in any way assisting in, the nomination or election of any candidate for commissioner, unless that person is a candidate for the office of commissioner, in which case he may contribute money and do all things proper to further his own campaign. A violation of this paragraph shall forfeit the office or employment of the offender.
Ineligible persons. Neither the manager's spouse nor any person related to the manager or his spouse by consanguinity or affinity within the third degree may hold any appointive office or employment with the city.
The municipal judge whether another city officer, a state court, or another appropriate person, shall be the judicial officer of the city; and the functions of the municipal judge and the municipal court may be fulfilled by a state court when so appointed and designated by the commission. He shall hold, within Clatsop County, Oregon, a court known as the municipal court for the city of Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon. The court shall be open for the transaction of judicial business at times and at such places specified by the commission. All area within the city shall be within the territorial jurisdiction of the court. The municipal court shall exercise original and exclusive jurisdiction of all offenses defined and made punishable by ordinances of the city and of all actions brought to recover or enforce forfeitures or penalties defined or authorized by ordinances of the city. The court shall have authority to issue process for the arrest of any person accused of an offense against the ordinances of the city, to commit any such person to jail or admit him to bail pending trial, to issue subpoenas, to compel witnesses to appear and testify in court on the trial of any cause before him, to compel obedience to such subpoenas, to issue any process necessary to carry into effect the judgments of the court, and to punish witnesses and others for contempt of court. When not governed by ordinances or this charter, all proceedings in the municipal court for the violation of a city ordinance shall be governed by the applicable general laws of the state governing justices of the peace and justice courts, or by the general laws of the state governing the state court designated or appointed by the commission.
The auditor shall serve ex officio as clerk of the commission, attend all its meetings unless excused therefrom by the commission, keep an accurate record of its proceedings, and sign all orders on the treasury. In the auditor's absence from a commission meeting, the mayor shall appoint a clerk of the commission pro-tem who, while acting in that capacity, shall have all the authority and duties of the auditor.