There is hereby adopted by reference, except as hereinafter provided, the Los Angeles County Code, Title 11, Health and Safety, and Title 8, Consumer Protection and Business Regulations, as currently in effect and amended through Los Angeles County Ordinances No. 97-0055 and No. 2010-0045.
These ordinances and codes shall become the health and safety ordinance of the City protecting and preserving the public health, safety and welfare by the enactment, inspection and enforcement of the health regulations therein contained and providing penalties for the violations of the Health Code.
At least one copy of the Health Code shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk or code enforcement officer and shall be maintained by the City Clerk or code enforcement officer for use and examination by the public.
In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the provisions contained in the Health Code and any amendments thereto or additions thereto contained in this chapter, the amendments or additions thereto shall control.
Definitions. Whenever any of the following names or terms are used in the Health Code, such names or terms shall be deemed and construed to have the meaning ascribed to it in this section as follows:
"Unincorporated territory"
means the City of Walnut.
No person shall place, deposit, throw or dump, or cause to be placed, deposited, thrown or dumped, any garbage, swill, cans, bottles, papers, ashes, dirt, sand, rock, cement, glass, metal, carcass of any dead animal, offal, refuse, plants, cuttings or trash or rubbish of any nature whatsoever, or any nauseous, offensive matter or in or upon any public or private road, highway, street, alley, public way or any public or private property of any kind whatsoever.
For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply:
Any person working in a restaurant, public eating place or food or beverage establishment or performing any operation covered by the provisions of this chapter and the Health Code and includes beverage handlers, food handlers, waiters and waitresses. Any person serving, delivering or handling any food or beverage with any restaurant, public eating place or food establishment for consideration, wages, remuneration or reward is an employee for the purposes of this section.
Food or beverage.
All articles used for food, drink, confectionery or condiment, whether simple or compound, and all substances and ingredients used in preparation thereof for human consumption.
Any kitchenware, tableware, glasses, cutlery, containers, implements or other equipment with which food or beverage come in contact during storage, display, preparation, serving or through use by an employee or consumer.
This section applies to public eating places and food establishments as well as to restaurants as defined in this code and in Section 28522 of the Health and Safety Code.
All employees, as herein defined, while preparing, serving or handling or delivering food or beverage or utensils shall wear clean, washable outer garments or other clean uniform as herein defined.
Female employees shall wear hairnets, caps, headbands or other suitable coverings which confine the hair. The outer garments or uniforms of female employees shall completely enclose and cover in non-transparent material the buttocks and pubic area and the breasts, including the nipple, from the top of the areola area to the bottom of the breast anatomy. The outer garments of a male employee shall at least enclose and completely cover with nontransparent material the buttocks and pubic area and in addition, male employees shall wear at least as outer garments, trousers or shorts on the lower torso and the upper torso shall be covered at least by a shirt or other suitable garment with sleeves covering the upper extremities at least three inches below the shoulder line and any opening down the front of such a shirt or other suitable garment shall not exceed three inches in width.
The provisions of this section are not intended to supersede or replace the terms and provisions of the California Restaurant Act commencing with Section 28520 of the Health and Safety Code of the State. This section has been enacted pursuant to Section 28693 of the Health and Safety Code as an additional and more strict standard pertaining to the outer garments to be worn by employees as therein defined. Except to the extent this section, this code and the Health Code are more strict than Section 28686 of the Health and Safety Code as well as the terms and provisions of the California Restaurant Act, all of the terms and provisions of the California Restaurant Act and Section 28686 of the Health and Safety Code shall apply.