Reference is hereby made to Ordinance No. 6544 of the County of Los Angeles, known as "The Traffic Ordinance," being an ordinance regulating traffic upon public highways and repealing Ordinance Nos. 2177, 3549, 3922 and 6383 of the County.
County Ordinance No. 6544, known as "The Traffic Ordinance," is hereby adopted and approved as the Traffic Code of the City.
Los Angeles County Ordinance No. 6544, as amended, entitled "The Traffic Ordinance" and adopted by this section as the traffic ordinance of the City, is amended in the following particulars:
Chapter III, Article 2, is amended by adding subsection (a) to Section 3203, to read as follows:
Sec. 3203 (a) No person shall park any vehicle on any highway, street, alley or public way or public place between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. on any day. Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, the City Council may adopt a procedure to permit the temporary overnight parking of motor vehicles on highways, streets, alleys or public ways in this City on such terms and conditions and for such period of time as the City Council shall determine.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code to the contrary, the parking of any vehicle on any highway, street, alley, or public way or public place in a residential zone between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. on any day shall be allowed by permit as provided in this section.
"Vehicle," as used in this section, shall apply only to noncommercial passenger vehicles, excluding recreational vehicles.
Permits may be obtained only by persons actually residing within any residential zone in the City.
The City Clerk or designee shall be responsible for providing application forms and processing applications for such permits. Each application shall be accompanied by the permit fee. If the application is denied, one-half of the permit fee shall be refunded.
The requirements and fees for permits shall be set by resolution of the City Council.
The permit stickers shall be of such a size as to be easily visible when approaching the left rear of the vehicle. The permit sticker shall be of such a type as can be affixed to the left rear bumper. The permit sticker must be permanently affixed to the vehicle at all times.
It is unlawful for any person to make a false application for any permit, permit renewal, or replacement.
Permits may be obtained for periods of six months or one year. Six-month permits shall be valid from January 1 to June 30, or from July 1 to December 31, of any year. One-year permits shall be valid from January 1 to December 31 of any year. Fees for permits shall not be prorated for any lesser period.
Temporary permits for guests, or for other temporary purposes shall be obtained in accordance with Section 3.32.010 of this chapter.
Permits do not allow vehicles to park in areas specifically posted as "no parking" zones.
No more than two permits may be issued for each residence address.
Twenty-Five Miles per Hour. A prima facie speed limit of 25 miles per hour is hereby established on the following streets:
Calle Baja, from Avenida Alipaz to Camino de Teodoro.
Vejar Road, from Lemon Avenue to Pierre Road.
Walnut Canyon Road, from Meadowpass Road to Peach Blossom Road.
Thirty Miles per Hour. A prima facie speed limit of 30 miles per hour is hereby established on the following streets:
Camino de Gloria, from Valley Boulevard to Calle Baja.
Camino de Teodoro, from Valley Boulevard to Calle Baja.
La Puente Road, from Grand Avenue to Snow Creek Drive.
Meadow Pass Road, from Pierre Road to Amar Road.
Morningside Drive, from La Puente Road to Valley Boulevard.
Pierre Road, from Meadow Pass Road and Cardin Street.
Pierre Road, from La Puente Road to Vejar Road.
San Jose Hills Road, from Grand Avenue to Bookman Avenue.
Thirty-Five Miles per Hour. A prima facie speed limit of 35 miles per hour is hereby established on the following streets:
Creekside Drive, from Amar Road to Lemon Avenue.
Meadow Pass Road, from Lemon Avenue to Pierre Road.
Mountaineer Road, from Grand Avenue to Granite Wells Drive.
Pierre Road, from Cardin Street to La Puente Road.
Pierre Road, from Vejar Road to Valley Boulevard.
San Jose Hills Road, from Bookman Avenue to Heidelberg Avenue.
Shadow Oak Drive, from Colusa Drive to Creekside Drive.
Forty Miles per Hour. A prima facie speed limit of 40 miles per hour is hereby established on the following streets:
Amar Road, from Sunset Bluff to Grand Avenue.
Grand Avenue, from Mountaineer Road to Amar Road/Temple Avenue.
La Puente Road, from Lemon Avenue to Grand Avenue.
Lemon Avenue, from Amar Road to Valley Boulevard.
Shadow Oak Drive, from Nogales Street to Colusa Drive.
Temple Avenue, from Grand Avenue to Bonita Avenue.
Forty-Five Miles per Hour. A prima facie speed limit of 45 miles per hour is hereby established on the following streets:
Amar Road, from Heidelberg Avenue to Sunset Bluff Road.
Carrey Road, from Lemon Avenue to Pierre Road.
Grand Avenue, from northerly City limits to Mountaineer Road.
La Puente Road, from westerly City limits to Lemon Avenue.
Nogales Street, from Amar Road to Francesca Drive.
Fifty Miles per Hour. A prima facie speed limit of 50 miles per hour is hereby established on the following streets:
Amar Road, from Nogales Street to Heidelberg Avenue.
Grand Avenue, from Amar Road/Temple Avenue to Valley Boulevard.
Nogales Street, from Francesca Drive to Bel Air Drive (southerly City limit).
Temple Avenue, from Bonita Avenue to easterly City limits.
(Ord. 19-01, §§ 2—7)
The City Council does hereby find, determine and order that the following streets are designated as through streets:
La Puente Road, from 350 feet easterly of Sentuos Street Grand Avenue.
Lemon Avenue, from Valley Boulevard north to La Puente Road.
Vejar Road, from Pierre Road westerly to Lemon Avenue.
Silver Valley Trail, from Spur Trail Avenue to Sky Meadow Place.
No vehicle shall be parked in any of the following locations at any time.
Amy Drive, east side, from Marcon Drive to 225 feet northerly.
Atterbury Drive, both sides, from San Jose Hills Road to Loyalton Drive.
Carbonia Avenue, east side, from La Puente Road south 37 feet.
Carbonia Avenue, west side, from La Puente Road south 47 feet.
Castlehill Drive, paved portion, from its intersection with Camino de Rosa easterly to the terminus of the public right-of-way.
Grand Avenue, both sides, from Temple Avenue/Amar Road to 1,000 feet southerly.
Grand Avenue, both sides, from Temple Avenue to College Vista Drive and Shadow Mountain Road.
Kelso Road from its westerly terminus to its intersection with Lemon Creek, a total distance of 155 feet.
Kemway Road, both sides, from San Jose Hills Road to 200 feet northerly.
Kern Way, north side, from Grand Avenue to the first alley west of Grand Avenue.
La Puente, south side, from 500 feet east of Pierre Road to the easterly boundary of Walnut High School.
Pierre Road, east side, from the southern boundary of Walnut High School, northerly to La Puente Road.
La Puente Road, south side, from Carbonia Avenue west 230 feet.
Lemon Avenue, west side, Valley Boulevard to Paseo Del Prado.
Marcon Drive, both sides, from Pierre Road to Amy Drive.
Mountaineer Drive, both sides, from Grant Avenue easterly to its present terminus.
Pierre Road, east side, from Divonne Drive to Marcon Road.
Pierre Road, east side, from Valley Boulevard north to 125 feet north of centerline of Carrey Road.
San Jose Hills Road, both sides, from Kern Way to Heidelberg Avenue.
Snow Creek Drive, north side, from Grand Avenue 900 feet easterly.
Temple Avenue, both sides, from Grand Avenue, easterly to City limits.
Valley Boulevard, on the north side from Camino de Gloria to Fairway Drive/Camino de Teodoro.
All areas on the north side of Valley Boulevard starting at the centerline intersection with Camino De Teodoro then westerly 295.15 feet.
All areas on the north side of Valley Boulevard starting at the centerline intersection with Lemon Avenue then westerly to the centerline intersection with Lemon Creek Drive.
All areas on the north side of Valley Boulevard starting at the centerline intersection with Lemon Creek Drive then westerly to the centerline intersection with Camino de Gloria.
All areas on the north side of Valley Boulevard starting at the centerline intersection with Grand Avenue then westerly to 575 feet west of Pierre Road.
All areas on the north side of Valley Boulevard 825 feet east of Pierre Road then westerly for 525 feet.
At Any Time. No vehicle shall be parked, stopped or standing in any of the following locations at any time:
All areas on the south side of Amar Road starting at the centerline intersection with Nogales Street then easterly to the centerline intersection with Countryside Drive.
All areas on the south side of Amar Road starting 80 feet east of the centerline intersection with Countryside Drive then easterly to 75 feet from the centerline intersection with Alta Sierra Road.
All areas on the south side of Amar Road from the centerline intersection with Alta Sierra Road easterly to the centerline intersection with Grand Avenue.
All areas on the north side of Amar Road from the centerline intersection with Grand Avenue westerly to City limits.
Benik Place, south side, from Gartel Drive to 1,250 feet easterly.
Calle Baja, north side, from 480 feet west of Avenida Alipaz to 330 feet westerly.
La Puente Road, north side, from Suzanne Road to Pierre Road.
La Puente Road, south side, from Pierre Road easterly 500 feet.
San Jose Hills Road both sides, from Grand Avenue to Kern Way.
Lemon Creek Drive, east side, from Valley Boulevard northerly for 225 feet.
In Excess of One Hour Between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on School Days. No parking shall be permitted on the following streets in excess of one hour between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on school days:
Appaloosa Drive, both sides, Pierre Road to Wrangler Way.
Carbonia Avenue north of Vejar Road, Julliard Drive, Suzanne Road and Wrangler Way north of Appaloosa Drive.
Pierre Road, west side, from Vejar Road to La Puente Road.
Wrangler Way, both sides, from Appaloosa Drive to Vejar Road.
No parking will be permitted between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays on the following streets:
Calle Baja, south side from Camino de Gloria to 600 feet easterly.
Between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on Weekdays. No parking will be permitted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekdays except by permit on the following streets:
Alpine Meadow Circle, both sides.
Amhurst Drive, both sides to 250 feet east and 520 feet west of Bookman Avenue.
Atterbury Drive, both sides, from Loyalton Drive to approximately 200 feet south of Lassiter Drive.
Bookman Avenue, both sides, from Loyalton Drive to Collegewood Drive.
Bookman Avenue, both sides, from San Jose Hills Road to Drexel Drive.
Cranmer Drive, both sides, from approximately 200 feet east of Atterbury Drive (North), southerly and westerly to Atterbury Drive.
Drexel Drive, both sides, from 350 feet east of Bookman Avenue to 170 feet west of Bookman Avenue.
Granite Wells Drive, both sides, from Stoddard Wells Road to Fort Bowie Drive.
Kem Way, both sides, from 250 feet north of San Jose Hills Road northerly to Collegewood Drive.
Lassiter Drive, both sides, from Loyalton Drive to approximately 200 feet west of Atterbury Drive.
Lost Trail Drive, both sides, from Timber Ridge Lane to Winona Drive.
Loyalton Drive, both sides, from Bookman Avenue to 280 feet east of Atterbury Drive.
Loyalton Drive from Bookman Avenue to Heidelberg Avenue.
Regency Court.
Regal Canyon Drive from Amar Road to 800 feet southerly.
Sonoita Drive, both sides.
Stoddard Wells Road, both sides.
Sunset Bluff Road, both sides, from Amar Road to 800 feet south of Amar Road.
Timber Ridge Lane from Grand Avenue to Winona Drive.
Varsity Drive, both sides, from Bookman Avenue to Loyalton Drive.
Winona Drive from Mountaineer Road to the northwesterly end of the street.
In Excess of One Hour Between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on School Days, Except by Permit. No parking shall be permitted in excess of one hour between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on school days except by permit on the following streets:
Abogado Avenue, on all areas, from Vejar Road south for 570 feet.
Carbonia Avenue between Evant Drive and Deloraine Drive, Divonne Drive from Carbonia Avenue 230 feet westerly, Deloraine Drive from Carbonia Avenue to 475 feet westerly, and Claro Drive.
Carbonia Avenue between Deloraine Drive and Divonne Drive.
Carbonia Avenue both sides from Vejar Road southerly to Evant Drive.
Evant Drive, both sides.
Vejar Road, both sides, Pierre Road to Carbonia Avenue.
In Excess of One Hour Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Weekdays. No parking will be permitted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays except by permit on the following streets:
Fort Bowie Drive, both sides, from the westerly end of Fort Bowie Drive to Stockton Pass Road.
In Excess of One Hour from Dusk to Dawn. No parking will be permitted from dusk to dawn, except by permit, on the following streets:
Country Hollow Drive, both sides, from the westerly end of Country Hollow Drive to Arbor Ridge Drive.
Country Hollow Drive, south side, from Arbor Ridge Drive to 450 feet easterly.
Arbor Ridge Drive, west side, from Country Hollow Drive to 350 feet southerly.
(Ord. 18-01 § 1; Ord. 19-02, § 1; Ord. 19-03, § 1)
No unauthorized parking shall be permitted between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. on the following streets:
Creekside Park, located at 780 Creekside Drive;
Suzanne Park, located at 625 Suzanne Road;
Snow Creek Park, located at 20633 Snow Creek Drive;
Walnut Ranch Park, located at 20101 Amar Road;
Walnut City Hall, located at 21201 La Puente Road;
Walnut Gymnasium/Teen Center, located at 21003 La Puente Road;
Maintenance Department and Recreation Services, located at 21701 East Valley Boulevard;
Walnut Senior Center, located at 21215 La Puente Road;
Park & Ride Lot, located at 20983 La Puente Road.
The City shall not be liable for loss or damage to vehicles or their contents in the absence of attributed fault.
Each lot shall be posted with signage stating "Park at your own risk—City is not liable for Loss or Damage to your vehicle or its contents," or words to that effect.
Overnight permits may be issued by the City for special occasions upon request of written release of liability or damage.
No parking shall be permitted at any time except by permit on the following streets: Amy Drive, both sides, from Marcon Drive northerly to terminus.
At Any Time. No parking shall be permitted in excess of one hour between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and at anytime between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. on the following streets:
Valley Boulevard, on the north side, from 575 feet west of Pierre Road then westerly 250 feet.
Valley Boulevard, on the north side, from 975 feet east of Paseo Tesoro westerly for 300 feet.
Between 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., 8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Weekdays. No parking will be permitted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., 8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., and 3:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekdays except by permit on the following streets:
Atterbury Drive, both sides, from approximately 200 feet south of Lassiter Drive to Lassiter Drive.
Cranmer Drive, both sides from Atterbury Drive (North) to approximately 200 feet east of Atterbury Drive.
Lassiter Drive, both sides, from Atterbury Drive to approximately 200 feet west of Atterbury Drive.
Large Vehicles.
The parking of any vehicle having a gross weight of more than 6,000 pounds, a length of more than 25 feet, or a width of more than 96 inches in total outside width (vehicle or load, or combination of both), laden or unladen, is prohibited on any street in the City except on those streets listed in Section 3.32.110 of this chapter at locations, where posted by the City Engineer as directed by the City Council, that parking is permitted. Such vehicles are prohibited from parking in posted locations for periods longer than indicated on the sign in such location. Where parking is permitted overnight, illuminated clearance lights or visible safety reflectors under State of California Vehicle Code, Sections 24607, 24608, 24609, and 24610, are required.
This subsection shall not prohibit the parking of such vehicles while loading or unloading or used in the performance of a service on or to a property in the block in which such vehicle is parked for such time as is reasonably required to complete such loading, unloading, or service, nor shall it prohibit the parking or require the lighting of recreational vehicles which are privately owned and operated and not held for the purpose of sale or hire.
The following areas of the City are designated as parking meter zones, and the following fees are established for the parking of vehicles in such zones:
Temple Avenue on the southerly side from Grand Avenue to 2,500 feet easterly. The fee for this parking meter zone shall be set by resolution of the City Council.
Pursuant to Section 35701 of the California Vehicle Code, when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate a vehicle exceeding the maximum gross weight limit of 6,000 pounds upon any street or highway within the City, except the following streets or portions of streets within the City limits:
Valley Boulevard.
Lemon Avenue between Valley Boulevard and La Puente Road.
Paseo Sonrisa.
Paseo del Prado.
Paseo Tesoro.
Paseo Robles.
Carrey Road.
Pursuant to Section 35701 of the California Vehicle Code, when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate a vehicle exceeding the maximum gross weight limit of 10,000 pounds upon the following streets or highways within the City:
Grand Avenue.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit any vehicle coming from an unrestricted street having ingress or egress by direct route to and from a restricted street when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares, and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on the restricted street, or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling, or construction of any building or structure upon the restricted street for which a building permit has previously been obtained, nor shall any provisions of this section apply to any vehicle owned by a public utility or licensed contractor while necessarily in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public utility, or to any vehicle subject to the provisions of Sections 1301 to 1306, inclusive, of the California Public Utilities Code.
It is unlawful to operate any type of motorized vehicle, as defined in Section 415 of the Vehicle Code of the State, upon the private property of another without first obtaining the written permission of the owner.
Persons who obtain permission from private property owners to operate motorized vehicles thereon shall maintain in their possession such written permission at all times when operating motorized vehicles on such private property.
This section in no way prohibits the use of such private property by:
Emergency vehicles.
Vehicles of commerce in the course of the conduct of normal business.
Vehicles being operated on property devoted to commercial purposes where the general public is expressly or impliedly invited to such property.
Vehicles operating on property actually used for residential purposes and where such vehicle is there at the express or implied invitation of the owner or occupant.
The sheriff shall remove to a safe place every vehicle which has been parked or left standing upon a highway for 72 or more consecutive hours.
As used in this section the words "safe place" include, but are not confined to, any garage, parking lot or open space, owned by, maintained by or under the jurisdiction of the County, and also every privately owned garage, the owner or proprietor of which will accept such vehicles.
For purposes of this section, a skateboard is any vehicle, device or conveyance with any number of wheels, with a riding surface of any design, upon which a person may place one or more feet, which is designed to be, or can be propelled by human power, and which is not classified as a bicycle in the California Vehicle Code.
For purposes of this section, a rollerskate or rollerblade shall mean any footwear or device which may be attached to the foot or footwear to which wheels are attached and such wheels may be used by the wearer in moving.
No person shall use or operate a skateboard, rollerskates or rollerblades on any public or private street, sidewalk, park, public pedestrian walkway, or in those shopping centers within the City limits in a manner which endangers the safety of any other person or property.
Any person operating a skateboard, rollerskates or rollerblades within 20 feet of the entrance to any shop, store or commercial building while such shop, store, or commercial building is open for business, shall exercise due care, shall yield to the right-of-way of all pedestrians and vehicles, and shall not interfere in any way with the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic in or out of the business area.
No person shall use or operate a skateboard at a speed in excess of 25 miles per hour.
No person riding a skateboard, rollerskates or rollerblades shall attach the skateboard, rollerskates or rollerblades or himself/herself to any other vehicle.
Pedestrians shall not cross the roadway at any place except in a crosswalk on the following streets:
Pierre Road between the intersections of Pierre Road and La Puente Road and Pierre Road and Vejar Road;
Vejar Road between the intersections of Vejar Road and Scherer Avenue and Vejar Road and Centinary Drive;
Calle Baja between the intersections of Calle Baja and Camino de Gloria and Calle Baja and Avenida Alipaz;
Shadow Oak Drive between the intersections of Shadow Oak Drive and Colusa Drive and Shadow Oak Drive and Creekside Drive.
Any violation of this section is an infraction.
means any person who drives a motor vehicle.
"Chief of police"
means the captain of the Walnut sheriff’s station.
"Exhibition of speed"
means a willful act of showing off or displaying a dangerous or imprudent speed in a vehicle on a highway where the presence of another person is known to the driver or may reasonably be anticipated by him or her.
means a way or place of whatever nature, which is used by the public for vehicular travel. It does not include a facility which is specifically designed and legally maintained for the purposes of speed contests or exhibitions of speed.
"Speed contest"
means a contest where a vehicle is raced on a highway against another vehicle, a clock, or other timing device. In order to constitute a speed contest under this section, at least two vehicles must be assembled or spectators must be present at the event. An event where the time to cover a prescribed route of more than 20 miles is measured, but where the vehicle does not exceed the speed limit, is not a speed contest.
means any transportation device that requires the driver to have in his or her immediate possession a valid driver’s license for the appropriate class of vehicle being driven and which transportation device is equipped with a motor.
Abatement of Nuisance Vehicle by Seizure and Forfeiture.
Any vehicle used in a speed contest is declared a nuisance and the vehicle shall be enjoined and abated as provided in this section.
Any vehicle used in an exhibition of speed is declared a nuisance and the vehicle shall be enjoined and abated as provided in this section.
Any person or his or her servant, agent, or employee who owns, leases, conducts or maintains any vehicle used for any of the purposes or acts set forth in this section is responsible for creating a public nuisance.
Title to Vest in the City. All rights, title and interest in any vehicle described in subsection B of this section shall vest in the City upon commission of the act giving rise to the nuisance under this section.
Seizure of Vehicle.
A peace officer may seize a vehicle subject to forfeiture under this section upon the issuance of an order by a court having jurisdiction of the vehicle. Seizure without court order may be made in any of the following circumstances:
The seizure is incident to an arrest or search under a search warrant;
There is probable cause to believe the vehicle was used in violation of this section.
A peace officer seizing a vehicle under this section shall complete a receipt in accordance with Penal Code Section 1412 and deliver it to the person from whose possession the vehicle was seized.
An immediate investigation shall be made by the Sheriff’s Department as to any potential claimant to a vehicle whose right, title, interest, or lien is of record in the Department of Motor Vehicles of this or any other state or appropriate federal agency. If the Sheriff’s Department finds that any person, other than the registered owner, is the legal owner, and the ownership did not arise subsequent to the date and time of arrest or seizure of the vehicle or notification of the forfeiture proceedings, it shall within two business days of the vehicle’s seizure, send a notice of seizure to the legal owner at his or her address appearing on the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles of this or any other state or any appropriate federal agency.
The notice of seizure sent pursuant to the requirements of paragraph 3 of this subsection shall set forth the time in which a claim of interest in the vehicle seized or subject to forfeiture is required to be filed.
A vehicle seized pursuant to this subsection, where appropriate, may be held as evidence in any proceeding brought by the Chief of Police or District Attorney.
Forfeiture and Notice of Intended Forfeiture of Vehicle.
The Chief of Police may, pursuant to this subsection, order the forfeiture of vehicles seized under this section.
If the Chief of Police determines that the factual circumstances warrant forfeiture of the vehicle described in subsection B of this section, the Chief of Police shall serve a notice of intended forfeiture upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle. The notice shall be served as soon as practicable, but in any event within 90 calendar days of the seizure of the vehicle subject to forfeiture.
The notice of intended forfeiture shall be served as follows:
The notice of intended forfeiture shall be served by personal delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, upon any person who has an interest in the seized vehicle as determined pursuant to paragraph (D)(3) of this section.
In the event that the person entitled to service refuses to accept certified return receipt mail or cannot be personally served, service may be made by substituted service. Substituted service may be accomplished by any one of the following methods:
By leaving a copy during usual business hours at the recipient’s business with the person who is apparently in charge, and by thereafter mailing by first class mail a copy to the recipient where the copy was left;
By leaving a copy at the recipient’s dwelling or usual place of abode, in the presence of a competent member of the household and thereafter mailing by first class mail a copy to the recipient at the address where the copy was left;
If the person entitled to service lives out of state and will not accept certified return receipt mail, then service may be made by first class mail;
If the person entitled to notice cannot be located, or service cannot be effected as set forth in this subsection, service may be made by publication in a Los Angeles County newspaper of general circulation. Service shall be deemed sufficient when it is accomplished pursuant to Government Code Section 6063.
A notice of intended forfeiture shall include:
A description of the vehicle;
The date and place of seizure;
The violation of law alleged with respect to forfeiture of the property;
Information that the seized vehicle may be declared a nuisance and forfeited to the City or sold or disposed;
The instructions for filing and serving a claim with the Chief of Police pursuant to subsection G of this section and time limits for filing a claim.
The notice of forfeiture shall also inform any legal owner of its right to conduct the sale pursuant to Section 3.32.170. If notice was not sent to the legal owner within two days, the City shall not charge the legal owner for more than 15 days’ impoundment when the legal owner redeems the impounded vehicle. No processing charges shall be imposed on a legal owner who redeems an impounded vehicle within 15 days of the impoundment of that vehicle.
Administrative Forfeiture. If no claims are filed and served with the Chief of Police within 15 days of the mailing of the notice pursuant to subsection E of this section, the City Attorney shall prepare a written declaration of forfeiture of the vehicle to the City. A written declaration of forfeiture signed by the City Attorney under this section shall be deemed to provide good and sufficient title to the forfeited vehicle. A copy of the declaration shall be provided on request to any person informed of the pending forfeiture pursuant to subsection E of this section. A claim that is filed and later withdrawn by the claimant shall be deemed to not have been filed.
Claim Opposing Forfeiture and Court Proceedings. If a claim is timely filed and served with the Chief of Police, then the City Attorney shall file a petition for forfeiture with the appropriate superior court within 20 days of the receipt of the claim. The City Attorney shall establish an expedited hearing date in accordance with instructions from the court. The court filing fee established by the court, not to exceed $50.00, shall be paid by the claimant made payable to the Los Angeles Superior Court, but shall be reimbursed by the City if the claimant prevails.
Judicial Forfeiture Proceedings. The filing of a claim within the time limit specified in subsection F of this section is considered a jurisdictional prerequisite for initiating a forfeiture proceeding. A proceeding in the civil case is a limited civil case. The burden of proof in the civil case shall be on the City Attorney by a preponderance of the evidence. All questions that may arise shall be decided and all other proceedings shall be conducted as in an ordinary civil action. A judgment of forfeiture does not require as a condition precedent the conviction of a defendant for the current violation which gave rise to the nuisance and caused these forfeiture proceedings to be initiated.
By Legal Owner.
Any legal owner who is a motor vehicle dealer, bank, credit union, acceptance corporation, or other licensed financial institution legally operating in this state, or the agent of that legal owner, may take possession and conduct the sale of the forfeited vehicle if the legal owner or agent notifies the Chief of Police of its intent to conduct the sale within 15 days of service of the notice pursuant to subsection 3.32.160(E). Sale of the vehicle after forfeiture pursuant to this chapter may be conducted at the time, in the manner, and on the notice usually given for the sale of repossessed or surrendered vehicles. The proceeds of any sale conducted by or on behalf of the legal owner shall be disposed of as provided in subsection C of this section. A legal owner’s notice to conduct the sale pursuant to this section may be presented in person, by certified mail, by facsimile transmission, or by electronic mail.
The agent of a legal owner acting pursuant to this section shall be licensed, or exempt from licensure, pursuant to Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 7500) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code.
Sale of Forfeited Vehicle by City. If the legal owner or agent of the owner does not notify the Chief of Police of its intent to conduct the sale as provided in this section, the City shall offer the forfeited vehicle for sale at public auction within 60 days of receiving title to the vehicle. If the Chief of Police determines that the vehicle to be forfeited and sold pursuant to this chapter is of so little value that it cannot readily be sold to the public generally, the vehicle shall be conveyed to a licensed dismantler or donated to a charitable organization. License plates shall be removed from any vehicle conveyed to a dismantler pursuant to this section.
Distribution of Proceeds.
The proceeds of sale or settlement shall be distributed and appropriated as follows:
To pay costs associated with the towing, storage and release of any vehicle seized under this chapter;
To pay costs associated with the sale of the vehicle;
To the bona fide or innocent purchaser, conditional sales vendor, mortgagee or lien holder of the property, if any, up to the amount of his or her interest in the property.
The remaining funds shall be distributed as follows:
To the Chief of Police for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred in connection with the enforcement of this section, including but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation, supplies, litigation, insurance and liability resulting from enforcement of this chapter and costs of publication of the notices set forth in subsection 3.32.160(E);
To local law enforcement, including the City Attorney, for all expenditures other than personnel costs, made or incurred by the department in connection with enforcement of this chapter, including, but not limited to, costs for equipment, investigation and supplies related to enforcement of this chapter;
To the general fund.
For budgeting purposes, funds attributable to this chapter shall not be considered anticipated revenue into the general fund.
Accounting of Sale Proceeds. The person conducting the sale shall disburse the proceeds of the sale as provided in subsection C of this section and shall provide a written accounting regarding the disposition to the Chief of Police and, on request, to any person entitled to a share of the proceeds or to any person validly claiming a share of the proceeds, as determined by the Chief of Police, within 30 days after the sale is conducted.
A vehicle that has been reported stolen, prior to a seizure under this chapter shall not be subject to forfeiture unless the identity of the registered owner cannot be reasonably ascertained or the registered owner fails to redeem the vehicle within 30 days of the seizure. The registered owner of the vehicle may claim the vehicle upon payment of tow, storage and release charges, provided the vehicle is not subject to any holds for traffic or parking violations and the vehicle registration is current.
Nothing in this chapter shall preclude an owner of a vehicle who suffers a monetary loss from the forfeiture of a vehicle under this chapter from recovering the amount of the actual monetary loss from the person who committed the act giving rise to forfeiture under this chapter.
"Illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed"
means any speed contest or exhibition of speed referred to in California Vehicle Code Sections 23109(a) and 23109(c);
means any person who is present at an illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed for the purpose of viewing, observing, watching, witnessing or otherwise participating in its preparation or the event as it progresses. A "spectator" includes any person at the location of the event without regard to whether the person intentionally or inadvertently arrived at the event by driving a vehicle, riding as a passenger in a vehicle, walking, or arriving by some other means:
A person is "present"
at the illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed if that person is or has been on the same occasion within 150 feet of the location of the event, or is or has been within 150 feet where preparations are being made for the event;
for the illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed include, but are not limited to, situations where: (a) a group of motor vehicles or persons has arrived at a predetermined location for the purpose of participating in or being a spectator at the event; (b) a group of individuals has configured on one or both sides of a public street or highway for the purpose of participating in or being a spectator at the event; (c) one or more persons has impeded the free public use of a public street or highway by actions, words or physical barrier for the purpose of conducting the event; (d) two or more vehicles have lined up with motors running for an illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed; (e) one or more drivers is racing his or her engine or spinning his or her tires in a preparation for the event; (f) an individual is stationed near one or more motor vehicles as a race starter; or (g) stationed on a public street for the purpose of declaring the finish.
Spectators Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to:
Be knowingly present as a spectator at any illegal motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed conducted on a public street or highway; or
Be knowingly present as a spectator where preparations are being made for any such event.
Admissible Evidence. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, to prove a violation of this chapter, admissible evidence may include, but is not limited to, any of the following:
That the person charged has previously participated in an illegal speed contest or speed exhibition;
That the person charged has previously aided and abetted an illegal speed contest or speed exhibition;
That the person charged has previously attended an illegal speed contest or speed exhibition;
That the person charged was previously present at a location where preparations were being made for an illegal speed contest or exhibition of speed or where a speed exhibition or speed contest was in progress;
Evidence of these prior acts may be admissible to show the propensity of the defendant to be present or attend a speed contest or speed exhibition if the prior act or acts occurred within three years of the presently charged offense. These prior acts may always be admissible to show knowledge on the part of the defendant that a speed contest was taking place, and such a presumption shall result.
Violation—Penalty. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.