The city council, by resolution, shall adopt standard specifications for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of all public streets, pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage structures, traffic signals, sewers and related public works. Upon and after the adoption of such specifications, no person shall construct, reconstruct, maintain or repair any type of street work, as referred to in such specifications, except in conformity therewith.
(Prior code § 5000)
The director of community services (hereafter "director") may modify, vary or add to such specifications when, because of special circumstances or conditions pertaining to a particular job or area, such modification, variation or addition is required to secure the desired standard of work. Such modifications, variations or additions shall, as soon as possible after completion, be submitted to the city council for approval or ratification, as the case may be.
(Prior code § 5001)
Sea level is declared to be the datum plane or base elevation for the city for the purpose of establishing and designating the official elevations and grades of streets, sewers and other public works within the city.
(Prior code § 5002)
No person shall ride or drive any animal, or drive or propel any vehicle or bicycle, or walk or throw any object upon any portion of any public street where street work is in progress and where there is a barrier or barricade to prevent traveling upon such portion of such public street, or at or near which there is a sign stating that the street is closed, or where warning lights are maintained to indicate that such street is closed. Nor shall any person injure, destroy or remove any such barrier, barricades or warning lights except under orders of the person having charge of such street work.
(Prior code § 5003)
No person shall drive or ride any animal or drive or propel any vehicle or walk or go upon, over or across or throw any object upon or deface any newly made pavement, sidewalk, curb, gutter or related street improvement work until all barriers or barricades protecting the work have been removed.
(Prior code § 5004)
No person shall ride or drive any horse or other animal, or drive or propel any vehicle upon or along or across any cement sidewalk or cement curb on any street, except where a driveway has been constructed across the same for the use of vehicles, nor permit any vehicles to park upon any cement sidewalk.
(Prior code § 5005)
No person shall drive along or upon any paved, macadamized or improved street or any public street, culvert or bridge in the city, any tractor, or motor vehicle having as a part of such vehicle, coming in contact with the surface of any street, any block, stud, flange, cleat, ridge, bead or any other protuberance of metal or wood which projects beyond the tread or traction surface of the tire, or wheel, which will or might cause damage to the pavement or surface of any such street. This section shall not be deemed to prohibit the use of anti-skid chains of reasonable proportions on pneumatic tires attached to the wheels of motor vehicles.
(Prior code § 5006)
No person shall throw, deposit, or place or cause to be deposited or placed any materials in or upon any public street, alley, sidewalk, parkway or any other public place without the permission of the director, except refuse as provided for in Chapter 8.24 of this code, properly contained and set out for collection.
(Prior code § 5007)
Except as provided in Chapter 12.08 of this code, no person shall leave, place or cause to be left or placed in any alley, street, sidewalk, parkway or any other public place in the city any obstruction whatsoever which interferes with the free and uninterrupted use of such alley, street, sidewalk, parkway or other public place by any person or vehicle.
(Prior code § 5008)
The director shall immediately notify any person found to be obstructing any street, alley, sidewalk, parkway or other public place, in violation of Section 12.04.070 or 12.04.080 of this code, to remove the obstruction. If within a reasonable time after the giving of notice, the same has not been removed, the same shall be deemed to be a public nuisance. Thereupon, the director shall proceed to remove the same. All costs incurred by the city, including administrative costs, shall be charged to the person responsible for the obstruction.
(Prior code § 5009)
The director may restrict the use of, or close, any city street whenever he or she considers such closing or restriction of use necessary:
For the protection of the public; or
For the protection of such city streets from damage during storms; or
During construction, improvement or maintenance operations thereon.
(Prior code § 5010)
It shall be the responsibility of the owner of each lot or portion or such lot fronting on any portion of a public street to maintain all driveway approaches and/or adjoining sections of sidewalk over which vehicles pass that are located in parkways abutting such lot, in such a condition that the driveway approach and/or sidewalk will not constitute a hazard to persons or property and will not interfere with the public convenience and necessity in the use of such sidewalk and/or driveway approach.
(Prior code § 5011)
No person shall fail, refuse or neglect to keep the sidewalk or parkway in front of his or her property in a clean condition and free of all accumulations of weeds, dirt and debris.
(Prior code § 5012)