The provisions of this chapter establish general regulations for the use of signs and other exterior advertising formats within the city.
Sign regulations are established to promote the public health, safety, and welfare by safeguarding and enhancing property values; protecting public and private investment in buildings and open spaces; improving the appearance of the city as a place in which to live and work, and as an attraction to nonresidents who come to visit or trade; encouraging sound signing practices as an aid to business, and to provide information to the traveling public; preventing excessive and confusing sign displays; reducing hazards to motorists and pedestrians, and reducing visual blight.
It shall be the policy of the City of Bell to maintain a content-neutral approach to sign regulations so as not to inhibit protected forms of freedom of expression.
No person may erect any sign regulated by this chapter without first obtaining appropriate zoning clearance pursuant to Section 17.92.060 and building permits, where required. Such signs must be erected in conformance with the provisions of this code and any applicable approved sign program.
(Prior code § 9322; Ord. 1129, 1997; Ord. 1239 § 4, 2018)
This chapter shall not regulate official traffic-control or governmental signs, exterior signs on private property, which are not visible from the public right-of-way or public areas, and interior signs on private property not visible in any way from the building exterior.
(Prior code § 9322.1; Ord. 1129, 1997; Ord. 1239 § 4, 2018)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the following signs shall be permitted on any lot, in any zone, in the city:
Those signs customarily utilized by public agencies in the performance of their lawful function.
Those signs which are authorized or customarily utilized by a public utility.
Temporary Election Season Signs.
Temporary election season signs are permitted in any zone subject to the following limitations:
Temporary election season signs shall have a maximum area of eight square feet per sign in residential zones and 32 square feet per sign in all other zones. For double-sided signs, only the area of one side shall be counted toward the maximum area allowed.
Maximum height of temporary election season signs shall be no more than five feet in residential zones and eight feet in all other zones as measured from the highest point on the sign to the existing or finished grade upon which the sign is located, whichever is less.
In residential zones, the maximum total sign area shall be 10 square feet per parcel, provided the maximum individual sign size is not exceeded.
In all nonresidential zones the maximum sign area shall be 32 square feet per parcel, provided the maximum individual sign size is not exceeded.
On all parcels regardless of zone, no parcel shall be permitted to have more than three temporary election season signs.
(Prior code § 9322.1; Ord. 1129, 1997; Ord. 1239 § 4, 2018)
Nonresidential uses allowed in the residential zones, including, but not limited to, religious and educational institution uses, shall be permitted to have the following signs:
One monument sign, not to exceed 50 square feet in sign area, and seven feet, six inches in height as measured from the lowest grade (finished or existing) to the highest point on the monument sign, subject to the issuance of a zoning clearance.
17.84.040.-1: Monument Sign Face Area
Monument signs shall not be located closer than three feet to the nearest property line and at least 25 feet from any other monument sign, pole sign, or other freestanding sign.
For purposes of visibility safety, monument signs shall not be permitted within 15 feet of the corner intersection of streets, driveways or alleys.
One wall sign with a sign area of one and one-half square feet per lineal feet of building frontage, up to a maximum of 80 square feet, subject to the issuance of a zoning clearance.
Multifamily Residential Uses.
Residential developments that exceed 15 units on a single parcel of land shall be permitted to have one monument sign, not to exceed 50 square feet in sign area, and seven feet, six inches in height as measured from the lowest grade (finished or existing) to the highest point on the monument sign, subject to the issuance of a zoning clearance.
Monument signs shall not be located closer than three feet to the nearest property line and at least 25 feet from any other monument sign, pole sign, or other freestanding sign.
For purposes of visibility safety, monument signs shall not be permitted within 15 feet of the corner intersection of streets, driveways or alleys.
Each residential lot shall be permitted one sign or a combination of signs that solely or in combination do not exceed an area of three square feet.
(Prior code § 9322.2; Ord. 1129, 1997; Ord. 1239 § 4, 2018)
Permanent Signage—General Requirements and Limitations.
Multi-tenant commercial centers, consisting of three or more tenants, regardless of whether the center is established on multiple parcels, shall submit a master sign program to be approved by the City of Bell Planning Commission pursuant to Section 17.84.070 prior to the issuance of building permits for signage.
The sign face area shall be calculated by measuring the total area of the sign face, excluding any structures or uprights on which the sign is supported.
17.84.050.-1: Sign Face Area
All signs requiring a building permit shall be installed per applicable sections of the California Building Code and shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
Signs made of non-traditional materials or design elements may be approved by the Planning Commission provided the Planning Commission can make the following findings:
The proposed sign is consistent with the policies and goals of the City of Bell General Plan;
The colors, placement, size, and overall design of the sign are consistent with the architecture of the building or structure on which the sign is to be placed;
The proposed sign will not adversely affect traffic, health, and safety of the general public.
Wall Signs—Sign Design and Development Standards.
Each business tenant space with a single business frontage shall be permitted to have one wall sign. For business tenant spaces with multiple frontages, or business tenant spaces with a single business frontage exceeding 125 feet in length, an additional wall sign shall be permissible, subject to the issuance of a zoning clearance.
The maximum sign area for each wall sign shall be one and one-half square feet per lineal feet of building frontage, up to a maximum of 80 square feet.
Signs shall be constructed of durable and weatherproof material in compliance with industry standards and to the satisfaction of the building official and community development director.
Wall signs shall be of channel letter design.
Wall signs shall be limited to no more than two lines of sign copy.
Wall signs shall have a minimum depth of two inches and a maximum depth not exceeding 12 inches from the building wall of which the sign is attached.
The width of wall signs shall not exceed 70% of the width of the tenant space or building wall on which the wall sign is located on.
Wall signage which is horizontally separated by 10 inches or greater shall be considered a second sign, subject to the pertinent regulations of this chapter.
Wall signs shall not exceed the height of the building roofline or parapet wall.
Projecting Signs—Sign Design and Development Standards.
Each business tenant space with a single frontage not exceeding 125 feet in length shall be allowed to have a single projecting tenant sign subject to the issuance of a zoning clearance.
Projecting signs shall maintain a seven foot, six inch clearance between the baseline of any sign and the sidewalk below. For projecting signs that project horizontally from the building face, the proposed projecting sign shall be located no farther than 15 feet from the nearest property line, as measured from the point of connection of the sign to the perpendicular wall. Projecting signs projecting over the public right-of-way shall obtain all necessary encroachment permits.
Maximum Permitted Sign Area. Projecting tenant signs shall not exceed 15 square feet per sign face.
Monument Signs—Sign Design and Development Standards.
For business centers consisting of multiple businesses on a parcel of land or multiple parcels working as a cohesive business center, or a single business, which occupies a frontage of 126 lineal feet or more, shall be permitted to have one monument sign subject to the issuance of a zoning clearance.
Monument signs shall not be located closer than three feet to the nearest property line and at least 25 feet from any other monument sign, pole sign, or other freestanding sign.
For purposes of visibility safety, monument signs shall not be permitted within 15 feet of the corner intersection of streets, driveways or alleys. Monument signs shall not exceed a maximum height of seven feet, six inches as measured from the highest point on the monument sign to the existing or finished grade of the lot upon which the sign is located, whichever is less.
The location of monument signs shall not interfere or present a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Maximum permitted sign area. Monument signs shall not exceed a maximum sign area of 50 square feet.
Monument signs shall have a minimum 75 square feet of landscaped planter area proportionally surrounding the sign, this area shall not be counted as part of required landscape areas.
Temporary Signage—General Requirements and Limitations.
Permitted temporary signs are limited to banners and feather flags.
Temporary signs shall be allowed in any of the C and M zones only upon issuance of a temporary sign permit through a zoning conformance process, which shall be subject to the following requirements:
Temporary signs shall be allowed to be placed in a manner that does not exceed 90 days during any calendar year.
All temporary sign permits shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it is issued.
There shall be no carry-over of unused term allotment into the succeeding year.
The 90 day period shall be divided into multiple display periods within any calendar year. Each display period shall not exceed 30 consecutive calendar days.
The temporary signage shall be removed for a period of no less than 30 days before a new display period shall commence.
If a new business license holder occupies premises that have been vacant for a period of at least 15 days during a calendar year, the new license holder shall be entitled to the use of a temporary sign for up to 90 days.
Temporary Signage-Size, Number, Design and Location.
Temporary signage shall not exceed 36 square feet or one and one-half feet per lineal foot of building space frontage, whichever is less.
No more than one temporary sign shall be allowed per display period.
Temporary signs made of paper shall not be allowed.
Temporary signage shall not encroach on or above the public right-of-way nor be attached to public utility poles.
Temporary signage shall not interfere with vehicular traffic visibility.
Temporary banners as permitted under this chapter shall only be mounted on a building on the subject site.
Temporary signage shall not be mounted on the building roof, or installed above the building's parapet or roofline.
Review Exempt Signs.
Window signs that do not exceed 15 square feet. Such signs shall not cover more than 20% of the total window space.
Interior signs.
(Prior code § 9322.3; Ord. 1129, 1997; Ord. 1239 § 4, 2018)
Electronic message centers or readerboards unless constructed as part of a religious or educational institution and reviewed through the conditional use permit process, shall not be permitted.
Signage which includes distracting features including, but not limited to: signs that make sounds, signs that limit the effectiveness of official traffic control signs or devices, signs that contain flashing, moving, rotating or scintillating elements, shall be prohibited.
Signage which does not comply with the provisions of this chapter, which includes, but is not limited to, roof signs, balloon signs, vehicle mounted signs which disable the vehicle and prevent it from being operated in a safe manner, a-frame signs, pennants, bunting, or streamers shall be prohibited.
Pole signs.
(Ord. 1239 § 4, 2018)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to allow and regulate digital billboards. Billboards are typically positioned on highly visible, heavy traffic locations such as expressways and major roadways. Nothing in this section is intended to amend any other provision of this chapter, which apply to identification signs and signs that relate to the business, goods, activities, or services being provided on the premises where the sign is located.
Billboards Prohibited. Outdoor advertising structures (billboards) shall not be permitted in the city except as provided herein.
Nonconforming Billboards — Removal Without Compensation.
Any existing billboard that was constructed in conformance with all regulations and permit requirements at the time of its erection, and that is maintained in accordance to all applicable building standards, shall constitute a legal nonconforming use.
Any existing billboard that was constructed without valid permits or in violations of building standards at the time of its erection, or an existing billboard that constitutes a threat to the public health and safety, may be required to be removed without compensation.
General Requirements.
The requirements of this section shall apply to the expansion or modification of an existing digital billboard, including the construction of additional face(s), and/or to the digital conversion of an existing static billboard to a digital billboard. No digital billboard may be expanded, modified, or newly constructed other than pursuant to an agreement, subject to the provisions of this section.
Digital billboards shall be permitted:
Within the "M" (Manufacturing) zoning district located adjacent to the California Interstate 710 Freeway; or
In connection with the conversion of an existing printed (static) billboard located on a commercial or other industrial zoned property (C3, C3R, M, or CM) anywhere in the city; provided, however, that the conversion of an existing printed billboard located on a commercial or other industrial zoned property shall only be permitted where the billboard owner or operator voluntarily removes sufficient printed sign inventory from elsewhere within the city, and only pursuant to an agreement negotiated and executed between the billboard operator and/or owner of the property and the city ("Agreement") consistent with this section and Business and Professions Code Section 5412. The Agreement shall include specific public benefits to be provided to the city including mitigation fees, cost recovery, maintenance, and periodic review and upgrade.
Nothing contained in this section shall require the city to negotiate and/or approve an Agreement on terms that are not beneficial to the city. In order to convert existing signage as contemplated in subsection (D)(2)(b), the billboard owner or operator must remove, at minimum, two times the amount of signage area (square feet) as that of the proposed digital sign (i.e., a two-to-one removal-to-conversion ratio) and said voluntarily removal must be explained set forth in the corresponding Agreement. Digital billboards erected pursuant to subsection 2(D)(2)(a) or subsection (D)(2)(b) above must comply with all requirements set forth in this section.
A billboard or digital billboard in existence on the effective date of the ordinance enacting this provision pursuant to any prior agreement (including any amendments or extensions thereof) may be relocated and rebuilt as a digital billboard subject to the provisions of this section.
All digital billboards shall comply with this Section 17.84.064 and all applicable requirements of Section 5400 et seq. of the California Business and Professions Code and Title 4, Section 2240 et seq. of the California Code of Regulations. Pursuant to Section 5412 of the Business and Professions Code, the Agreement may include provisions related to the relocation or removal of billboards in areas inside or outside the boundaries of the city.
No new digital billboard shall be approved, and no existing billboard shall be relocated, converted, or modified without the applicant first providing proof of legal or equitable interest in the property or parcel proposed for new construction, relocation, or modification, including, but not limited to, a fee interest, lease, easement, or other entitlement, demonstrating the right to install and operate the billboard on the subject property. Information to be provided shall include the title, lease or other recorded interest and the written consent of the property owner.
No digital billboard shall be approved for construction, modification, or expansion, and no digital billboard may be maintained unless the applicant provides evidence that a designated maintenance service is available by telephone and able to respond to a repair call "24/7" in the event a digital billboard becomes damaged or is malfunctioning.
Applicants shall obtain all applicable federal and/or state permits for installation.
The owner and/or operator of the digital billboard shall comply with all applicable federal, state, or local laws when constructing, operating, improving, maintaining, repairing, and removing the digital billboard, including the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 (23 U.S.C. Section 131), the Outdoor Advertising Act (Business and Professions Code, Section 5200 et seq.), the regulations promulgated to implement the Outdoor Advertising Act (4 Cal. Code Regulations. Section 2242(c) et seq.).
Development Standards.
To the extent not covered herein, digital billboards shall comply with Caltrans requirements for height, size, operation, distance from other billboards, highways, or residential uses, and any other requirements. In the event of inconsistency between this section and Caltrans requirements, the more restrictive standards shall control. All distances shall be measured along the nearest edge of the pavement between points directly opposite the signs along each side of the highway.
All utilities for a digital billboard shall be underground.
No digital billboard shall have more than one digital display surface oriented in the same vertical plane, for a maximum of two display surfaces.
Sign Area. The maximum total sign area for any digital billboard: (a) when located within an "M" (Manufacturing) zone, shall not exceed 1,200 square feet per sign face, and each sign face shall not exceed 25 feet in height and 60 feet in length; or (b) when converting an existing printed billboard located within a commercial or other industrial zoned property (C3, C3R, or CM), shall not exceed the total sign area of the existing printed billboard. For purposes of this section, sign area shall mean and include any frame or material forming an integral part of the display but excluding support structures.
Sign Height. The maximum height of any digital billboard including non-digital sign faces: (a) when located within an "M" (Manufacturing) zone shall not exceed 75 feet as measured from the finished grade of the freeway travel lane closest to the sign to the uppermost point of the sign; or (b) when located within a commercial or other industrial zoned property (C3, C3R, or CM), shall not exceed 40 feet, as measured from the finished grade of the travel lane closest to the sign to the uppermost point of the sign, except as may be approved for good cause as demonstrated by the applicant and determined in the sole discretion of the city.
Digital billboards projecting over a driveway or driving aisle shall have a minimum clearance of 25 feet between the lowest point of any part of billboard and the finished driveway grade. No part of any digital billboard shall encroach onto an adjacent private or public property other than the airspace.
Digital billboards projecting over a pedestrian walkway shall have a minimum clearance of 25 feet between the lowest point of the structure and the walkway grade.
Digital billboards not projecting over a drive areas or a pedestrian walkway shall have a minimum clearance of 25 feet between the lowest point of the structure and the finished grade level.
Digital billboard structures shall be free of any visible bracing, angle iron, guy wires, cable, and/or similar supporting elements. All exposed portions of a digital billboard, including backs, sides, structural support members and support poles, shall be screened to the satisfaction of the director of community development.
Digital billboards, with the exception of conversion of an existing printed (static) billboard, shall be placed at least 50 feet from any residential zone or residentially used property (including mixed use). Existing billboards may be closer than 50 feet and this distance requirement shall only apply to new billboards. The measurement shall be from the closest edge of the billboard to the closest edge of the residential zone or closest property line on which a residential use is located.
Digital billboards shall plainly display and be visible from no less than 100 feet, the name of the person or company owning or maintaining the digital billboard and the digital billboard identification number.
Operational Requirements.
No digital billboard shall display any obscene language or images, as the term is defined in Section 311 of the California Penal Code, including any amendments or successor statutes thereto.
Each digital billboard shall be connected to the National Emergency Network (or any successor network thereto) and provide emergency information, including child abduction alerts (i.e., "Amber Alerts") or other missing persons or emergency alerts as may be issued by local, state, or federal authorities, in accordance with local and regional first responder protocols.
Digital billboard operating requirements:
Each message shall not move and shall not include animation, flashing lights, or the varying of light intensity.
Each message shall not be displayed for less than the minimum amount of time provided by Caltrans' regulations.
Digital billboards shall not operate at brightness levels of more than 0.3 foot candles above ambient light, as measured using a foot candle meter, at a pre-set distance as set forth under this section. Brightness levels from display to display shall not vary by more than 0.3 foot candles.
Pre-set distances to measure the foot candles impact vary with the expected viewing distances of each size sign and shall comply with the following:
Face Size
Distance to point of measurement
12' X 25'
10'6" X 36'
14' X 48'
20' X 60'
Each digital billboard shall have a light sensing device that will automatically adjust the brightness as ambient light conditions change.
Each digital billboard shall be designed and operated with systems and monitoring in place to either turn the display off or show-full black screen in the event of a malfunction.
Walls or screens at the base of the digital billboard or other support structures shall not create a hazard to public safety or become an attractive nuisance and shall be continually maintained in good condition and free from graffiti, weeds, or other blight conditions.
Digital billboards shall not simulate or imitate any directional, warning, danger, or information sign, or any other display likely to be mistaken for any permitted sign intended or likely to be construed as giving warning or direction to traffic, for example using such words or phrases as "stop" or "slow down."
Digital billboards shall not display any red or blinking or intermittent lighting that may be mistaken for warning or danger signals nor shall the billboards' illumination impair the vision of travelers on the adjacent freeway and roadways.
Digital billboards shall be operated and maintained in compliance with Business and Professions Code Section 5403.
The requirements set forth under subsections B, C, and D, above, shall be in addition to any other conditions and requirements contained in the Agreement and may be modified by the Agreement or resolution of city council. If any condition or requirement imposed in an Agreement conflict with the general requirements set forth in subsections B, C, and D, the general requirements of subsections B, C, and D shall control. For purposes of this subsection, conditions or requirements contained in an Agreement that are more restrictive than those contained in the general requirements of subsections B, C, and D shall not be deemed in conflict, and shall control.
Application Requirements and Review Procedures.
Application requirements. To the extent not covered in this section, the application, review, and appeal provisions of Chapter 17.96 (Variances and Conditional Use Permits) shall apply to this section for billboards within the "M" Manufacturing zone except for billboards in connection with the conversion of existing printed billboards located within a commercial or other industrial zoned property (C3, C3R, or CM). Any person wishing to erect a new digital billboard, relocate an existing nonconforming or conforming billboard or modify and convert an existing into a digital billboard shall submit a request in writing for approval of an Agreement as described under subsection B of this section that includes the following:
The name, address, phone number, and other contact information of the person proposing the Agreement.
The location of the proposed digital billboard and printed signs to be removed, if applicable, under Section (D)(2)(b), above.
Information that establishes that the person proposing the Agreement has legal or equitable interest in the proposed new, relocated, or converted billboard and proof of legal or equitable interest in the proposed site including, but not limited to, a fee interest, lease, easement, or other entitlement demonstrating the right to install and operate the billboard on the subject property. Information to be provided shall include the written consent of the property owner.
Conceptual design drawings of the digital billboard that includes technical specifications to determine the digital billboard's compliance with this section.
A detailed description of the proposed compensation or public benefit to be provided to the city and complying with all city requirements.
Photos of all existing signage, and architectural renderings and elevations of the proposed digital billboard and a scaled site plan and elevations showing the locations of all existing structures and improvements on the property, and the proposed digital billboard and related structures and improvements.
Photo simulations of the before and after physical site appearance from views as specified by the director of community development.
A photometric study prepared by a certified lighting engineer demonstrating the proposed digital billboard's compliance with the operational requirements of this note. A photometric study for a billboard in connection with the conversion of an existing printed billboard with lighting shall demonstrate that the brightness levels for the converted billboard are less than the existing lighting levels for the printed billboard.
The applicant shall pay a filing fee as set by resolution of the city council, or as stated in the Agreement. This fee shall be in addition to any other required fees for permits relative to the development of the property and shall be for the purpose of defraying the costs associated with city's review of the application. The city may also require reimbursement of actual costs.
The applicant shall pay the cost of any environmental studies and reports necessary for the completion of the environmental review of the proposal pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, and for legal expenses of negotiating any agreements.
Such other documents, materials, or information deemed reasonably necessary by the director of community development.
Review Procedures.
An Agreement shall be reviewed by the planning commission at a duly noticed public hearing, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 17.96.110 of the BMC. The planning commission shall review the Agreement and make a recommendation to city council whether the proposed digital billboard meets the required findings set forth in subsection (H)(2)(c) below.
The city council shall conduct a duly noticed public hearing following the planning commission recommendation to consider approval of the Agreement. The hearing before the city council shall be noticed in accordance with Section 17.96.110 of the BMC, and may be continued from time to time. In order to approve a digital billboard Agreement, the city council shall make all of the findings contained in subsection (H)(2)(c) below. Agreements shall be approved by ordinance.
Findings for approval of an Agreement. The city council shall approve the Agreement if it finds the following:
The proposed Agreement is consistent with the goals, objectives, purposes and provisions of the General Plan, the Municipal Code, and any applicable specific plans and provides for appropriate maintenance and periodic review;
The proposed installation site is compatible with the uses and structures on the site and in the surrounding area;
The proposed digital billboard would not create a traffic or safety problem, including problems associated with on-site access circulation or visibility;
The proposed digital billboard would not interfere with on-site parking or landscaping required by city ordinance or permit;
The proposed digital billboard would not otherwise result in a threat to the general health, safety, and welfare of city residents; and
The proposed digital billboard, in addition to its aesthetic treatment, provides substantial public benefits that would not otherwise accrue to the public in the absence of its installation.
(Ord. 1278 § 3, 2023; Ord. 1283, 11/8/2023)
Unless otherwise exempt by this chapter, no sign shall be installed, constructed, erected, structurally altered, relocated, or reconstructed without approval of a zoning clearance (or other applicable permit as required or allowed by this chapter) by the community development director.
The City of Bell Planning Commission may grant a master sign program for multi-tenant commercial buildings and/or shopping centers, consisting of three or more tenants, regardless of whether the shopping center or building is established on multiple parcels.
In order to allow for flexibility in sign regulations and provide businesses with the opportunity to showcase their brand identity in a unique and visually appealing way while still maintaining the safety and aesthetic standards of the community, the Planning Commission may also grant a master sign program to accommodate unique commercial development needs that may include, but not be limited to:
Multiple signs per business, exceeding the normal limit of two signs; and
Signs that are larger than the standard size allowed by the sign regulations; and
Signs that have a unique and creative design that does not conform to the standard regulations.
A master sign program may be granted subject to the following findings:
The proposed signs are well-designed and consistent with other signs located on the subject property, as well as compatible with community character and harmonious with surrounding properties and buildings;
The proposed sign program complies with all applicable chapters of this title and is consistent with the plans and policies of the general plan;
The proposed signs are displayed in a manner that does not harm the public health, safety, and welfare.
(Ord. 1239 § 4, 2018; Ord. 1282 § 2, 2023)