The office of the city clerk is hereby created and established. The city clerk shall be appointed by the city manager and hold office at the pleasure of the city manager.
(Ord. 636 § 5, 1989; Ord. 786 § 6.7, 6-15-2015)
The city clerk shall perform all duties as prescribed by law, this code, by resolution, or as further directed by the city manager. Such duties may extend to the redevelopment agency or its successor agency, the housing authority or other boards and commissions. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 40805.5 and 37209, the financial and accounting duties imposed upon the city clerk by Sections 40802 through 40805 and 37201 through 37208 shall be performed by the finance director, and further provided that the ex officio assessor duties provided by Government Code Section 40810 shall be performed by county officers.
(Ord. 636 § 5, 1989; Ord. 786 § 6.8, 6-15-2015)
Editor's note—Ord. 786 § 6.9, adopted June 15, 2015, repealed § 2.14.030, which pertained to compensation and derived from Ord. 636 § 5, 1989.
The city clerk upon assuming his or her duties of office shall furnish an official bond to be approved by the city council, for the sum of at least one hundred thousand dollars, which shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties imposed upon the city clerk. The premium for such bond shall be a proper charge against the city. The city may procure a government crime insurance policy or an employee dishonestly insurance policy, including faithful performance, or a master bond, as an alternative to official bond required herein. The premium for such policy or policies, or master bond, shall be a proper charge against the city.
(Ord. 636 § 5, 1989; Ord. 829 § 2, 2022)
Editor's note—Ord. 786 § 6.10, adopted June 15, 2015, repealed § 2.14.050, which pertained to term of office and derived from Ord. 708 Exh. A, 2005; Ord. 636 § 5, 1989.