The office of director of finance is created.
(Prior code § 4-501; Ord. 543 § 2, 1978)
The director of finance shall serve as the city auditor and city accountant and shall maintain adequate records to readily reflect the fiscal condition of the city.
The director of finance shall be the head of the finance department and shall be responsible for the collection of all funds due the city, disbursement of funds in accordance with instructions from the appropriate authority and to maintain financial records to comply with state and federal law.
The director of finance shall provide such financial reports as may be required by the city council or the city manager.
The director of finance shall serve as the city treasurer.
(Prior code § 4-502; Ord. 543 § 2, 1978; Ord. 747 § 2, 9-21-2009)
The director of finance shall receive such compensation and expense allowances as the city council shall from time to time determine and fix by resolution. Such compensation and expenses shall be a proper charge against such funds of the city as the city council shall designate.
(Prior code § 4-503; Ord. 543 § 2, 1978)
The director of finance upon assuming his or her duties of office shall furnish an official bond to be approved by the city council, for the sum of at least one hundred thousand dollars, which shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties imposed upon the director of finance. The premium for such bond shall be a proper charge against the city. The city may procure a government crime insurance policy or an employee dishonestly insurance policy, including faithful performance, or a master bond, as an alternative to official bond required herein. The premium for such policy or policies, or master bond, shall be a proper charge against the city.
(Ord. 829 § 2, 2022)