The council finds and declares as follows:
The use of animal-drawn conveyances for the transporting of tourists over city streets, as defined in this chapter, serves the general welfare, if such operation is properly regulated.
Without proper regulation, animal-drawn conveyances may cause traffic hazards and congestion, street pollution from the animal droppings, health hazards for the city residents and the animals, and unsightliness.
It is therefore necessary to regulate such operations in such a manner as to obtain their benefits for the city while minimizing the problems encountered.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
means any device by which any person or persons may be propelled, moved or drawn upon a road, except a device moved by human power.
"Draft animal"
means any nonhuman living creature used in whole or part as the motive force for a conveyance.
means any person whose duties include control of an animal-drawn conveyance, including controlling its draft animal or animals.
means a person duly licensed by the state as a veterinarian, and actively engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine as defined in Section 4826 of the Business and Professions Code.
"Theme or motif"
is the architectural or general historical period visual concept adopted by the city council as the theme or motif for the city.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
It is unlawful for any person to operate any type of conveyance for hire for which an animal or animals are the primary motive power (animal-drawn conveyance), on any streets or roads within the city limits without first obtaining, and thereafter maintaining in good standing:
An animal-drawn conveyance operating permit, issued pursuant to this chapter;
A business license, as required by Chapters 5.04 through 5.20 of this title.
Written verification from a veterinarian certifying that the horses, mules or other draft animals to be used are healthy, fit and able to pull the fully loaded conveyance.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
The permit requirements of this chapter shall not apply to the use of an animal-drawn conveyance for special events, such as a parade, wedding or funeral; provided, that during the event rides in the conveyance are not being offered to the general public nor being charged for.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
An application for an animal-drawn conveyance operating permit shall be made to the finance director on a form approved by the city council, and shall contain all information necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter, including but not limited to:
The name, business address, home address and telephone number of the person or persons applying for the license, and in the case of a partnership, joint venture, corporation or other entity, the names, business addresses, home addresses and telephone numbers of the general partners, officers and directors, or other responsible parties in charge;
Photographic prints, in color, at least three inches by five inches in size, clearly depicting a side and a front view of each conveyance to be covered by the license, the animals to be used to draw the conveyance and any costumes to be worn by the operators;
A map showing the proposed routes of the conveyances, the locations at which passengers are to be picked up and dropped off, the place where the draft animals will be fed and kept or stabled when not in use, and the locations where the conveyances will be kept when not in use;
A schedule of the proposed days and hours of operation of each conveyance;
The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the veterinarian(s) who will be called to care for any draft animal which requires a veterinarian's care;
A list of all drivers to be utilized by the applicant, including each driver's California drivers license number;
For each conveyance, the unloaded weight, the number of axles and wheels, the safety and firefighting equipment to be kept onboard (including but not limited to braking methods, lights, and turn indicators), the maximum number of passengers, and the type and number of draft animals to be used in the pulling of the conveyance;
The tools, equipment, means and procedures to be used to keep the streets free at all times from droppings of the draft animals; the place or places where such droppings are to be stored, if stored before final disposal; and the places and methods of final disposal of such droppings.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
Applications shall be reviewed in light of all the facts relevant to the purposes of this chapter, including but not limited to the items listed in this section. Issuance of the operating permit by the finance director shall only be after the city manager, public works director, police chief and fire chief have all reviewed the application and signed it as conforming to known laws, statutes, regulations and considerations listed in this section:
The operation shall comply with the specific requirements of this chapter and the business license chapter;
The general appearance of the conveyance and drivers shall comply with any theme or motif adopted by the city council for the area to be served by the conveyance;
The chief of police or designate shall inspect the conveyance to insure that it complies with all regulations of the Department of Motor Vehicles and is in safe operating condition;
The chief of police or designate shall verify that the drivers listed on the application do possess valid California driver's licenses and that they are able to operate the conveyance in a manner which will assure the safety of the animals, the passengers and other users of the streets;
The chief of police and the public works director, or their designates, shall review the routes proposed and may deny approval of the application or may require any modifications necessary to ensure minimum interference with vehicular and pedestrian traffic and vehicular parking;
Permits issued under this chapter shall not be sold, assigned or transferred, and shall cover only the permittee to whom they are issued;
Nothing in this chapter shall require the granting of an operating permit and the city council may limit the number, times and routes of such animal-drawn conveyances by resolution in order to best meet the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
No animal-drawn conveyance shall be left unattended on the public right-of-way at any time.
Operators (or the drivers or attendants with them) shall ensure that all animal droppings deposited on the public rights-of-way or any private property within the city are immediately cleaned up.
In addition to the inspection of the draft animals by a veterinarian required as a part of the application process, each operator must submit verification of a similar inspection at permit renewal time each calendar year, and shall make available to the city upon twenty-four hours notice any draft animal specified by the public works director for inspection by a veterinarian of the city's choice.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be suspended for a specified or indefinite period by the city manager whenever the city receives a written opinion from a veterinarian that any animal used by the operator is under excessive physical stress, is malnourished, is not in sound condition, or is otherwise unhealthy such that continued use of the animal would pose a threat to the animal, the passengers, or members of the public; whenever the operator fails to allow examination of one of the draft animals by a cityselected veterinarian upon twenty-four hours notice. Such suspension shall be effective immediately upon the service of written notice from the city manager to the permittee or driver.
Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be revoked by the city manager if he or she finds that the operation of the conveyance or any activity related to such operation constitutes a nuisance, poses a threat to the public health, safety of welfare, or would have been grounds for denial of the permit application. The permit may be revoked only after the permittee is allowed an informal hearing before the city manager. Such hearing shall occur at least five days after written notice has been served on the permittee informing him or her of the time and place of the hearing and of the grounds for revocation being invoked. The notice may be served personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the permittee.
Any interested party may appeal any decision of the city manager under this chapter to the city council by filing a written appeal within ten days after the mailing of notice of the city manager's decision to the last known address of the permittee, and upon payment of the appeal fee specified by council resolution. In considering the appeal, the council may affirm, revoke or modify the city manager's decision in whole or in part, and consider any other matters it deems pertinent. The council's decision shall be final.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
As a condition to receiving his or her permit, every permittee shall execute an agreement holding the city and its employees and agents harmless from any liability arising from the use of the permit.
Every permittee, at his or her sole cost and expense and during the entire term of his or her permit or any renewal thereof, shall obtain and maintain all of the following minimum insurance requirements:
Comprehensive general liability insurance with a minimum of one million dollars combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage;
Comprehensive automobile coverage for any and all motor vehicles used in the conduct of the business covered by the permit, with a minimum limit of one million dollars combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. This coverage shall apply to all loaned, leased, hired and nonowned motor vehicles used in the business;
A worker's compensation policy, for any and all employees of the permittee, including the following coverages:
The statutory limit of coverage for worker's compensation,
One hundred thousand dollars liability for employer's liability;
All policies shall contain the same endorsements as prescribed by Section 5.44.090(D) of this title.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalty provided for in Section 1.16.020 of this code.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)
The fees for permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be established by the city council by resolution. Such fees shall be annually reviewed during the council's review of the city's annual budget and the fees may be amended only after a properly noticed public hearing is held to consider same. Except for permits issued for less than one year, each permit shall expire on December 31st. The resolution shall specify a minimum permit fee, regardless of quarterly proration, in order to cover the administrative costs of processing permit applications.
(Ord. 613 Ex. A, 1987)