The city council may from time to time adopted such regulations as it deems fit to provide for the orderly use and administration of the city's park system. Such regulations shall provide for payment of such fees as the council deems necessary to pay for any increased costs to the city by virtue of any group or organization's use of the park or other public facilities of the city.
(Prior code § 12-601)
Except as provided herein, overnight camping is prohibited in any of the parks or on public beaches of the city. Overnight camping shall be deemed to include occupation of park areas for picnicking or camping-like activities between the hours of twelve midnight and seven a.m.
Except as provided in subsection C of this section, no recreational vehicle, travel trailer, camper, tent trailer, house car, or other vehicle designed or utilized for camping, or sleeping, eating or resting shall be parked in or on any city park or public beach or along any street within any city park or adjacent to any city park or public beach between the hours of twelve midnight and seven a.m.
The council may, by resolution, adopt such regulations, including the issuance of permits, as it deems fit to provide for utilization of city parks and beach areas by groups or organizations for overnight camping and picnicking purposes between the hours of twelve midnight and seven a.m.
Any individual guilty of overnight camping in any of the parks or on public beaches of the city pursuant to subsection A of this section shall be fined a minimum of fifty dollars for each offense; pro-vided, however, that a willful violation of subsection A of this section is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Any individual guilty of parking in any of the parks or public beaches of the city pursuant to sub-section B of this section shall be fined a minimum of fifty dollars for each offense; provided, however, that a willful violation of subsection B of this section is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Prior code § 12-602; Ord. 626 (Exh. A), 1988)
Beach Fires Prohibited on Certain Beaches. It is unlawful for any person to build or maintain a fire on the public beach between the northern boundary of the Battery Point Vista area and the city limit line at Preston Island.
Beach Fires Prohibited on Private Property Without Permission. It is unlawful for any person to build or maintain a beach fire upon any privately-owned property without the written permission of the owner.
Beach Fires––Regulations. All beach fires, whether on private or public property, must comply with the following regulations:
Size. All beach fires must have a fuel area of no more than three feet in diameter and two feet high.
Location. All beach fires must be built a minimum of twenty-five feet from vegetation and structures.
Fuel. The burning of nonorganic materials in a beach fire is prohibited.
Abandonment of Fires and Burying of Coals Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person building or maintaining a beach fire, whether on private or public property, to abandon such fire until it is completely extinguished. It is unlawful for any person to bury coals from a beach fire in the sand.
Penalty. Any person guilty of violating any provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1.16 , General Penalty.
(Prior code § 12-603; Ord. 559 § 1, 1980; Ord. 826 § 2, 2021; Ord. 827U § 2, 2021)
All public parks are closed between the hours of eleven p.m. and five a.m. Any unauthorized use of city parks during closed hours is unlawful, including, but not limited to, parking, walking, sleeping or camping. The city manager or designee may authorize specific activities in designated areas during these closed hours with the issuance of a permit.
If an individual or group receives a permit to use a city park, or other city grounds or buildings, it shall be unlawful to conduct any activity in violation of the permit provisions.
Applications for permits to use city parks, grounds and buildings as required in this chapter are available at City Hall, and will be processed pursuant to those regulations established in pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 796 § 2, 2016)
Except for sidewalk vendors as defined in Chapter 5.45 of this code, no individual or group may use city parks, buildings or grounds without first obtaining a permit from the city manager or designee for activities or events that include any of the following:
Nonspontaneous large group activities consisting of fifty or more persons;
The charging of an admission or entrance fee;
The use of city facilities not ordinarily available for public use;
Regularly occurring organized team or league use of city parks, including fields or courts;
The sale of merchandise, food or beverages;
The setting up of booths, stages, vending carts or stands, kiosks, bleachers or similar structures;
The barricading of any city street or other street use that would impede the normal flow of traffic;
The use of amplified music or sound;
The need for access to city electricity;
The need for garbage collection specific to the activity or event.
All persons when using city parks, grounds and buildings shall comply with all laws of the United States, the state of California, and the city of Crescent City, as well as all other city rules and regulations governing city parks, grounds and buildings.
It is unlawful to injure, molest or kill any bird or animal in any park within the city of Crescent City.
No indecent behavior or lewd conduct will be tolerated, nor will any public nuisance be allowed in public parks.
The speed limit for roads located within city parks is ten miles per hour, unless posted otherwise.
It is unlawful to drive or propel any motor vehicle at a greater speed than that posted in park areas, or to drive or propel any motor vehicle in a city park except in established roadways or driveways and in the direction indicated by signs. It is also unlawful to park any vehicle in a city park except in designated parking areas.
It is unlawful to drop, throw, scatter, or leave upon any city park any type of litter or garbage, except into receptacles provided for such purpose.
The city manager or designee, may cancel any sporting events when, in his or her discretion, weather conditions will render: (1) the park unsafe for participants or spectators; or (2) the park susceptible to damage, including the field of play or the lighting facilities.
It is unlawful to have an open fire in public parks except in approved fire rings.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited within public parks except under a valid special event permit. The use of illegal drugs or narcotics is also prohibited.
(Ord. 796 § 2, 2016; Ord. 817 § 2, 2020)
It is unlawful for any person to cut, break, injure, deface or disturb any tree, turf, shrub, plant, rock, building, monument, fence, bench, structure, apparatus or property, or pluck, pull up, cut, take out or remove any shrub, bush, plant or flowers.
It is unlawful for any person to climb on any tree, statue, fence, gateway, or railing within public parks, or to use any structure for other than the purpose for which it is intended, and in accordance with the regulations applying thereto.
It is unlawful for any person to deface, injure, move or remove any sign, notice or label placed by city officials within the park, or to write upon, deface, defile or otherwise injure any building, fence, fountain, seat, statue, gateway, wall, or other structure within any park or public grounds.
It is unlawful for any person to lie down or sleep upon, or to overturn or damage any seat, bench, bridge, railing, or other structure within city parks.
(Ord. 796 § 2, 2016)
No person shall operate, nor shall the owner thereof permit the operation of any motorcycle, motordriven cycle or any motor vehicle within the confines of any city park or ground except when such operation is on a public street or by special event permit. The California Vehicle Code applies to all roads within city parks. All city vehicles are exempt from this chapter.
(Ord. 796 § 2, 2016)
It is unlawful for any person to ride, lead, or let loose any cattle, horse, mule, goat, sheep, swine or fowl or other animal of any kind in any city park except by special event permit. Unless posted otherwise, dogs are allowed in city parks and beaches if they are on a leash of six feet or less.
(Ord. 796 § 2, 2016)