It is unlawful for any person to permit any floating property or hulk, derelict, wreck, or parts of any ship, vessel or watercraft sunk, beached or allowed to remain in an unseaworthy or dilapidated condition upon publicly owned, submerged salt marsh or tidelands owned or controlled by the city.
All property described in subsection A of this section allowed to remain for one hundred days shall be considered abandoned and become the property of the city unless consent is given by resolution of the city council for such property to remain for a period longer than one hundred days.
Any property abandoned on the tidelands or salt marsh or beaches of the city may be sold at public auction in the manner provided by law.
(Prior code § 12-401)
Any person desiring to remove sand, logs or heavy material from the beaches adjacent to Crescent City shall, before removing such sand, logs, or heavy material, apply to the director of public works of the city, and if good cause appears and approval is given, the city clerk may issue to such person applying, a permit to do so; provided, however, that the applicant shall deliver to the city clerk at the time of issuing such permit a surety bond in the sum of five hundred dollars or a deposit of cash in the sum of five hundred dollars as security for payment for any damage done to the streets of the city or any other damage to the city or city property. Such bond and any moneys so deposited shall be returned to the depositor on inspection and release by the department of public works.
(Prior code § 12-402)
In order to protect the needs of public safety and the rights of the private property owner, the city council has determined that operation of motorized vehicles on Crescent City beaches should be prohibited subject to certain exceptions.
The provisions of this section are consistent with the city local coastal plan.
Motor Vehicles Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to drive or operate any vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine upon or across Crescent City beaches. A violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor/infraction.
Exceptions to Motor Vehicle Prohibition. By resolution, the city council may, as it deems fit, adopt such regulations, including the issuance of permits, to authorize the operation of motor vehicles upon or across Crescent City beaches during certain times or under specified conditions. The prohibition established herein shall not apply to such vehicles as are duly authorized and actually used for emergency operations of the city police department or other public authority.
(Ord. 671 § 5)