A department to be known as the Crescent City Municipal Water Department of the city of Crescent City, California, is created. Such department shall have charge and control of the water system of the city, and all things necessary or incidental to the conduct and management of such department.
(Prior code § 16-101)
The management, control and care of the municipal water system of the city shall be vested in and under the direction of city manager.
The personnel director shall appoint a water clerk in charge of the office of the water department, whose duties shall consist of billing, collecting and maintaining the bookkeeping system of the office. The water clerk shall be responsible for the collection and banking of all moneys due the municipal water department of the city, and shall keep controlling records which will reflect control records and monthly transactions of individual accounts. The water clerk shall be responsible to perform all procedures to terminate water service to delinquent-account debtors. The water clerk shall be immediately supervised by the finance director.
The water clerk shall receive all applications for service from the department and all notices of whatsoever kind in connection with such department. A water user shall give the water clerk not less than twenty-four hours' notice of all requests for discontinuance of service. The water clerk shall report all connections to be made to the water superintendent. The water clerk shall prepare all statements of charges of the department, receive all moneys paid to the department and pay the same into the city treasury at the times and in the manner provided by law.
(Prior code § 16-102; Ord. 579, 1982; Ord. 647 §§ 4 and 5, 1990)
There shall be an account kept by the water department of all moneys received arising from the collection of water rates, and for the sale of any property or material connected with the waterworks, which moneys shall be placed by it to the credit of the water enterprise fund, and all disbursements connected with the building and operation of such waterworks shall be paid out of such fund.
(Ord. 647 §§ 4 and 5, 1990)
The city will furnish water service in accordance with the regulation contained in this chapter, Chapters 13.08 through 13.16 and in accordance with other applicable ordinances to any property within the corporate limits of the city and to such areas outside the city limits as the council may designate.
In all cases where water is supplied through water meters installed as set forth in this chapter and in Chapters 13.08 through 13.16, the customer shall be charged directly for all water passing through the meter, irrespective of the number of users of the water subsequent to its passage through the meter.
Applications for service to premises for which a service connection has already been installed may be made as set forth in this chapter and Chapters 13.08 through 13.16. Such application will signify the customers' willingness and intention to comply with these regulations and to all modifications thereof, and to new regulations or rates duly adopted, and to make payment for water service rendered.
If application is made for service to property where no service connection has been installed, but a distribution main is adjacent to the property, the applicant, in addition to making application for service, shall comply with the regulations governing the installation of services. Where an extension of the distribution mains is necessary or a substantial investment is required to furnish service, the applicant will be informed by the water department as to whether or not the service can be extended under these regulations as set forth in this chapter and Chapters 13.08 through 13.16.
(Prior code § 16-104; Ord. 537 § 1, 1977)