The city, under and pursuant to Resolution No. 616 of Preliminary Determination and of Intention adopted April 6, 1959, proposed to provide the means by which property owners within the city desiring to have public sewer facilities extended to serve their property and not wishing to have such sewer facilities extended under an assessment district and bond issue may petition the city council of the city to install the necessary sewer extensions in order to provide for full growth and development of the city. This chapter is intended to provide the means by which the proposals set forth in the aforementioned resolution could be accomplished.
(Prior code § 17-402)
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of the terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
""Entire cost" and/or "total cost"
mean the cost of purchasing the necessary pipe, the cost of preparing plans and specifications, the cost of installation and all other items of cost ordinarily connected with sewer extension projects.
means any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, or group. The singular shall include the plural.
"Property owner"
means any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, or group. The singular shall include the plural.
"Sewer extension"
means a sewer lateral or a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage, including the house lateral from the street sewer extension to the curb.
is mandatory; "may" is permissive.
(Prior code § 17-401)
Whenever a petition requesting the installation of a sewer extension is signed by one or more of the property owners within the area to be serviced by such sewer extension and is filed with the city council, and the signer or signers thereof agree to contribute his or their pro rata share of the total cost of the installation of such sewer extension in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the city council may:
Authorize the city manager to prepare a plat and indicate the boundaries of the area in which the sewer extension is to be installed and an estimate, in writing, as to the probable cost of such installation and a preliminary apportionment of the total probable cost to each property owner to be benefited by the requested sewer extension as indicated on the plat;
Direct the city manager to file the plat and the estimated cost and preliminary apportionment with the city clerk;
Authorize and direct the city clerk, upon receipt of the plat and report of the estimated cost and preliminary apportionment, to notify the owners of all of the parcels of the land within the area to be served by the proposed sewer extension of the time and place set by the city council to hear all persons interested in the requested sewer extension installation. Such notice shall be by registered mail directed to the last known address of the property owner as it appears in the files of the city clerk. Such notice shall also contain a brief description of the work to be performed, and the estimated cost to be borne by the property owner.
(Prior code § 17-403)
At the time and place set for the hearing as provided for in subsection C of Section 13.28.030, the city council shall hear all persons interested in the requested sewer extension installation who request to be heard, and shall examine the plat filed with the city clerk by the city manager, the report of the city manager as to the estimated probable cost and the preliminary apportionment, and, if found satisfactory, the city council shall, by resolution, approve the plat, fix the city's contribution, if any, and fix the total minimum amount to be deposited with the city clerk by property owners before the work requested in the petition and outlined in the plat is to be commenced.
(Prior code § 17-404)
When the plat has been approved and the necessary amount deposited with the city clerk as required by Section 13.28.040, the city council may, by resolution, authorize the city manager to prepare plans and specifications, and advertise for bids for performance of the improvement work required hereunder.
The procedure for the acceptance of the bid of the lowest responsible bidder and the letting of the contract by the city council for performance of the improvement work required hereunder shall be that required by the statutes of the state.
(Prior code § 17-405)
At the time the property owner deposits the amount fixed by the city council as required under Section 13.28.040, the property owner shall, concurrently therewith, enter into and execute a "sewer connection agreement" with the city. Such "sewer connection agreement" shall be in a form acceptable to the city attorney.
(Prior code § 17-406)
All moneys collected under the provisions of this chapter including the city's contribution, if any, shall be deposited by the city clerk into the "sewer extension revolving fund" as created in Chapter 13.32 . All moneys so deposited into the "sewer extension revolving fund" shall be used to pay the costs attributable to the installation and maintenance of sewer extensions.
(Prior code § 17-407)
In the event that the property owners to be benefited by the installation of sewer extensions as indicated on the plat as required under this chapter, fail to deposit the amount fixed by the city council pursuant to Section 13.28.040, with the city clerk as required in this chapter, within thirty days from and after the required public hearing, the city clerk shall, when directed to do so by the city council, return all the money deposited to the persons making such deposit.
(Prior code § 17-408)
If the amount fixed by the city council to be deposited by the property owner and the city's contribution, if any, is not sufficient to cover the entire cost of installing the requested sewer extension, including the preparation of plans and specifications, the city clerk shall notify the property owners involved of the additional amount required of such property owners to do such improvement work and within thirty days thereafter such property owner shall deposit such additional amount with the city clerk. Should the property owner fail to deposit such additional amount, the city manager shall present a statement to the city clerk showing all expenditures on behalf of the proposed sewer construction. The city clerk shall, when directed to do so by the city council, refund to the property owner all the money deposited by such property owner except the property owner's proportionate share of that amount shown by the city manager's statement to have been expended on behalf of the proposed sewer construction.
(Prior code § 17-409)
Immediately after the completion of any sewer extension and its acceptance by the city council, the city manager shall prorate the entire cost thereof against all lots of property that may ultimately be benefited by connection to such sewer extension in proportion to the square feet thereof, or if the lots be irregular in shape, then in such manner as may, in the opinion of the city manager, provide an equitable distribution of costs, and file a written statement with the city clerk setting forth the total cost of such sewer extension, the parties contributing thereto, including the city's contribution, if any, the prorated cost, and any other pertinent information concerning such installation.
(Prior code § 17-410)
In the event that the required amount deposited by the property owner in accordance with the provisions of this chapter is in excess of the entire prorated cost of such sewer extension project, the city clerk shall, after all proper charges for the entire cost of such project have been paid, and upon receipt of notice of such excess from the city manager, refund such excess to the property owner in proportion to the required amount deposited by such property owner.
(Prior code § 17-411)
From and after the effective date of this code, whenever any person applies for a connection to a sewer extension which has been installed in any manner other than by a public improvement proceeding for which assessments are levied, and the cost thereof shall have been paid by certain property owners and/or the city, and neither such person nor his predecessor in interest has paid the proportionate share of the cost of such extension with respect to the property to be served, no such application shall be acted upon or approved and no connection to such sewer extension shall be made unless and until such person shall have paid to the city his proportionate share of the cost of such sewer extension in addition to any sewer connection or permit charges required.
(Prior code § 17-412)
Upon completion and acceptance of any sewer extension installed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, any person desiring to have his property connected to the city sewage system services by such sewer extensions shall, before making such connection:
Make application with and obtain a permit for sewer connection from the director of public works;
Construct, at his own expense, the house sewer line connecting the property services to the sewer extension;
Pay the sewer connection fee and/or permit fee required by the city;
Pay his proportionate share of the cost of such sewer extension as required by Section 13.28.120.
(Prior code § 17-413)
The city council shall, in addition to all other charges imposed by it for sewer connection and use shall impose such additional charges for connection and sewer use for users of the sewer system as, and in the determination of the city council, approximate the out-of-city users' pro rata share of the city's capital investment in that portion of the sewer system utilized by said user.
(Prior code § 17-414)
It is the intention of the city council that nothing contained in this chapter is to be interpreted in such a manner as to prohibit the city from contracting with developers, subdividers and the like for the construction of sanitary sewer facilities in accordance with the laws of the state.
(Prior code § 17-415)
Any person, firm or corporation. who in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter connects or causes to be connected any property directly or indirectly to any public sewer facility constructed as herein provided without first paying the charge placed against such property as in this chapter provided, shall be guilty of an infraction.
(Prior code § 17-416)