The purpose of this chapter is to set forth comprehensive procurement procedures for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment, and services, including construction and capital improvements, required by any department of the city, to define purchasing authority levels, to establish bidding regulations, and to provide for the sale or disposal of surplus supplies or equipment.
These procurement procedures are adopted in order to establish an efficient process for the purchase of supplies, services, and equipment; to secure supplies, services, and equipment for the city at the lowest possible cost commensurate with the quality needed; to exercise positive financial control over purchases; to clearly define authority for the purchasing function; and to assure the quality of purchases. These procedures enable the finance department to coordinate the city's procurement processes, and to establish a system of controls for the efficient use and expenditure of public funds.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)
Except as specified in this section, all terms will be as defined by the Public Contract Code as they relate to cities.
means the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission created by Division 2, Part 3, Chapter 2, Article 2 of the California Public Contract Code (commencing with Section 22010).
means all types of city agreements, regardless of what they may be called, for the procurement of supplies, services, equipment, or materials, including construction of public projects.
means any agency, commission, board or department created by the city which requires supplies, services, equipment, or materials pursuant to this chapter and is empowered to expend public funds for the acquisition of property.
"Direct contract"
means a contract which the city enters into without a competitive process.
means procured items which are maintained on inventory as fixed assets. These items are durable and have a fixed, predetermined life expectancy.
is defined as any plant, building, structure, ground facility, utility system, subject to the limitation found in subsection 3 of the definition for "Public project," real property, streets and highways, or other public work improvement.
"Force account"
means with the city's own employees.
"Invitation for bids"
means the documents, including those attached or incorporated by reference, utilized for soliciting bids.
"Local vendor"
means a person who regularly maintains a place of business in Del Norte County and who also maintains a business license with the city of Crescent City.
"Non-professional services"
means services not constituting professional services or public projects, but including maintenance work.
means an individual, corporation, company, partnership, joint venture or any other legal entity with the authority to contract with the city.
"Piggyback contract"
means a contract entered into by means of placing a purchase order against an existing contract of another public agency.
means the buying, purchasing, renting, leasing or other acquisition of supplies, equipment, or materials. It also includes the definition of requirements (specifications), the selection and solicitation of sources, the preparation and award of a contract, and the administration of the contract.
"Professional services"
means services, other than services constituting public projects, performed by specially trained persons or firms in a professional occupation, including, but not limited to, services in connection with financial, economic, accounting, auditing, architectural, engineering, planning, legal, administrative, or other matters involving advanced or specialized knowledge, expertise, or training gained by formal studies.
"Public project"
is defined as any of the following:
Construction, reconstruction, erection, renovation, improvement, demolition, and repair work involving any city-owned, leased, or operated facility;
Painting or repainting of any city-owned, leased, or operated facility;
In the case of a city-owned utility system, "public project" includes only the construction, erection, improvement, or repair of dams, reservoirs, power plants, and electrical transmission lines of two hundred thirty thousand volts and higher.
"Public project"
does not include "maintenance work," which term includes:
Routine, recurring, and usual work for the preservation or protection of any publicly owned or operated facility for its intended purposes;
Minor repainting;
Resurfacing of streets and highways at less than one inch;
Landscape maintenance, including mowing, watering, trimming, pruning, planting, replacement of plants, and servicing of irrigation and sprinkler systems; and
Work performed to keep, operate, and maintain publicly owned water, power, or waste disposal systems, including, but not limited to, dams, reservoirs, power plants, and electrical transmission lines of two hundred thirty thousand volts and higher.
"Purchase order"
means a legally binding document between the city and a vendor that details the items the city agrees to purchase and the price of those items.
"Responsible vendor or bidder"
means a person who has demonstrated the attribute of trustworthiness, as well as quality, fitness, capacity and experience to satisfactorily perform the contract.
"Responsive vendor or bidder"
means a person who has submitted a quotation or bid which conforms in all material respects to the requirements set forth in the solicitation, request for proposals, or invitation for bids.
means property, including, but not limited to, materials, required to perform a department's functions. Supplies can be office supplies or departmental supplies.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)
The director of finance is authorized to award contracts in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars.
The city manager is authorized to award contracts in an amount not to exceed sixty thousand dollars.
Contracts for an amount greater than sixty thousand dollars must be approved by the city council.
Any amendment or change order that would increase the total contract amount above any threshold stated in this section must comply with the contract approval authority applicable to the increased total contract amount.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)
The city is committed to environmentally preferable practices in obtaining goods and services when appropriate. Environmentally preferable goods and services utilize environmentally preferable products when practical and appropriate.
"Environmentally preferable product" means a product that meets any of the following criteria:
Is durable, repairable, reusable, recyclable, or uses recycled materials;
Has minimal packaging, toxic content, or chemical hazard potential;
Is resource or energy efficient in any or all phases of its manufacture, use, or disposal; or
Its use or disposal minimizes or eliminates the city's potential environmental liability.
Nothing in this chapter requires any of the following:
Procurement of products that do not adequately perform their intended use;
Procurement that excludes adequate competition; or
Procurement of products that are unavailable at a reasonable price or at a reasonable time.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)