Procurement by micro-purchase is the acquisition of professional services in an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars.
Micro-purchases may be authorized by the department head or manager of the department requiring the services; provided that, the department budget is sufficient to allow the purchase.
The department head or manager of the department will not be required to submit a requisition request or obtain a purchase order for micro-purchases, but he or she is required to confirm that the price is reasonable.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)
A small purchase is the acquisition of professional services in an amount exceeding five thousand dollars but not exceeding sixty thousand dollars.
Small purchases require an approved purchase order.
Small purchases will be awarded through the solicitation of proposals from at least three qualified sources, unless one of the following exceptions applies:
No proposals are received. The city may use any method it so chooses to procure the services needed.
Fewer than three proposals are received. The city manager may authorize the selection of one of the proposals received.
Sole source procurement pursuant to Section 14.28.020 of this title is applicable.
Emergency procurement pursuant to Section 14.28.010 of this title is applicable.
Small purchases of professional services will be awarded on the basis of demonstrated competence and professional qualifications for the satisfactory performance of the services required and the reasonableness of the cost of services.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)
Purchases in an amount exceeding sixty thousand dollars will be awarded by a competitive process utilizing either requests for proposals or requests for qualifications, or a combination of both.
Requests for proposals (RFP) or qualifications (RFQ) for large purchases of professional services are subject to the following requirements:
RFP/RFQ must be publicized and identify all evaluation factors and their relative importance.
Any proposal or statement of qualifications to publicized requests therefor will be considered to the maximum extent practical.
The city's goal will be to receive at least three responses from qualified sources. The city is not required to receive three responses in order to award a contract to one of the proposers.
Requests for qualifications for professional services are a type of competitive proposal whereby proposers' qualifications are evaluated and the most qualified proposer is selected, subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation. The city may utilize a request for proposals, a request for qualifications, or a combination of the two.
The city may waive irregularities in proposals received, provided that it is in the best interest of the city to do so and it does not result in unfair advantage to any bidder.
Contracts for professional services will be awarded on the basis of demonstrated competence and professional qualifications for the satisfactory performance of the services required and the reasonableness of the cost of services.
Exceptions. The city is not required to comply with this chapter if any of the following exceptions apply:
No proposals are received. The city may use any method it so chooses to procure the goods or services needed.
Sole source procurement pursuant to Section 14.28.020 of this title is applicable.
Emergency procurement pursuant to Section 14.28.010 of this title is applicable.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)
The provisions of this chapter do not apply to insurance, insurance adjusting, legal, and related services, so long as funds have been properly appropriated therefor. If a new appropriation therefor is required or an existing appropriation is insufficient, the city manager or finance director is authorized to bind coverage or otherwise provide for such services until the required appropriation has been approved.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)