In the event of an emergency as defined herein, the city manager may order the suspension of normal procurement procedures for projects, goods or services related to the abatement of the impacts or effects of such emergency. The city council will, if possible, ratify such emergency suspension of procedures at the next properly noticed council meeting following the emergency procurement and consider whether further suspension of procedures is required to abate the impacts of the emergency. An emergency may be deemed to exist if:
There is a public calamity such as a fire, flood, earthquake, storm, or similar disaster that poses a serious threat to the public safety; or
There is an immediate need to prepare for national or local defense; or
An essential operation or city service affecting the public health, welfare or safety would be greatly hampered if adherence to the prescribed purchasing procedures would cause undue delay in procurement of the needed item or service.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)
In the event the contract or purchase contemplated is only capable of being performed by a sole provider such as a public utility or the holder of an exclusive patent or franchise, for purchase of unique or innovative goods or services including but not limited to computer software and technology, or for purchase of goods or services when there is a demonstrated need for compatibility with an existing item or service, then the contract or purchase shall be exempt from normal procurement procedures as outlined in this title.
A sole source may be designated when it is apparent that a needed product or service is uniquely available from the source, or for all practical purposes, it is justifiably in the best interest of the city. Under these circumstances, city bidding requirements may be dispensed with when the services or goods are only available from one source either because:
The brand or trade name article, goods, or product or proprietary service is the only one which will properly meet the needs of the city; or
The item or service is unique and available only from a sole source; or
The item or service is designed to match others already in use or necessary to be compatible with others already in use.
Each sole source procurement must be documented in a manner to clearly articulate the justification for the sole source procurement. The city manager must approve all sole source determinations.
(Ord. 808 § 2, 2019)