Notwithstanding any provisions of this title to the contrary, the temporary uses of private property listed below may be permitted in any district provided a permit is secured, application for which shall be made in writing to the planning director at least five days prior to the desired date of commencement of any temporary use. A permit for a temporary use shall not be required, however, within a district which specifically permits such uses on a permanent basis. Permits for temporary uses shall be issued by the planning commission or by the planning director, in accordance with policies established for such uses by the planning commission. Other provisions of this title relative to the issuance and granting of use permits shall be applicable to the issuance of permits for temporary uses under this section except for public notices and hearings. Temporary uses of private property shall include the following:
Temporary real estate offices;
Temporary contractor's yards;
Christmas tree sales;
Signs for subdivisions and model homes;
Parking for events at schools and colleges; and
Carnivals and bazaars for nonprofit or religious purposes.
(Ord. 695 § 2, 2003)