Note: Editor's note—Ord. of 2-22-2011(1), adopted February 22, 2011, repealed the former Chapter 17.65, §§ 17.65.01017.65.050, and enacted a new Chapter 17.65 as set out herein. The former Chapter 17.65 pertained to CZ-R1B Coastal Zone Single-Family Beach District. See Code Comparative Table for complete derivation.
The purpose of the CZ-R1B district is to supplement the low density residential district for those areas which lie along a shoreline within the coastal zone where regulations are designed to provide greater open space and visibility, while still permitting equal opportunities for developers of residential property similar to others within the community.
No land, building or structure shall be used, nor shall any building or structure be constructed, erected, altered, added to, enlarged or moved for any purpose or in any manner except in compliance with these regulations.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
The principal permitted use in the CZ-R1B district is a single family residential use which includes:
One-family dwelling;
Accessory buildings;
Home Occupations; and
Residential Care Facilities serving up to six clients.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
The following uses may be permitted subject to the granting of a conditional use permit:
Bed and Breakfast Establishments subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.89;
A second one-family dwelling where the lot size is twice that of the minimum lot area per dwelling unit and lot coverage limitations are not exceeded;
Publicly owned buildings and structures (such as schools and public utility substations);
Small neighborhood commercial uses, such as owner/resident grocery shops, that do not detract from the primary intended residential character of the district and are compatible with surrounding neighborhoods.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and structures in the CZ-R1B zone:
Area and Yards.
Front yard: Each lot shall maintain a front yard or front yards of not less than twenty feet.
Side yard: The side yard width shall be a not less than ten feet for interior and corner lots. Reverse corner lots on the street side shall have a side yard equal to one-half the required front yard of the lots abutting the rear of such reversed corner lots.
Rear yards: Minimum twenty feet. Where back yards face upon the ocean side of the property no rear yard will be required;
Minimum area: A minimum of seventy-five feet of lot frontage is required and a minimum of six thousand square feet, unless the lot was previously legally subdivided;
Maximum lot area: A maximum of twenty-one thousand, seven hundred, eighty square feet;
Lot area per dwelling unit: Each lot shall have a minimum area of six thousand square feet for each dwelling unit unless previously legally subdivided or a planning commission approved lot split or parcel map; provided however, that subject to the conditional use permit provisions of [subsection] 17.64.030(F), there shall be no more than one dwelling on any one lot.
Lot coverage: Site coverage for all habitable enclosed building space, accessory buildings, structures, covered off-street parking and covered patios shall not exceed fifty percent.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
All requirements of the CZ-R1 single-family district shall be required in the CZ-R1B district as it relates to building placement.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
General provisions for the R-lB district shall be as follows:
Parking. A minimum of two covered off-street parking spaces for single-family residences.
Bed-and-breakfast establishments shall provide one off-street parking space per guestroom in addition to the two covered off-street parking spaces required for the single-family residence. See Chapter 17.76 for complete regulations and standards for required off-street parking.
Fencing. No hedges, shrubs or fences between houses may exceed four feet in height in the side yard setback. Front yard fences may not exceed two and one-half feet in height.
Maximum nameplate sign of two square feet bearing only the name of the occupant.
Signs for bed-and-breakfast establishments shall be limited to wall signs, hanging signs or ground signs, shall be no more than two square feet in size, made of a non-plastic material and must have the approval of the planning department. In residential zones, bed and breakfast establishment signs shall not be lighted at night.
Signs for the sale or lease of the property shall conform to the regulations set forth in the Crescent City sign ordinance, Chapter 17.38 of this code. See Chapter 17.74 for signs permitted other than provided for in this chapter.
Bed and Breakfast Establishments. See Chapter 17.89 for further regulations governing bed and breakfast establishments.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))