Note: Editor's note—Ord. of 2-22-2011(1), adopted February 22, 2011, repealed the former Chapters 1766, 1767, and 17.68, §§ 17.68.01017.68.070, and enacted a new Chapter 17.68 as set out herein. The former Chapter 17.68 pertained to similar subject matter. See Code Comparative Table for complete derivation.
The coastal zone general commercial district is intended to serve as the public utilities area of the city within the coastal zone. The only permitted uses for any building, or land, or any building to be erected or structurally altered in this district are described in Section 17.68.020, unless otherwise provided in these regulations.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
The principal permitted use in the CZ-C2 coastal zone general commercial district is public utilities use which includes:
In Public Facility planned areas, wastewater treatment facilities.
In Public Facility planned areas, public or private co-generation energy facilities.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
The following uses may be permitted subject to the granting of a conditional use permit:
In Public Facility planned areas, regional public facilities.
In General Commercial planned areas, assisted care facilities, secondhand stores, nonprofit organizations' professional offices and service centers, indoor recreation and entertainment facilities such as specialty attractions, theatres, and sports activities including equipment rentals and sales, and residential uses on upper floors as a mixed use to the primary general commercial use.
In Visitor Serving Commercial and General Commercial planned areas, residential uses on upper floors as a mixed use to the primary visitor-serving or general commercial use, respectively, at a density not exceeding twelve dwelling units per acre.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
Height. The maximum building height shall be forty-five feet.
Yards and areas.
Front Yard. None required except where adjacent properties abutting upon the CZ-C2 use are in a zone of greater requirements, then the front yard shall conform to the more restrictive zone;
Side Yard. None required, except where the side yard of the CZ-C2 use abuts upon the side yard of a residential or a CZ-RP use, and the side yard shall be five feet;
Rear Yards. Maximum ten feet;
Lot Area. No minimum;
Lot Coverage. Maximum fifty percent of lot area.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
Whenever property classified for a CZ-C2 use is separated from adjacent residential property by a permanent open space or parking area of no less than twenty-five feet in width, the required front yard or side yard setback shall not be required.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
General requirements for the CZ-C2 district shall be a follows:
Parking. See Chapter 17.76 for parking requirements.
Fencing. See Chapter 17.75 for fencing requirements.
Signs. See Chapter 17.74 for sign requirements.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
All uses permitted in the CZ-C2 district shall be subject to, and approval of, a site plan and architectural review. Procedures for such submittal and approval are in Chapter 17.79.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))
General regulations for the CZ-C2 district shall be as follows:
All uses permitted in this district shall be conducted wholly within enclosed facilities except parking lots. Material storage shall be confined behind a six-foot solid wall or fence.
Accessory uses shall be permitted only to the extent necessary to the limited uses permitted under this chapter.
The uses and operational products in this section shall not be objectionable due to odor, dust, smoke, noise, vibration or other similar causes.
(Ord. of 2-22-2011(1))