The City finds that the vending of prepared or pre-packaged foods, goods, and/or wares at semi-permanent locations on public sidewalks and rights-of-way may pose unsafe conditions and special dangers to the public health, safety, and welfare of residents and visitors. The purpose of this chapter is to implement regulations on both roaming and stationary sidewalk vending that protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the community while complying with the requirements of general State law, as amended from time to time, to promote safe vending practices, prevent safety, traffic, and health hazards, and preserve the public peace, safety, and welfare of the community.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
For purposes of this chapter the following definitions apply:
"Certified famers’ market"
means a location operated in accordance with Chapter 10.5 (commencing with Section 47000) of Division 17 of the Food and Agricultural Code and any regulations adopted pursuant to that chapter.
means the City of San Juan Capistrano.
"Facility use permit"
means a permit issued by the City to use a City-owned facility that is open to the public for rental or use.
"Fire station"
means any facility where fire engines and other fire equipment of the City’s fire services are located.
"Finance Director"
means the Finance Director of the City of San Juan Capistrano or designee.
means a public park or open space owned by the City.
"Pedestrian path"
means a paved path maintained by the City used for pedestrian travel that provides public access between two points other than a sidewalk.
"Roaming sidewalk vendor or vending"
means a sidewalk vendor who moves from place to place and stops only to complete a transaction.
means that portion of a public highway, or other public roadway, set apart by curbs, barriers, markings or other delineation that is paved, specifically designed for pedestrian travel by the general public.
"Sidewalk vendor or vending"
means a person who sells, offers to sell, operates, engages in or carries on a food or merchandise vending business from a pushcart, stand, display, pedal-driven cart, wagon, showcase, rack, or other nonmotorized conveyance, or from one’s person, upon a public sidewalk or other public pedestrian path.
"Stationary sidewalk vendor or vending"
means a sidewalk vendor who vends from a fixed location.
"Swap meet"
means a location operated in accordance with Article 6 (commencing with Section 21660) of Chapter 9 of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code, and any regulations adopted pursuant to that article.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
All stationary and roaming sidewalk vendors shall obtain a sidewalk vending permit from the City’s Finance Department prior to engaging in any sidewalk vending activities. The following information shall be required in order to obtain a sidewalk vending permit:
Name, current mailing address, and phone number of the vendor; and
If the vendor is an agent of an individual, company, partnership, or corporation, the name and business address of the principal; and
A description of the merchandise/goods to be offered for sale, and the days/hours of sales; and
A copy of the California seller’s permit with the sales tax number issued by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration to the vendor; and
A copy of the vendor’s Social Security card with the number; or a copy of the valid California driver’s license or California identification card issued to the vendor; or a copy of the individual taxpayer identification number issued to the vendor.
Any such identification number(s) or license(s) collected shall not be available to the public for inspection and shall remain confidential and not be disclosed except as required to administer the permit or licensure program or comply with a State law or State or Federal court order; and
If preparing or selling food, a copy of the County Health Department permit issued to the vendor and/or pushcart vehicle; and
If the vendor proposes to be a stationary sidewalk vendor, a description or site plan map of the proposed location(s) where vending will take place, showing that the stationary sidewalk vending location maintains a minimum of 48 inches of sidewalk accessible route area, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; and
If the vendor proposes to be a stationary sidewalk vendor, a copy of an encroachment permit issued by the City’s Public Works Department with no encroachment permit fee required; and
A certification by the vendor that to his or her knowledge and belief, the information contained in the application is true and correct.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
Upon acceptance of a properly completed and filed sidewalk vendor permit application, the Finance Director shall conduct a preliminary investigation to determine compliance with this chapter and shall make such determination within no more than 45 days of acceptance to approve or deny the application. The Finance Director or designee shall provide the applicant with written notice of his or her decision to the address indicated in the application.
The Finance Director may deny an application for a permit if he or she makes any of the following findings:
The applicant has made one or more material misstatements in the application for a permit.
The applicant does not have a valid social security card, California driver’s license or California identification card; or a copy of the individual taxpayer identification number issued to the vendor.
The applicant’s vending operation, as described in the application, is inconsistent with the standards, conditions, and requirements of this chapter.
It is determined that the applicant does not possess all Federal, State, and local permits and licenses necessary to engage in the activity in which he or she seeks to engage.
If the application is denied, the reasons for disapproval shall be noted on the application, and the applicant shall be notified that his or her application is denied and that no permit will be issued. Notice shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application form.
If the Finance Director approves the applicant’s permit, he or she shall endorse his or her approval on the application and shall deliver the permit to the applicant.
Exemptions. A sidewalk vending permit shall not be required for the following activities:
The sale of agriculture products on sidewalks or pedestrian pathways on the site where the product is grown.
Vending from food trucks and other motorized vehicles on public streets or alleys in accordance with Chapter 7 of Title 4 of this Code.
City-sponsored and/or City-approved special events including, but not limited to, a certified farmers’ market, swap meet, street fairs, parades, festivals and outdoor concerts. Vendors contracted for these events shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
Term of permit. A sidewalk vending permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall automatically expire one year from the date issued, unless an earlier expiration date is noted on the permit.
Transferability. A sidewalk vending permit shall not be transferable to any other entity or person and is valid only as to the original applicant for the term stated.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
Stationary sidewalk vending is prohibited in any area zoned for residential use or containing a residential land use designation as shown in an approved specific plan, comprehensive development plan or by the latest zoning map of the City of San Juan Capistrano.
Stationary sidewalk vending shall be prohibited on any sidewalks within the historical downtown area depicted in Exhibit A in Section 5-28.11.
Except for the prohibited areas identified in subsections (a) and (b), stationary sidewalk vendors may operate in nonresidential zones of the City, including mixed use zones, provided they meet the following standards:
The sidewalk vendor is duly licensed and meets all requirements of Section 5-28.02; and
The sidewalk vendor is located on a sidewalk or pedestrian path that is paved in concrete; and
The sidewalk vendor’s operation allows a minimum of 48 inches of accessible path of travel, without obstruction, along the public sidewalk or paved pedestrian path; and
The sidewalk vending is conducted between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 12:30 a.m. of every day; and
The sidewalk vendor maintains the vending area in a clean, orderly, and sanitary condition; and
The sidewalk vendor location does not block entrances to private and public buildings, driveways, parking spaces, drive aisles or building windows; and
No vending shall occur within 100 feet of a fire hydrant, fire escape, bus stop, loading zone, handicapped parking space or access ramp, fire station driveway or police station driveway; and
No shade structures shall be permitted in conjunction with the vending activities if within 25 feet of a driveway apron, defined as that portion of a regularly established driveway lying between a property line and any curb, the purpose of which is to provide access from the roadway across the curb, parkway, and sidewalk to the property fronting thereon or abutting thereto; and
The vendor shall not attach or connect to any water lines, electrical lines, or gas lines during vending operations, except those that are part of the vending cart; and
Exterior storage or display of refuse, equipment, materials, goods, wares, or merchandise not displayed for sale is prohibited; and
No vending shall occur within 100 feet of an event held pursuant to Section 5-28.04(E)(3), a facility use permit or special activities permit within one hour before or after the time such event is taking place; and
No vending shall occur within 500 feet of the entrance to any school; and
To protect and maintain traffic visibility along City streets, no vending shall occur within 100 feet of a traffic signal support post, 100 feet of a freeway on-ramp or off-ramp or within 100 feet of a street intersection’s triangular area formed by connecting the following three points: the point where the projection of an intersection’s curb lines meet, a point measured 100 feet along one curb line from said intersecting point, and a point measured 100 feet along the other curb line from said intersecting point; the City Engineer may increase the intersection sight distance visibility based on the roadway geometrics and speed; and
No sound amplification equipment or live entertainment may be used in conjunction with any sidewalk vendor sales; and
When asked, all vendors shall produce a copy of the City vending permit issued to them and, for vending requiring a County Health Department permit, a copy of the County Health Department permit; and
Vending shall not be conducted within any public or private street or alley.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
Sidewalk vending of food or merchandise by stationary vendors shall be prohibited in any City park with a concession stand operated by a vendor under exclusive contract with the City selling similar food or merchandise.
In any City park without a concession stand operated by a vendor under exclusive contract with the City selling similar food or merchandise, all sidewalk vendors, whether stationary or roaming, shall meet the applicable standards contained in Section 5-28.05.
Sidewalk vending of food or merchandise by roaming vendors in any City park with a concession stand operated by a vendor under exclusive contract with the City selling similar food or merchandise shall meet the applicable standards contained in Section 5-28.05.
Aside from the prohibited vending activity identified in subsection (a), stationary and roaming sidewalk vendors may only operate along the sidewalks and paved pedestrian paths of City parks or other City-owned property, provided they meet all the applicable standards contained in Section 5-28.05 and the additional following standards:
The sidewalk vendor shall cease operations one hour prior to the close of the park; and
The sidewalk vendor location does not block access to any park equipment, playing field or park amenity; and
The sidewalk vendor does not vend within 100 feet of a field or court that is actively being used for sports (e.g., baseball field while baseball being played); and
The sidewalk vendor does not vend within 100 feet of a restroom entrance, playground, or play equipment.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
Roaming sidewalk vendors shall meet the applicable standards contained in Section 5-28.05 and the additional following requirements:
Vending in residential areas shall only occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and
Vending shall not be conducted within any public or private street or alley.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
A sidewalk vendor permit issued under this chapter may be suspended or rescinded by the Finance Director, at their discretion, after four instances of vending in violation of the standards contained this chapter.
Notice of the suspension or rescission of a sidewalk vendor permit issued under this chapter shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the holder of the sidewalk vendor permit at his or her last known address.
No person whose street vending permit has been revoked pursuant to this chapter shall be issued a street vending permit for a period of two years from the date revocation becomes final.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
In the event that any applicant or permittee desires to appeal from any order, rescission, or other ruling of the Finance Director made under the provisions of this chapter, such applicant or any other person aggrieved shall have the right to appeal such action or decision to the City Manager within 15 days after the notice of the action or decision has been mailed to the person’s address as shown on the permit application. An appeal shall be taken by filing with the Finance Department a written appeal statement setting forth the grounds for the appeal. No appeal fee is required. The filing of the appeal shall stay the enforcement of any decision suspending or rescinding the permit. The Finance Director shall transmit the written statement to the City Manager within 10 days of its filing and payment of the appeal fee, and the City Manager shall set a time and place for a hearing on appeal. A hearing shall be set not later than 60 days from the date of filing of the applicant’s written appeal statement with the Police Department. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given to the appellant in the same manner as provided for the mailing of notice of suspension or rescission at least five days prior to the date set for the hearing. At the hearing, the permittee and the City shall be entitled to legal representation and may present relevant evidence, testify under oath, and call witnesses who shall testify under oath. The City Manager shall not be bound by the traditional rules of evidence in a hearing, except that hearsay evidence may not be the sole basis for the decision of the City Manager. The City Manager may continue the hearing as deemed necessary. The decision of the City Manager, or designee, on the appeal shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.
In lieu of having the City Manager conduct the appeal hearing, the City Manager may appoint a neutral hearing officer to conduct the proceedings.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
It is unlawful for any person to violate any provision or fail to comply with any requirements of this chapter. A violation of this chapter shall by punished by:
An administrative fine not exceeding $100 for a first violation.
An administrative fine not exceeding $200 for a second violation within one year of the first violation.
An administrative fine not exceeding $500 for each additional violation within one year of the first violation.
A violation of vending without a sidewalk vending permit, may, in lieu of the penalties set forth in subsection (a), set forth above, be punished by:
An administrative fine not exceeding $250 for a first violation.
An administrative fine not exceeding $500 for a second violation within one year of the first violation.
An administrative fine not exceeding $1,000 for each additional violation within one year of the first violation.
If an individual is subject to subsection (b), set forth above, for vending without a sidewalk vending permit, upon the individual providing proof of a valid permit issued by the City, the administrative fines set forth in this chapter shall be reduced to the administrative fines set forth in subsection (a), respectively.
The proceeds of any administrative fines assessed pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited in the treasury of the City.
Failure to pay an administrative fine assessed under this chapter shall not be punishable as an infraction or misdemeanor. Additional fines, fees, assessments, or any other financial conditions beyond those authorized in this chapter shall not be assessed.
Any violation of this chapter shall not be punishable as an infraction or misdemeanor, and any person alleged to have violated any provisions of this chapter shall not be subject to arrest except when otherwise permitted under law.
When assessing an administrative fine pursuant to this chapter, the adjudicator shall take into consideration the person’s ability to pay the fine. The City shall provide the person with notice of his or her right to request an ability-to-pay determination and shall make available instructions or other materials for requesting an ability-to-pay determination. The person may request an ability-to-pay determination at adjudication or while the judgment remains unpaid, including when a case is delinquent or has been referred to a comprehensive collection program.
If the person meets the criteria described in subdivision (a) or (b) of Government Code Section 68632, the City shall accept, in full satisfaction, 20% of the administrative fine imposed pursuant to this chapter.
The City may allow the person to complete community service in lieu of paying the total administrative fine, may waive the administrative fine, or may offer an alternative disposition.
A person who is currently serving, or who completed, a sentence, or who is subject to a fine, for a conviction of a misdemeanor or infraction for sidewalk vending, whether by trial or by open or negotiated plea, who would not have been guilty of that offense under SB 946 had SB 946 been in effect at the time of the offense, may petition for dismissal of the sentence, fine, or conviction before the trial court that entered the judgment of conviction in his or her case.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to impede the City’s or County’s ability to enforce County Health Department codes and regulations.
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)
(Ord. No. 1086, § 5, 2021)