The Environmental Overlay Districts, which include the Floodplain Management (FP), Noise Management (N), and Ridgeline and Open Space Preservation (RP) Districts, established by Section 9-3.101 Districts Established were created to provide regulations for certain special aspects of land use and development as they pertain to public safety, environmental protection, and the preservation of scenic and cultural resources. The Environmental Overlay Districts shall function as combination or overlay districts. They shall be used in combination with the Base Districts in the manner described in Section 9-3.403 Designation.
(Ord. No. 869, § 2)
The Environmental Overlay Districts shall be designated by means of the following methods which may be used alone or in any combination so that the boundaries and regulations of the Environmental Overlay Districts are most clearly and effectively presented:
By showing additional boundary lines and zone designations on the Official Zoning Map by a pattern or by other appropriate means to show the limits of the Environmental Overlay District;
By using the method set forth in subsection (a) of this section but using a separate Environmental Overlay Map as an appendix to the Official Zoning Map. In this case, the Official Zoning Map shall contain a written reference to the Environmental Overlay Map; and/or
By describing the Environmental Overlay Districts and regulations in the text of this title. In this case, the Official Zoning Map shall contain written references to such textual descriptions.
(Ord. No. 869, § 2)
Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of the Floodplain Management (FM) District is to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by discouraging physical encroachments and development of the 100 year floodplain, and protecting properties and persons from flood perils. Furthermore, the intent and purpose of this district, is to:
Maintain the City’s eligibility in the Federal Government’s National Flood Insurance Program;
Implement the General Plan Land Use, Conservation and Open Space, Safety, and Floodplain Management Elements with respect to special flood hazard areas; and
Manage land uses and structures by recognizing their risks and the hazards associated with special flood hazard areas.
Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to all lands situated within special flood hazard areas as delineated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the City of San Juan Capistrano dated September 15, 1989 and all subsequent revisions thereof. The FIRMS define the minimum area of applicability and may be supplemented at City discretion by additional studies which the City prepares or which are prepared in conjunction with the submission of a floodplain land use permit application and meet both the City and FEMA standards.
Locational standards. Floodplain land use permit applications for uses or structures permitted by subsections (e)(2) and (e)(4) of this section shall meet the following standards:
Alternative location. No alternative location for the proposed project exists on the property which is situated outside the limits of the special flood hazard area. In applying this standard, the City will consider existing development outside of the floodplain and the extent of reasonable use from which the property owner presently benefits.
Structures. No enclosed principal or accessory structures shall be permitted within Special Flood Hazard Zones “A” and “AE,” the high hazard portion of the 100-year floodplain.
Significant public need. Channel realignments or major alterations to the channel cross-section (geometric) shall only be permitted for proposed projects which serve a “significant public need” including but not limited to flood protection for existing development, public utilities, wildlife habitat restoration, public recreational facilities, primary and secondary arterial roads designated by the General Plan Circulation Element, and other projects which satisfy a specific public need.
Compliance feasibility. Floodplain land use permit applications shall include information which demonstrates feasibility of the proposed project to comply with the provisions of Section 8-11.113, “Standards of construction” to the satisfaction of the Floodplain Administrator.
Site development standards. Floodplain land use permit applications, building permits, grading permits, and development permits for uses or structures permitted by subsection (e) of this section shall comply with the following requirements:
Floodplain impact. Floodplain land use projects shall result in no discernible net increase in water surface elevation, based on professionally accepted engineering methodologies, of the 100-year floodplain; shall not create or exacerbate erosive velocities within special flood hazard areas and shall not contribute to upstream or downstream flooding of properties not previously inundated by the 100-year storm event.
Federal and State agencies. Floodplain land use projects shall demonstrate evidence of compliance with all Federal Emergency Management Agency, California Fish and Game Department, United States Army Corps of Engineer, and Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements, as amended and in effect at the time the permit application is submitted and deemed complete.
Site environmental impact. The site specific location of proposed projects within special flood hazard areas shall be at that location or locations which result in the least environmental impact as determined by the environmental documents which are prepared to meet the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as amended.
Land use standards. The following land uses and structures may be permitted within the special flood hazard zones indicated subject to the applicable standards:
Special Flood Hazard Zones “A” and “AE,” permitted uses subject to approval of a grading permit, if required, which complies with the standards of subsection (d) Site development standards:
Agricultural uses including orchards, tree crops, nurseries, and similar horticultural uses but not including storage buildings, barns, or other accessory structures.
Special Flood Hazard Zones “A” and “AE,” permitted uses subject to the approval of a floodplain land use permit which complies with the standards of subsections (c) Locational standards, and (d) Site development standards:
Public utility structures and uses including water treatment plants, wastewater treatment facilities which are consistent with the Master Sewer Plan and transportation structures including bridges, primary and secondary arterial roads and traffic control/management structures which are consistent with the General Plan;
Recreational uses and minor accessory structures including playgrounds, trails, golf courses, athletic fields, and accessory parking for recreational uses;
Equestrian facilities such as riding arenas, training areas, and similar uses which may include minor accessory structures such as fencing, wash racks, watering trough, and similar improvements and accessory parking for such uses; and
Flood-control structures including levees, channels, spreading basins, detention areas, and diversion drains in accordance with plans approved by the City of San Juan Capistrano.
Special Flood Hazard Zones “AH” and “AO,” permitted uses subject to approval of a grading permit, building permit, or development permit, if required, which complies with the standards of subsection (d), Site development standards:
All uses which are permitted uses within Special Flood Hazard Zones “A” and “AE”;
Riding and hiking trails; and
Equestrian arenas and associated accessory structures including but not limited to fences, wash racks and watering troughs.
Special Flood Hazard Zones “AH” and “AO,” uses permitted subject to the approval of a floodplain land use permit application which complies with the standards of subsection (c), Locational standards, and (d), Site development standards:
All uses which are permitted subject to approval of a floodplain land use permit application in Special Flood Hazard Zones “A” and “AE” and are not specifically permitted by the preceding subsection;
Accessory recreational, agricultural, and equestrian structures including storage areas and equipment sheds which are associated with permitted uses in Special Flood Hazard Zones “A” and “AE,” “AH,” and “AO”;
Commercial, industrial, and service structures and uses on existing lots of record situated wholly within the special flood hazard zone and which are permitted by the underlying zoning district; and
Residential structures and uses on lots of record situated wholly within the special flood hazard zone, which have been graded prior to the adoption of this section and meet the construction standards of Title 8, and which are permitted by the underlying zoning district.
Floodplain land use permit. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, grading permit, or floodplain development permit for any structure or use cited in subsection (e)(2) or (e)(4) of this section, the project shall first secure approval of a floodplain land use application subject to the review procedures contained in Section 9-2.321 Floodplain Land Use Permit.
(Ord. No. 869, § 2)
Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of the Cultural Resources/Historic Preservation (HP) District is to establish regulations for those areas of the City which, due to their historical or cultural significance, require special consideration to insure their preservation as a community resource.
Principal uses and structures permitted. The principal uses and structures permitted in the Cultural Resources/Historic Preservation (HP) District shall be the same as those permitted in the underlying Base District.
Conditional uses and structures. The uses and structures permitted in the Cultural Resources/Historic Preservation (HP) District subject to the approval of a conditional use permit shall be the same as those conditionally permitted in the underlying Base District.
General requirements.
Any person desiring to demolish, remove, relocate, or alter any such landmark shall receive City approval prior to such action, which is set forth in the Inventory of Historical and Cultural Landmarks (IHCL) or Sensitive Area Map adopted by the Council by resolution.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute sufficient grounds for the revocation of any grading or building permit and the temporary suspension of any operation otherwise being carried out in compliance with such permits.
Any person desiring to demolish, remove, relocate, or alter any landmark set forth in the IHCL shall be subject to Section 9-2.327 Historical and Cultural landmark Site Plan Review.
Any person desiring to construct site improvements on property identified on the Sensitive Area Map shall comply with City Council Policy 601.
(Ord. No. 869, § 2)
Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of the Noise Management (N) District is to:
Implement the Noise Element of the General Plan;
Mitigate disruptive and annoying sounds and vibrations emanating from freeways, highways, and other mobile noise sources which are detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare;
Require effective exterior-to-interior noise reduction measures in new residential construction within the City; and
Establish minimum requirements for internal noise reduction in residential units in order to achieve adequate acoustical privacy.
Applicability of regulations. The Noise Management (N) District shall include any area within the City which is impacted by a mobile noise source which produces within such area an average ambient noise level of 60 dB(A) or more. The method of noise measurement shall be by means of a sound level meter as set forth in Section 9-3.531 Noise Standards.
Principal uses and structures permitted. The principal uses and structures permitted in the Noise Management (N) District shall be the same as those permitted in the underlying Base District.
Conditional uses and structures. The uses and structures permitted in the Noise Management (N) District subject to the approval of a conditional use permit shall be the same as those conditionally permitted in the underlying Base District.
Design standards. The following standards shall apply to all residential developments which are constructed within the Noise Management (N) District:
Structural soundproofing. Soundproofing shall be provided for all dwelling units. The amount and type of soundproofing for walls, roofs, and windows shall be sufficient to maintain a maximum ambient noise level in living areas no greater than 45 dB(A) with all windows, doors, and other openings closed.
Windows. To meet the required ambient noise level in living areas, all windows, both fixed and openable, shall consist of either double-strength glass or double-paned glass. All windows facing sound waves generated from the mobile noise source shall be manufactured and installed to specifications which prevent any sound from window vibration caused by the noise source.
Doors. Doors shall be acoustically designed with gasketed stops and integral drop seals.
Roofs and ceilings. Special insulation or design features may be required for roofs and ceilings to meet the required interior ambient noise level.
Walls. The exterior walls of living areas shall be of a special type construction and/or include special insulation, depending on the maximum ambient noise levels generated at any time in a particular area.
Air-conditioning. Any dwelling unit may be required to be equipped with an air-conditioning system installed to service all living areas of the dwelling unit.
Noise source buffering. To maintain an ambient noise level no greater than an average 60 dB(A) in residential yards adjacent to the major noise source, earth berms, or decorative block or concrete walls, or a combination thereof, shall be installed within a landscaped buffer strip. The specific standards for the buffer strip, such as the width, and the height and all improvements within the strip as deemed necessary and desirable, shall be specified during the applicable development review procedure as set forth in Article 3 Development Review Procedures of Chapter 2 of this title. The area used for the buffer shall not be included in the required side or rear yard area or in the required minimum lot area. Landscaping materials for the buffer area shall be restricted to hardy evergreen shrubs and trees of a size, species, and spacing subject to approval by the Planning Director.
(Ord. No. 869, § 2)
Intent and purpose. The intent of thin section is to establish grading and construction zoning controls for the purpose of implementing preservation of ridgeline goals as stated in the Conservation and Open Space Element of the General Plan. The controls stated herein shall apply to all hillside areas for which major ridgeline preservation has been designated on the Official Zoning Map.
Principal uses permitted. The principal uses permitted in the Ridgeline and Open Space Preservation (RP) District shall be the same as those permitted in the underlying base district, except that no structures or construction activity of any kind, including but not limited to grading, are permitted.
Specific prohibition. No construction activity, including but not limited to grading; on any major ridgeline so designated on the General Plan Map shall be allowed more specifically, no construction activity, including but not limited to grading, shall be permitted within 200 feet (horizontal) of a General Plan designated ridgeline, or as designated on a final City subdivision map in accordance with required development conditions, except as allowed under subsection (e) Exemptions.
Applicability. Notwithstanding the specific prohibitions set forth in subsection (c) above, exceptions may be granted in accordance with the following procedure:
An applicant may file an application for an exception with the Department of Planning Services. Said application shall be fled on forms and submitted with information as required by the department.
Applications shall be heard following public hearings pursuant to Section 9-3.335 Public Hearing Procedures by the City Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall forward its recommendation to the City Council for approval, conditional approval, or denial.
Required findings. An application for an exception shall not be approved by the City Council unless the following findings can be made:
Proposed grading does not encroach into a designated ridgeline except in those instances where an arterial roadway identified by the Circulation Element of the General Plan, or other required roadway as determined necessary by the City to protect the public health, safety and general welfare, or where necessary for remedial grading. Special grading techniques are to be used to mitigate their impact and create a natural appearance with the contouring and blending of grades and landscaping with the existing topography; and/or
Any construction activity, including but not limited to grading, proposed to encroach into the 200-foot horizontal buffer adjacent to a designated ridgeline satisfies the following minimum criteria:
No structure, as defined by the Uniform Building Code, encroaches visually upon a designated ridgeline by interrupting its skyline profile as viewed by surrounding valleys,
Any construction activity, including but not limited to grading, does not encroach upon the ridgeline profile and shall be contoured in such a manner as to provide a natural appearance. Said design as a minimum includes the use of variable slope gradients, rounding of tops and toes of slopes, blending of contours with the natural topography; and
The application is compatible with all provisions of the Conservation and Open Space Element of the General Plan.
Grading and construction will not occur in areas within or adjacent to the 200 buffer where the approval of a final subdivision reap required the dedication of open space areas.
Exemptions. The following are exempt from the provisions of this section:
Previously-approved projects exempted. Any development proposal calling for the construction of a structure in a ridgeline area having already received approval, pursuant to the adopted regulations in effect at the time of approval, prior to enactment of this section shall be exempt.
Minor fences. Fences of an open agricultural nature may be permitted subject to approval by the Planning Director.
City open space projects. Open space projects of City-owned property that is subject to review under Section 9-2.337 Public Improvement Plans and Outside Agency Development Review.
(Ord. No. 869, § 2)