Improvement plans shall be prepared and signed by a civil engineer registered in the State and shall contain the following information in a form as approved by the City Engineer:
The north arrow with a scale of 20 feet, 30 feet, or 40 feet to the inch indicated;
A title block in the lower right-hand corner of every sheet which shall include the name of the project, date, name of the engineer preparing the plans, signature of the engineer preparing the plans, title of the page, and page number. Original sheets may be purchased from the City, or the design engineer shall provide an exact copy acceptable to the City Engineer;
An index map on the title sheet at a scale necessary to show the entire project on the title sheet. The page numbers for each portion of the project shall be indicated on the index map;
The plan and profile of the street center lines, both tops of curbs, and sanitary sewer lines. Storm drain facilities shall be indicated in the plan and profile on separate sheets;
The water lines, indicated in the plan view only, dimensioned from the curb faces or center lines. The plan and profile of the water lines shall be indicated only for lines outside improved rights-of-way and for all water lines greater than 10 inches in internal diameter;
The center line horizontal control and right-of-way width which shall coincide with the final map for the property being improved;
The street lights which shall be located in conformance with City standard; or approved exceptions;
The locations of gas, electric, and television underground utilities;
The locations of street signs;
The street names in words;
The locations of traffic control devices and signs;
Cross sections of every street and all sidewalks, bicycle trails, and equestrian trails;
The bicycle trails, equestrian trails, and pedestrian ways in public rights-of-way;
The bicycle trails, equestrian trails, and pedestrian ways outside dedicated street rights-of-way;
All boundaries of easements to be granted to the City;
Signature blocks for the City Engineer and the City;
General notes for street improvements as required by the project and the City;
General notes for water construction as required by the project and the City;
General notes for sewer construction as required by the project and the City;
General notes for storm drain construction as required by the project and the City; and
The additional details, data, or information required by the City Engineer.
(Ord. No. 938, § 2 Exh. B, 2008)
Improvement plans shall be submitted to the City at the time the fees are paid for plan checking. The plans shall be approved by the City Engineer after:
All of the requirements of this Land Use Code and the General Plan have been met;
Any special requirements of the City have been met;
All necessary easements have been recorded;
The final map has been recorded;
All necessary fees have been paid and all necessary bonds have been posted; and
All necessary reimbursement agreements have been completed.
Upon the approval of the plans and the submission of the prints required by the City Engineer, the necessary permits may be acquired from the appropriate agencies.
(Ord. No. 938, § 2 Exh. B, 2008)
Fees and bonds shall be collected for private improvement projects in accordance with Section 9-5.109 Private Improvement Fees and Bonds.
(Ord. No. 938, § 2 Exh. B, 2008)