Any vehicle or structure parked or placed wholly or partly within any city highway for the purpose of selling the vehicle or structure or any article, service, or thing from or in the vehicle or structure is a public nuisance. The Lathrop police services may immediately remove such a vehicle or structure from within the highway.
(Prior code § 116.01)
No person shall create the public nuisance described in Section 5.20.010 or sell therefrom or therein any article or thing; no person shall sell, display for sale, or offer for sale any article or thing either in or from any vehicle or structure so parked or placed, and no person shall store, service, repair, or otherwise work on any such vehicle, other than on a temporarily disabled vehicle.
(Prior code § 116.02)
The California Highway Patrol and all peace officers may enforce the provisions of this chapter and may cooperate with the Lathrop police services to that end. Whenever any member of the California Highway Patrol or any peace officer removes a vehicle from a highway under the provisions of this chapter, then all of the provisions of Sections 22850 through 22856 of the Vehicle Code of the state with reference to the removal of a vehicle from a highway shall be applicable.
(Prior code § 116.03)
The provisions of this chapter shall not prohibit a seller from taking orders or delivering any commodity from a vehicle on that part of any city highway immediately adjacent to the premises of the purchaser; nor shall the provisions of this chapter prohibit an owner or operator of a vehicle, or a mechanic, from servicing, repairing, or otherwise working on any vehicle which is temporarily disabled in a manner and to an extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping the vehicle within the highway.
(Prior code § 116.04)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable as provided in Section 1.16.010.
(Prior code § 116.99)