No tire on any vehicle on any city highway shall have on its periphery any block, stud, flange, cleat, ridge, bead or other protuberance of metal or wood projecting beyond the tread of the traction surface of the tire. The tracks of a crawler-type vehicle shall be considered a tire within the meaning of this chapter.
(Prior code § 70.30)
The foregoing section shall not apply to:
The use of tire chains of reasonable size to prevent skidding on surfaces or on snow or ice;
The use of pneumatic tires which have embedded in them wire not to exceed 0.075 inches in diameter and which are so constructed that under no conditions will the percentage of metal in contact with the roadway exceed five percent of the total tire area in contact with the roadway; but during the first 1,000 miles of use or operation of these tires the metal in contact with the roadway may exceed five percent of this area, but shall in no event exceed 20% of the area;
Vehicles operated on unimproved roadways when necessary in the construction or repair of highways;
Traction engines or tractors when operated under the conditions of a permit first obtained from the public works director;
Pneumatic tires containing metal-type studs of tungsten carbide or other suitable material that are so inserted or constructed that under no conditions will the number of studs or the percentage of metal in contact with the roadway exceed three percent of the total tire area in contact with the roadway, between November 1st and April 30th of each year. The commissioner, after consultation with the Department of Transportation, may extend the period during which studded pneumatic tires may be used in any area of the state for the protection of the public because of adverse weather conditions;
Pneumatic tires used on an authorized emergency vehicle, as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 165, containing metal-type studs of tungsten carbide or other suitable material if the studs are so inserted or constructed that under no conditions will the number of studs or the percentage of metal in contact with the roadway exceed three percent of the total tire area in contact with the roadway. Notwithstanding subsection E of this section, authorized emergency vehicles are permitted the unrestricted use of studded pneumatic tires throughout the year.
(Prior code § 70.31; Ord. 01-191 § 9)
No equipment attached to any vehicle such as discs, harrows, scarifiers or other implements of agriculture or construction that may scratch, cut, gouge, or otherwise mark a pavement, shall be allowed to come in contact with any city highway; but the public works director may permit the use of such equipment on a city highway on the filing of an application for a permit, which he or she may issue with the imposition of reasonable conditions that may be required to protect the city highway.
(Prior code § 70.32)