For the purpose of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
"City or public utility easement"
means land which by conveyance, agreement, easement, dedication, usage or process of law is dedicated and used for constructing, replacing or maintaining any water, sewer or public storm drain line.
"Encroach" or "encroachment"
Going upon, over, under, or using any public property or right-of-way in such a manner as to prevent, obstruct or interfere with the normal use of that way, including the performance thereon of any of the following acts:
Excavating or disturbing the right-of-way or public property,
Erecting or maintaining any post, sign, pole, fence, guard rail, wall, loading platform, or other structure on or over or under the right-of-way or public property,
Planting any tree, shrub, grass or other growing thing within the right-of-way or public property,
Placing or leaving on the right-of-way or public property any rubbish, brush, earth or other material of any nature whatever,
Constructing, placing, planting or maintaining on, over, under or within the right-of-way or public property any pathway, sidewalk, driveway, or other surfacing, any culvert or other surface drainage or subsurface drainage facility, any pipe, conduit or cable,
Traveling on the right-of-way or public property by any vehicle or combination of vehicles or object of dimension, weight or other characteristic prohibited by law without a permit,
Lighting or building a fire,
Constructing, placing, planting or maintaining any structure, embankment, excavation, tree or other object adjacent to the right-of-way or public property which causes or will cause an encroachment; or
Going upon, over, under or using any city or public utility easement or public storm drain ponding area in such a manner as to prevent, obstruct or interfere with the normal public use of that easement or public area, including the performance thereon of any of the following acts:
Excavating or disturbing the public storm drain ponding area,
Placing or leaving on the public storm drain ponding area any rubbish, brush, earth or other material of any nature whatsoever,
Constructing, replacing, connecting, maintaining any water, sewer or public storm drain lines within the city or public utility easement.
means any person that proposes to do work or encroach upon a right-of-way, public property or public utility easement or public storm drain ponding area herein defined and has been issued a permit for such encroachment by the city engineer.
"Public property"
means land which by deed, conveyance, agreement, easement, dedication, usage or process of law is reserved for and dedicated to the use by the general public or the city.
"Public storm drain ponding area"
means land which by deed, conveyance, agreement, easement, dedication, usage or process of law is dedicated and used for the city required ponding of storm water.
"Public street"
means the full width of the right-of-way of any road, street, lane or alley used by or for the general public, whether or not those roads, streets, lanes and alleys have been accepted as and declared to be part of the city system of public streets, except streets forming a. part of the state highway system.
means land which by deed, conveyance, agreement, easement, dedication, usage or process of law is reserved for and dedicated to the use of the general public for street or highway purposes.
(Prior code § 97.01)
Any permit granted under this chapter shall be subject to the right of the city, or any other person entitled thereto, to use that part of the public highway for any purpose for which it may be lawfully used, and no part of the highway shall be unduly obstructed at any time.
(Prior code § 97.02)
This chapter shall not apply to any officer or employee of the city in the discharge of his or her official duties, or to any work being performed by any person or persons under contract with the city.
This chapter shall not apply to any obstructions within the right-of way as of April 2, 1991.
(Prior code § 97.03)
All obstructions existing within the right-of-way as of April 2, 1991 shall be removed pursuant to the following procedures:
Notice shall be given of violation of this chapter by mailing or delivering the notice to owners of real property as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll (or other by utilizing other, more recent assessment information, if available).
This notice shall identify the violation and notify the property owner that removal of the violation must be completed no later than 30 days from the date of the notice.
Property owners who fail to comply with this section within the time limits specified above, shall be sent a second notice. This notice shall inform the property owner that he or she is in violation of this section and that if he or she does not comply within 10 days he or she will be cited and/or the violation will be removed by the city at the property owner's expense.
Whenever violation of this section would result in an immediate threat to the safety of the citizens of the city, the property owner will be ordered to remove the obstruction immediately. Failure to comply will result in the issuance of a citation and/or the city will remove the obstruction and charge the owner as outlined in Section 12.08.110.
(Prior code § 97.04)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, for which no other penalty is provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in Section 1.16.010.
(Prior code § 97.98)
The violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall also be deemed a nuisance, and civil action to abate, enjoin or otherwise compel the cessation of such nuisance may be taken by the appropriate legal officers of the city upon complaint of the city engineer. The remedies provided in this chapter shall be cumulative and in addition to any other remedy available to the city in either law or equity.
(Prior code § 97.99)