The following activities are prohibited:
To enter or trespass any area, building, park, or facility which is fenced and locked or enclosed and locked;
To ride or bring any horse or similar animal, or to propel a vehicle in or upon any area of any park, except those areas designated by the city to do so;
To drive any unauthorized vehicle in a park;
To fail to clean-up after your pets in any park or to have a dog in any park not fastened to a leash unless the facility has been designated as a dog park;
To operate a gasoline powered go-cart or midget car within a park without prior written permission from the city;
To clean, wash, polish or do anything other than emergency repairs upon any automobile, motorcycle or self-driven vehicle in any park;
To park any motor vehicle in any place other than designated parking areas. Designated parking places shall be designated by appropriate signs;
To carry or bring any firearms, air or air-soft guns, pellet guns, slingshots, firecrackers or fire-works into any park without prior written permission by the city and the local fire department;
To make a fire in any park other than in barbecues provided by the city without prior written permission from the city;
To bring into any park any hazardous material which will, if spilled or spread, be injurious users of the facility, to the grass turf or plant growth or other hardscapes;
To cut or remove any wood, wood chips, turf, rock, tree, flower, shrub, sand or gravel from any park unless prior written permission is provided by the city;
To deposit or dispose of in any park any bottles, tin or aluminum cans, broken glass, paper, clothes, rubbish, soil, tree trimmings, garbage, ashes or other debris of any kind, except in approved containers provided by the city;
To deposit or dispose of any household waste or construction materials into trash containers provided by the city;
To remove, move, damage, destroy, or modify any athletic field or maintenance equipment, or official park sign on park grounds;
For any male person to resort to any restroom set apart for women, and for any female person to resort to any restroom set apart for men; provided that this prohibition shall not apply to children accompanied by their father, mother or legal guardian unless otherwise allowed by the city;
To climb onto any building structure, or tree on park grounds;
To loiter or remain in any park (including the parking areas) while not using the park areas or to loiter or remain in any park outside of operating hours, which are six a.m. to eight-thirty p.m. April through September; and six a.m. to six p.m. October through March; unless otherwise permitted by the city;
For any person, or persons, to remain in a park who have been involved in an activity or an altercation that creates a potential threat to public safety;
To enter any park facility where an entry fee is charged without first paying the full legal charge made for such entrance unless such entrance is by the consent or permission of the person or organization in charge;
To possess or consume alcoholic beverages within the boundaries of any city park or park facility;
To play golf or engage in the hitting of golf balls in any park;
To play or engage in any organized sports play without a permit, or to play any organized sport in places that are not specifically provided or designated for that purpose without a permit. For purposes of this subsection, "organized sports play" shall mean any game, tournament, contest, or other activity in which more than 15 persons participate, or in which the time and place of play have been predetermined by either the participants or any other person or organization. In addition, the wearing of uniforms by three or more persons, or the presence of game officials shall constitute evidence of organized sports play;
To loiter or remain in any storm drain retention basin with park-like improvements whenever there is standing water over four inches that covers more than one square foot;
To loiter in or near any park restroom building by remaining in any one place under circumstances that would warrant a reasonable person to believe that the purpose or effect of that behavior is to enable control over identifiable areas, to intimidate others from entering those areas, or to conduct illegal activities. For the purpose of this rule, near is defined as within 10 feet of the restroom building;
To use sound amplifying equipment at a volume that exceeds 15 decibels above the ambient base noise level at a distance of 15 feet in any direction from the source of the sound without a permit.
(Ord. 91-57; Ord. 98-155; Ord. 04-232 § 1; Ord. 06-261 § 1; Ord. 08-280 § 1; Ord. 16-360 § 1; Ord. 17-379 § 1; Ord. 22-440 § 1)
Pursuant to the codes of the city as well as all applicable state laws, the city council does authorize the adoption of fees for recreation programs and for use of park facilities for noncity functions. Such fees shall be established and amended from time to time by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 95-124)
A violation of this chapter, unless otherwise determined by the city manager, is an infraction. Every violation of this chapter, if deemed an infraction and not a misdemeanor, is punishable by a fine not exceeding $100 for a first violation; a fine not exceeding $200 for a second violation of the same provisions within one year; and a fine not exceeding $500 for each additional violation of the same provisions within one year.
(Ord. 91-57)