For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning given herein: "Coasting devices" shall include any skateboard, roller skates, in-line skates, scooter, coaster, bicycle, or other rolling or wheeled device propelled by human, motor or wind power.
(Prior code § 100.001; Ord. 14-337 § 1)
This chapter shall not apply in any of the following instances:
Wheeled conveyances used principally as medically assistive devices or for the aid or assistance of physically limited or disabled persons;
Strollers, baby buggies, or wagons being used for their intended use as an aid for transportation of young children.
Lathrop Generations Center Skate Park. The skate park at the Lathrop Generations Center has been designed to allow all coasting devices within reason. As mentioned in subsection B, strollers, baby buggies and wagons will not be allowed to be used within the limits of the skate park elements due to safety.
(Prior code § 100.002; Ord. 14-337 § 1)
It is unlawful for any person to use or operate a coasting device on any public park, playground, or recreation area or other public property when there has been posted signs prohibiting the use of the coasting device.
It is unlawful for any person to operate or use any coasting devices on or in a formally dedicated and/or properly designed public skate facility located within the city unless that person is at all times wearing properly fitted and fastened protective devices consisting of a helmet, knee pads, wrist guards, and elbow pads. The only coasting devices permitted within a public skate facility are skateboards, roller skates, and inline skates. Bicycles, coasters, scooters, or other rolling or wheeled devices are strictly prohibited.
The use of all coasting devices (to include BMX bicycles, coasters, scooters, skate boards, roller skates, inline skates, and other rolling or wheeled devices) are permitted within the Lathrop Generations Center skate park limits.
(Prior code § 100.003; Ord. 14-337 § 1)
The city council may prohibit the use of coasting devices on public park, playground, or recreation area or other public property located within the city. The facilities/areas upon which the use of coasting devices is prohibited shall be designated by ordinance or resolution adopted by the city council.
(Prior code § 100.004; Ord. 14-337 § 1)
Upon adoption of an ordinance or resolution prohibiting the use of coasting devices on public park, playground or recreation area or other public property within the corporate limits of the city, the parks and recreation director is directed to place appropriate signs to give adequate notice of such no coasting device (use) area.
(Prior code § 100.005; Ord. 14-337 § 1)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an infraction punishable in accordance with the provisions of the Lathrop Municipal Code.
The parent or legal guardian having control or custody of an unemancipated minor whose conduct violates this chapter, shall be jointly and severally liable with the minor for any fines imposed pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior code § 100.006; Ord. 14-337 § 1)
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any coasting device to use such device in the following areas and the areas are designated as a no coasting device (use) area.
Facility: Valverde Park/Community Center
Location: North side of parking lot in the main driveway and bus loading zone and on sidewalk immediately adjacent to said driveway that serves as main walkway to and entrance for Community Center.
Facility: Valverde Park/Senior Center
Location: Along sidewalks adjacent to the Senior Center including those on the east and west sides of the building and the sidewalk on the north side (in front) of the building from Fifth Street to its end; and the patio on the west side of the Senior Center building.
Facility: All Public Parks
Locations: On or within five feet of picnic tables, benches, bleachers and playground equipment.
Facility: All Public Parks
Locations: On tennis courts, basketball courts, water play areas and handrails at ramps and stairs.
Facility: All Public Parks (with the exclusion of the Lathrop Generations Center) Locations: In or within 10 feet of restroom and/or concession buildings.
Facility: Valverde Park
Locations: Walkways throughout the park and the plaza in front of the Veteran's Memorial.
(Prior code § 100.007; Ord. 08-281 § 1; Ord. 14-337 § 1)
In any skateboard park or facility owned or operated by the city, any person riding a coasting device, as defined in this chapter, shall wear a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads.
The public works department shall cause a sign or signs to be posted at all such parks or facilities providing reasonable notice of subsection A of this section and stating that any person failing to comply with subsection A of this section will be guilty of an infraction and subject to citation.
Any person who fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this section and who is injured while using the park or facility shall be deemed negligent.
(Ord. 04-227 § 1)