The filing procedure for a parcel map shall be the same as that for a subdivision under the provisions of Section
(Ord. 92-74)
Every tentative parcel map shall be clearly and legibly drawn.
The size of the sheet shall be 18 inches by 26 inches unless otherwise
authorized by the city engineer. The scale of the map shall be one
inch equals 100 feet, except that parcel maps with parcels of two
and one-half acres or greater may use a scale of one inch equals 200
(Ord. 92-74)
A. The information required on a tentative parcel map shall be the same as that required under the provisions of Section
16.12.030. The community development director or the city manager's designee may waive any requirements under Section
16.12.030 for a tentative parcel map.
B. The statements to accompany the tentative map shall be the same as those required under Section
(Ord. 92-74; Ord. 96-135; Ord. 10-298 § 1)
The subdivider may request a waiver of a tentative parcel map.
The request to waive a tentative parcel map may be approved whenever
the community development director or the city manager's designee
finds that the proposed division of land meets all city requirements
as to area, improvement and design, floodwater drainage control, appropriate
improved public roads, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply
availability, environmental protection, and all other requirements
of the Subdivision Map Act and any applicable provisions of this title.
(Ord. 96-135; Ord. 10-298 § 1)
A. The requirements for a planning commission public hearing, review and action, if a tentative map is referred to the commission by the community development director or the city manager's designee, shall be the same as those required under Section
B. Review and action taken by the community development director or the city manager's designee on a tentative parcel map may be appealed to the planning commission. Such request for appeal shall be made by the subdivider within 10 days after the community development director's or city manager's design-ee's action on the tentative parcel map. The commission shall review the appeal at a public hearing noticed in the manner prescribed by Section
16.12.050(B). The decision of the planning commission shall be final unless appealed to city council in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section
(Ord. 92-74; Ord. 96-135; Ord. 10-298 §1)
The requirements for city council review and action on an appeal shall be the same as those required for a subdivision under Section
(Ord. 92-74)
Provisions concerning the expiration of tentative map approval shall be the same as those provided under Section
(Ord. 92-74)
Provisions concerning vesting tentative maps shall be the same as those provided under Section
(Ord. 92-74)
A. At
the time of filing of a tentative parcel map, a subdivider may file
a request for waiver of the requirement for a parcel map. Such a request
shall be filed with the secretary of the planning commission in the
form of an application therefor as furnished by the city.
B. The
community development director or the city manager's designee shall
waive the requirement for the filing of a parcel map if, after consideration
of the tentative parcel map or application for lot line adjustment
and information submitted therewith, it finds that all of the following
conditions have been met:
2. That
adequate monuments exist in the field, which appear of record in the
office of the county recorder, to permit the retracement of boundaries
for each parcel to be created;
3. That
no dedications of rights-of-way or easements are offered or required;
4. That
all on-site and off-site improvements as required for parcel maps
have been completed;
5. That
the proposed division of land complies with requirements as to area,
design, floodwater and drainage control, sanitary disposal facilities,
water supply availability, environmental protection and other requirements
of the Subdivision Map Act and this code.
C. The
instrument evidencing the community development director's or the
city manager's designee's waiving the requirement for a parcel map
shall be known as a "waiver certificate," or "lot line adjustment"
which shall be prepared by the subdivider and shall consist of the
following as to form, matters and attachments:
1. A
description of the boundary of the property proposed to be subdivided;
2. A
property plat map prepared by or under the direction of a registered
civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and legibly drawn, printed
or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black
3. The
location of all division lines and the exterior boundary of the land
included within the subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive
lines and clearly so designated;
4. The
map shall be signed and sealed by the registered civil engineer or
licensed land surveyor;
5. A
certificate shall be signed and acknowledged by the parties having
record title interest, consenting to the preparation and recordation
of the waiver certificate;
6. The
size of each sheet shall be eight and one-half inches by 11 inches.
An entirely blank margin of two inches shall be left at the top of
each sheet.
D. The
waiver certificate or lot line adjustment shall be submitted to the
community development director or the city manager's designee, with
all necessary fees. The request for waiver of a parcel map or lot
line adjustment may be approved after the city engineer has determined
the request is technically correct and signs the waiver certificate.
E. Waiver of the parcel map or approval of a lot line adjustment shall not preclude the payment of fees as provided by Section
16.12.010. The fees shall be calculated in the same manner as though a parcel map had been required, and shall be paid prior to approval of the lot line adjustment or filing of a waiver certificate with the city clerk.
(Ord. 92-74; Ord. 96-135; Ord. 10-298 § 1)
The subdivider shall file five copies of the parcel map with the clerk not less than 60 days prior to the date on which the map must be recorded. The format and content of the final map shall be as prescribed under Sections
16.16.060 and
16.16.070, subject to the following exceptions:
A. The
size of each sheet shall be 18 inches by 26 inches.
B. When
the parcel map consists of more than two sheets, a key map drawn to
a scale of one inch equals 1,000 feet shall be placed on Sheet Number
1 indicating the relationship among all sheets. The particular number
of each sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall
be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining
sheet shall be clearly shown.
(Ord. 92-74)
The survey procedures and provisions for monuments shall be the same as required under Section
16.16.080. A parcel map may be compiled from available record or filed data when sufficient survey information exists on filed maps and when the location of any boundary of the parcel map, either by monuments or possessory lines, is certain. If there is not sufficient survey information on filed maps, and when the location of the boundary of the parcel map is uncertain, a field survey shall be made.
(Ord. 92-74)
Requirements for dedications, letters received from public utilities and the passage of title shall be the same as required under Sections
16.16.110 and
16.16.120. Requirements with respect to offers of dedication shall be the same as those required under Sections
16.16.130 and
(Ord. 92-74)
A. Improvements shall be provided in the same manner as required under Section
B. Whenever a parcel map requires improvements as a condition of approval, the public works director may, but shall not be required to, defer construction of any or all improvements required by this title in accordance with the provisions of Section
12.12.040(B) of this code.
(Ord. 92-74; Ord. 96-135)
Review of the final parcel map by the city engineer and secretary of the planning commission shall be as provided under Section
(Ord. 92-74)
A. The
community development director or the city manager's designee shall
review final map.
B. The
city clerk may accept on behalf of the public, any real property offered
for dedication for public use, either by deed, easement, final map
or parcel map. When the community development director or the city
manager's designee finds that a final map or parcel map is in conformance
with the approved or conditionally approved tentative parcel map,
the provisions of this title and the Subdivision Map Act, the parcel
map shall be referred to the city clerk who shall certify this finding
on the original tracing of the final map or parcel map and sign the
certificate of acceptance of any real property offered for dedication
for public use. If the final map or parcel map does not so conform,
the community development director or the city manager's designee
shall report such fact to the city engineer, and shall not certify
the map until the map is made to conform.
(Ord. 92-74; Ord. 96-135; Ord. 10-298 § 1)
An agreement between the subdivider and the city shall be made, and provision of security for improvements shall be satisfied as required under Section
(Ord. 92-74)