This district is intended to provide for permanent open spaces in areas of the community which exhibit significant vegetation or wildlife, wetlands, bodies of water or water courses, mineral resources, scenic qualities or recreation potential, and which are designated as open space, school or college sites or as agriculture by the general plan. This district is further intended to be applied to lands within the city which are subject to an agricultural land conservation contract under provisions of the Williamson Act.
(Prior code § 173.01)
The following uses shall be permitted in the RCO district:
Raising of field crops, fruit and nut trees, vines, vegetables and horticultural specialties, and the raising of livestock, and rangelands;
Flood control channels; water pumping stations and reservoirs; irrigation ditches and canals; settling and water conservation recharge basins; drainage ponds; and streets and roads necessary for access to permitted uses;
Other uses which are added to this list by the planning commission according to the procedure set forth in Section 17.16.020.
(Prior code § 173.02)
Administrative approval is required for the following uses:
Incidental and accessory structures and uses as defined in Section 17.04.080, located the same site as use permitted by administrative approval or conditional use.
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
(Prior code § 173.03)
The following uses may be permitted in accordance with Chapter 17.112:
Recreation areas, parks, playgrounds, wildlife preserves, and such buildings, structures and facilities as are appropriately related thereto;
Elementary, junior high and high school sites and college sites;
Expansion, remodeling or additions to a conditional use that are not considered an incidental or accessory use as defined in Section 17.04.080;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020;
Excavations according to the requirements of Chapter 17.88;
Public and quasi-public utility and service structures and facilities, such as communications equipment buildings, electric distribution substations, electric transmission substations, electric generation and cogeneration plants and facilities, gas regulator stations, pumping stations, public utility service yards, corporation yards, railroad right-of-way and stations, water and wastewater treatment storage and disposal facilities, reservoirs and storage tanks.
(Prior code § 173.04; Ord. 99-182 § 1)
Fences, Walls and Hedges. No limitation except as may be required under Chapter 17.100 or 17.112.
Site area. The minimum site area for a permitted use shall be one-half acre.
Frontage, Width and Depth of Site. No limitation for flood control channels drainage ditches and irrigation canals; 100 feet for all other uses.
Coverage. No limitation except as may be required under Chapter 17.110 or 17.112.
Yard Spaces. No limitation except as may be required under Chapter 17.110 or 17.112.
Distances Between Structures. The minimum distance between a one-family dwelling and another structure shall be 10 feet.
Building Height. No building or structure shall have a height greater than 35 feet, except as may be approved under Chapter 17.56 or 17.112.
Signs. No sign or outdoor advertising structure of any character shall be permitted except as prescribed in Chapter 17.84.
Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading. Off-street parking and off-street loading facilities shall be provided as prescribed in Chapter 17.76.
(Prior code § 173.05)
All uses shall be subject to the general provisions and exceptions prescribed in Chapter 17.16.
(Prior code § 173.06)