The R districts are intended primarily to provide living areas at locations designated by the general plan for low density, involving single-family dwellings, with regulations designed to accomplish the following:
To promote and encourage a suitable environment for family life;
To provide space for community facilities needed to complement urban residential areas, and for institutions which require a residential environment, in accordance with policies of the general plan and state law.
The R-1-6 district is intended for exclusive application to those areas where a mixture of dwelling types under planned unit development is prohibited, and where only single-family detached housing is permitted.
The R-1-5 district is intended to provide small lot single-family housing only under PUD procedures of the zoning code as an affordable housing alternative to apartment living.
(Prior code § 176.01; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
One-family dwellings;
Raising of fruit and nut trees, vines, vegetables and horticultural specialties on a noncommercial basis;
Fenced or enclosed swimming pools for either individual, family or communal use on an exclusive noncommercial basis; provided, that no swimming pool shall be located within a utility easement;
A "small family day care home" as defined and regulated by the State Health and Safety Code, which provides care to eight or fewer children, including children who reside in the home;
A "large family day care home" as defined and regulated by the State Health and Safety Code for nine to 14 children, inclusive, including children who reside in the home;
A "residential care facility" as defined by the State Health and Safety Code, which provides care to six or fewer persons, whether or not related;
Accessory structures and uses located on the same site with a permitted use;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020;
The keeping of animals in accordance with the standards of Chapter 17.28.
(Prior code § 176.02; Ord. 16-365 § 1; Ord. 21-418 § 10; Ord. 22-431 § 1)
The following uses may be permitted in accordance with Chapter 17.108:
Enclosed temporary construction materials storage yards required in connection with the development of a subdivision, and temporary subdivision sales offices and signs and model home display areas, in accordance with Section 17.16.010;
Gas and electric transmission lines in accordance with Section 17.108.080, electrical distribution substations, gas regulator stations, communications equipment buildings, public service pumping stations and elevated pressure tanks;
Garden structures in accordance with Section 17.32.050;
Mobilehomes on permanent foundations designed in accordance with the standards of Chapter 17.68;
Tennis courts, including related fencing over seven feet in height located on the same site as a permitted or conditional use;
Home occupations in accordance with Chapter 17.64;
Incidental and accessory structures and uses as defined in Section 17.04.080, located on the same site as a use permitted by administrative approval or conditional use;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 97-151; Ord. 22-431 § 1; Ord. 22-442 § 1)
The following conditional uses may be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.112:
Public and quasi-public uses of an educational or religious type, including public and parochial elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and colleges, nursery schools, private nonprofit schools and colleges, churches, parsonages and other religious institutions;
Public and private charitable institutions, hospitals, sanitariums, rest homes and nursing homes, including a state authorized, certified or licensed family care home, foster home or group home serving seven or more mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped persons, including rehabilitation homes for alcoholics and drug addicts, or dependent and neglected children, where such homes provide care on a 24 hour basis;
Public uses of an administrative, recreational, public service or cultural type, including city, county, state or federal administrative centers and courts, libraries, museums, art galleries, police and fire stations and other public buildings, structures and facilities, and public playgrounds, parks and community centers;
Modest expansion or remodeling of an existing nonconforming use of a structure or land, limited to 25% or less of the assessed value of existing structures, or reestablishment of a nonconforming use which has been damaged, except nonconforming signs and outdoor advertising structures, nonconforming uses occupying a structure with an assessed valuation of less than $100, and nonconforming fences, walls and hedges;
Incidental and accessory structures and uses as defined in Section 17.04.080 located on the same site as a conditional use;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 97-151)
Fences, walls and hedges shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 17.92.
Site Area. The minimum site area for the R-1-6 district shall be 6,000 square feet. The minimum site area for the R-1-5 district shall be 5,000 square feet.
Frontage, Width and Depth of Site.
Each site in a R-1-6 district shall have not less than 60 feet of frontage on a public street, except that those sites which front on a cul-de-sac or loop-out street may have a frontage of not less than 40 feet, provided the width of the site, as measured along the front yard setback line, is at least 60 feet; each site in an R-1-5 district shall have not less than 50 feet of frontage on a public street, except as otherwise permitted under PUD regulations of this chapter.
The minimum width of each site in a R-1-6 district shall be 60 feet for an interior lot and 65 feet for a corner lot. The minimum width of each site in an R-1-5 district shall be 50 feet for an interior lot and 60 feet for a corner lot, except as otherwise permitted under PUD regulations of this chapter.
The minimum depth of each site shall be 90 feet for an interior lot and 80 feet for a corner lot.
Density. The allowable density for the R one-family residential district shall be a minimum of one to a maximum of seven dwelling units per net acre, per the city's general plan.
Number of Dwelling Units per Site. Not more than one dwelling unit shall be allowed on each site, except as may be allowed under Chapter 17.80.
Coverage. The maximum site area covered by structures shall be 45%.
Yard Requirements.
Front Yard.
The minimum front yard shall be 20 feet; provided, that the distance from the centerline of a public street to the rear of the required front yard shall not be less than 50 feet.
On a site situated between sites improved with buildings where the buildings are set back less than the minimum distance required by this section, the minimum front yard shall be the average depth of the front yards on the improved sites immediately adjoining the side lines of the site.
Garages attached to the main building may be set within 15 feet of a front property line where the garage opening is perpendicular to the curb line requiring a curved driveway approach.
Porches attached to the main building shall be set back from the front property line by a minimum of 15 feet.
Rear Yard.
The minimum rear yard shall be 10 feet. Where construction involves more than one story, including decks, balconies and other related platforms with a floor level over six feet in height, the rear yard shall be increased by 10 feet for each additional story.
Where a garage is located within a rear yard with access from an alley, it shall be set back a minimum of 11 feet from the closest alley right-of-way line to provide for adequate garage ingress and egress.
Side Yards. The minimum side yard shall be five feet, subject to the following conditions and exceptions:
On a reversed corner lot, the side yard adjoining the street shall be not less than one-half the required front yard on the adjoining key lot.
Street side yard setback shall be 10 feet.
Garages on the street side yard of a corner lot shall meet the requirements of the public works department standards and spacing and be set back 20 feet from the property line. Where a garage is located within a side yard with access from an alley, it shall be set back a minimum of 11 feet from the closest alley right-of-way line.
Building Height. No building or structure shall have a height greater than 35 feet, except as may be required under Chapters 17.56 and 17.112.
Signs. No sign or outdoor advertising structure of any character shall be permitted, except as described in Chapter 17.84.
Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading. Off-street parking and off-street loading facilities shall be provided on the site for each use as prescribed in Chapter 17.76.
Accessory structures shall conform to the following development standards:
Minimum Setback Distance from Property Line.
Street Side (corner lot)
Side (interior)
≤ 8 feet
Not allowed
10 ft
0 ft
0 ft
> 8 feet to 15 feet
Not allowed
10 ft
5 ft
5 ft
Landscape features are allowed in the front yard, rear yard, side yard and street side yard. See definition of landscape feature.
Setback Measurement. Minimum setback distance between property line and accessory structure shall be measured from the wall or post(s) of the supporting structural member of the structure. Overhangs are allowed consistent with the city adopted building code.
Separation Between Structures. All accessory structures shall maintain the minimum separation between other buildings as required under the city adopted building code.
Building Permit Required. A building permit shall be obtained as required under the city adopted building code.
Accessory structure and landscape feature are defined in Section 17.04.080 Definitions.
Swimming pools and hot tubs shall conform to the following development standards:
Swimming pools and hot tubs shall not be located in a required front yard. Such pool or tub may not be located closer than three feet from any rear lot line or side lot line measured from water line.
Pool equipment for such pools and tubs shall not be located in a required front yard.
Fencing around all swimming pools shall be installed in compliance with the California Building Code.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 92-95; Ord. 92-96; Ord. 96-136; Ord. 16-355 § 1; Ord. 18-384 § 1; Ord. 19-405 § 1; Ord. 22-442 § 1; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
All uses shall be subject to the general provisions and exceptions prescribed in Chapter 17.16.
(Ord. 92-73)