The historic Lathrop residential overlay district is intended for use in the historic Lathrop area, which is shown in that map contained in Section 17.38.110 of this chapter. This district is intended:
To prevent neighborhood deterioration in the R one-family existing subdivided lots;
To create the opportunity for small lot subdivisions of parcels in the R one-family zone for affordable single-family housing;
To create affordable attached and detached RM multifamily housing.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)
For properties in this district which are zoned R one-family, all uses permitted by Section 17.32.020 of this title;
For properties in this district which are zoned RM multifamily, all uses permitted by Section 17.36.020 of this title.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)
The following uses may be permitted in accordance with Chapter 17.108 of this title:
For properties in this district which are zoned R one-family, all uses specified in Section 17.32.030 of this title, including children who reside in the home;
For properties in this district which are zoned RM multifamily, all uses specified Section in 17.36.030 of this title.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)
The following uses may be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.112 of this title:
For properties in this district which are zoned R one-family, all uses specified in Section 17.32.040 of this title;
For properties in this district, which are zoned RM multifamily, all uses specified in Section 17.36.040 of this title.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)
"Attached units"
means a structure, each unit of which is intended for single-family occupancy, and the units of which are physically attached to each other, such as townhouses, condominiums, rowhouses, or apartment homes. Duets are not considered "attached units."
"Cluster housing"
means a series of single-family units on individual lots as small as 3,000 square feet, which are arranged with neighboring parcels so as to have private driveways with reciprocal access easements between lots. Cluster housing is allowed only in the area designated by the Lathrop General Plan as medium density residential area and the property development standards are set forth under RM multifamily residential detached units.
"Detached units"
means duets, and each single-family parcel in a group constituting cluster housing is considered a detached unit, even though each is a separate parcel.
means the historic Lathrop overlay district established by this chapter.
means a single structure containing two single-family units.
"Existing R one-family large lot"
means a lot within the district which is an existing legal lot, and which has a lot size of at least 5,000 square feet.
"Existing R one-family small lot"
means a lot within the district which is an existing legal parcel, and which has a lot size of at least 3,200 square feet, but does not exceed 4,999 square feet.
"MFD small lots"
means single-family lots located in the area designated by the Lathrop General Plan as medium density residential, and the property development standards are set forth under RM multifamily residential detached units.
"Zero lot"
means a lot on which there is allowed residential construction which includes having one wall of a garage (but no part of any other structure) lie along the property line between the lot and an adjacent lot, without setback, but subject to the requirements set forth in this chapter. Zero lots are allowed only in the R one-family residential small lot, and RM multifamily residential detached unit areas.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)
Site Area. The minimum lot size shall be 5,000 square feet.
Width and Depth of Site. The minimum width of each lot shall be 50 feet and the minimum depth shall be 75 feet.
Lot Coverage. The maximum area covered by structures shall be 70% for single-story structures and 60% for two-story structures.
Front Yard Setback. The minimum setback from the property line to a porch shall be 10 feet and the minimum setback from the property line to the main living structure shall be 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback. The minimum distance from the property line along the side yard to a structure shall be five feet except that encroachments may encroach into this five foot area as provided below.
Rear Yard Setback. The minimum distance from the rear property line to a structure shall be 10 feet for a single-story structure; 20 feet for a two-story structure; and 30 feet for a three-story structure, except that encroachments may encroach into this setback as described below.
Distance Between Residences. Notwithstanding the front side and rear yard setbacks set forth above, the minimum distance between living residences on adjacent lots shall be 10 feet, excluding encroachments as discussed below.
Building Height. The residence on the property shall not exceed three stories and shall additionally not exceed 35 feet.
Garage Setback. The minimum distance from any property line to a garage door shall be 20 feet except that it shall be 15 feet if the garage is attached to the house with a curved driveway. If a residence has an existing single car garage which has been converted to living space prior to adoption of this chapter, it may be exempted from providing a garage on a case by case basis. A single car garage shall be required for those lots that can accommodate a single car garage and still meet the setback requirements set forth in this chapter. For lots that cannot meet this requirement, no single car garage shall be required and parking shall be provided within the lot on a concrete or asphalt driveway.
Encroachments. Sideyard encroachments include fireplaces, log storage, entertainment niches, bay windows, window seats, and may include similar items on a case by case basis as decided by the community development director or the city manager's designee. Front and rear yard encroachments include second floor overhangs, decks, balconies, porches, bay windows, entertainment niches, window seats, and may include similar encroachments on a case by case basis decided by the community development director or the city manager's designee. Encroachments may project up to two feet into otherwise required front, side or rear yard setbacks. Such encroachments may not exceed 50% of the width of the face of the structure on which they are located. This requirement to not exceed 50% of the width does not apply to eaves.
Fences, Walls and Hedges. Fences, walls and hedges shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 17.92 of this title.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1; Ord. 10-298 § 1)
Site Area. The minimum lot size is 3,200 square feet.
Width and Depth of Site. The minimum width shall be 40 feet, except that it shall be 45 feet for corner lots and the minimum depth shall be 80 feet.
The maximum site area covered by structures shall be 70% for single-story structures and 60% for two-story structures.
Front Yard Setback. The minimum setback from a property line to a porch shall be 10 feet and the minimum setback from the property line to the main living structure shall be 15 feet.
Side Yard Setback. For lots other than zero lots, the minimum distance from the property line along the side yard to a structure shall be five feet except that encroachments may encroach into this five foot area as provided below. For zero lots, the minimum distance shall be zero for the length of the garage, a wall which sits on the property line, and four feet for the remainder on one side with eight feet on the other side and with eight feet on the adjacent property with a four foot reciprocal access easement on the adjacent lot, except that encroachments as described below may encroach into the reciprocal access area to by up to one foot.
Rear Yard Setback. The minimum distance from the rear property line to structures shall be 10 feet for a single-story home and 20 feet for a two-story home, except that encroachments may encroach into the setback as described below. Additionally, where the garage is placed in the rear yard, the minimum setback to the garage door shall be five feet from the property line, with at least 12 feet to the center line for alley or lane loaded garages.
Distance Between Residences. Notwithstanding the front and rear yard setbacks set forth above, the minimum distance between living residences on adjacent lots shall be 10 feet except that for zero lots, it shall be eight feet at the garage and 12 feet otherwise.
Building Height. Residences on the property shall not exceed three stories and additionally shall not exceed 35 feet.
Garage Setback. The minimum distance for setback from the front property line to a garage shall be 20 feet to the garage door or 15 feet to the garage door for garages attached to the house with a curved driveway. If a residence has an existing single car garage which has been converted to living space prior to adoption of this chapter, it may be exempted from providing a garage on a case by case basis. A single car garage shall be required for those lots that can accommodate a single car garage and still meet the setback requirements set forth in this chapter. For lots that cannot meet this requirement, no single car garage shall be required and parking shall be provided within the lot on a concrete or asphalt driveway.
Encroachments. Side yard encroachments include fireplaces, log storage, entertainment niches, bay windows, window seats and may include similar items on case by case basis as decided by the community development director or the city manager's designee. Front and rear yard encroachments include second floor overhangs, decks, balconies, porches, bay windows, entertainment niches and window seats and may include similar encroachments on a case by case basis decided by the community development director or the city manager's designee. Encroachments may project up to two feet into otherwise required front, side or rear yard setbacks except as otherwise provided in this section. Such encroachments may not exceed 50% of the width of the face of the structure in which they are located. This requirement to not exceed 50% of the width does not apply to eaves.
Fences, Walls and Hedges. Fences, walls and hedges shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 17.92 of this title.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 16-355 § 1)
Site Area. The minimum lot size shall be 1,500 square feet.
Width and Depth of Site. The minimum width of each lot shall be 20 feet, except that corner lots shall be 25 feet. The minimum lot depth shall be 75 feet.
Lot Coverage. In addition to the setback requirements a minimum of 10% of the site area shall be open space; that is the setback areas do not count toward the 10% open space.
Front Yard Setback. The minimum setback from the property line to a porch shall be eight feet and to the living area shall be 12 feet, and to a garage shall be 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback. The minimum setback for the property line along the side yard to the structure shall be four feet.
Distance Between Structures. If there is more than one structure containing attached units, the minimum distance between such structures shall be at least 15 feet.
Rear Yard Setback. Ten feet to the structure or to the garage door for a rear loaded garage, plus a minimum of 12 feet to the centerline for alley or lane loaded garages.
Building Height. The structures on the property shall not exceed three stories and shall not additionally exceed 35 feet, except structures which have underparking may be up to 40 feet.
Parking. There shall be a two garage unit per unit and one guest parking space per unit.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)
Site Area. The minimum lot size for MFD small lots and zero lots is 2,800 square feet. The minimum lot size for duet lots is 3,000 square feet per duet.
Width and Depth of Site. The minimum width of MFD small and zero lots is 35 feet, except it shall be 40 feet for corner lots; the minimum width for duet lots is 30 feet, except it shall be 35 feet for corner lots. The minimum depth for MFD small and zero lots shall be 80 feet; the minimum depth for MFD duet lots shall be 100 feet.
Lot Coverage. The maximum site area covered by structure shall be 65% for MFD small lots, zero lots and duet lots; provided that at least 10% of the site area outside of the foot print of the structure and setbacks shall be open space.
Front Yard Setback. For MFD small lots, zero lots or duet lots, the minimum front yard setback to the porch shall be eight feet, or five feet if the unit faces away from the street, so that it sides onto the street; the minimum setback to the living area shall be 12 feet and the minimum setback to the garage door shall be 20 feet.
Side Yard Setback. For MFD small lots, the minimum side yard setback shall be four feet, except that encroachments, as described below, may encroach up to one foot into this four foot area. For zero lots, the minimum side yard setback shall be zero for the length of the garage, which is on the property line, and four feet for the remainder on one side. There shall be eight feet on the other side with a four foot reciprocal access easement to the adjacent lot, except that encroachments may encroach one foot into the set back. For duet lots, the minimum side yard setback shall be four feet. For lots which are in a group constituting cluster housing, the minimum side yard setback shall be six feet.
Rear Yard Setback. For MFD small lots, zero lots and duet lots, the minimum rear yard setback shall be five feet, for not more than 50% of the lot width and 10 feet for the remainder.
Minimum Setback for Rear Yard Garages. The minimum setback for a rear yard garage shall be five feet to the garage door and at least 12 feet to the center line of the alley or lane for alley or lane loaded garages, for MFD small lots, zero lots and duet lots.
Distance Between Units. For small lots the minimum distance between structure on the small lot and structure on an adjacent property shall be eight feet. For zero lots, the minimum distance between the structure and the structure on adjacent property shall be eight feet at the garage and 12 feet to the living area. For duet lots, the minimum distance between the duet and any adjacent structure shall be eight feet. For structures on properties which are grouped in cluster housing, the minimum distance between the structure and any adjacent structure shall be six feet.
Building Height. For MFD small lots, zero lots and duet lots, the maximum building height shall be two stories or 32 feet, whichever is greater.
Parking Requirements. For MFD small lots, zero lots and duet lots, there shall be a two car garage per unit and one guest parking space per unit on a public street. For lots which are grouped in cluster housing, there shall be a two car garage per unit and one guest parking space per unit on a public street or on a driveway apron.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)
All uses shall be subject to the general provisions and exceptions prescribed in Chapter 17.16 of this title, and all construction shall be subject to architectural design review in accordance with Chapter 17.104 of this title.
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)
(Ord. 05-252 § 1)