The industrial districts are included in the zoning code to achieve the following purposes:
To reserve appropriately located areas for various types of industrial plants and related activities;
To protect areas appropriate for industrial use from intrusion by residences and other inharmonious uses;
To protect residential, commercial and nuisance-free, nonhazardous industrial uses from noise, odor, dust, dirt, smoke, vibration, heat, glare, fire, explosion, noxious fumes, radiation, hazardous chemicals and other hazardous and objectionable influences incidental to certain industrial uses;
To provide opportunities for certain types of industrial plants to concentrate in mutually beneficial relationships to each other;
To provide adequate space to meet the needs of modern industrial development, including off-street parking and truck loading areas;
To provide industrial employment opportunities for residents of the city.
(Ord. 92-92; Ord. 92-73)
Application. This district is intended primarily for application to those areas of the city which are designated for light industrial use by the general plan.
Permitted Uses.
Any use listed as a permitted use in the CS, service commercial district;
Light industrial and related uses, including:
Assembly of small electric appliances, such as lighting fixtures, irons, fans, toasters and electric toys, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers and similar home appliances,
Assembly of small electrical equipment, such as home motion picture equipment, stereos, video cameras and radio and television receivers, but not including electrical machinery,
Manufacture of scientific, medical, dental and drafting instruments, orthopedic and medical appliances, cameras and photographic equipment, except film, electronic equipment, musical instruments, precision instruments, optical goods, watches and clocks,
Manufacture of ceramic products, such as pottery, figurines and small glazed tile,
Manufacturing, assembling, compounding, packaging and processing of cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceuticals, toilet soap (not including refining or rendering of fats or oils) and toiletries,
Manufacture and assembly of electrical supplies, such as coils, condensers, crystal holders, insulation, lamps, switches and wire and cable assembly, provided no noxious or offensive fumes or odors are produced,
Manufacture of cutlery, hardware, hand tools and furniture, dye and pattern making, metal stamping and extrusion of small products, such as costume jewelry, pins and needles, razor blades, bottle caps, buttons and kitchen utensils,
Manufacturing, assembling, compounding, packaging and processing of articles or merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: bone, canvas, cellophane, cellulose, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fiber and synthetic fiber, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, paint (not employing a boiling process), paper, plastics, precious or semi-precious metals or stones, rubber and synthetic rubber, shell, straw, textiles, tobacco and wood,
Manufacturing, assembling, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, dairy products, food products, including fruits and vegetables, but not including fish and meat products, pickles, sauerkraut, vinegar or yeast, or refining or rendering of fats and oils,
Blacksmith shops, boat building, electric motor rebuilding, machine shops and paint shops,
Food lockers and accessory sales,
Gasoline service stations, including dispensing of diesel and liquid petroleum gas fuels and complete truck service,
Lumber yards, including planing mills; mattress manufacture; storage yards for commercial vehicles or feed; flour, feed and grain mills; grain elevators,
Manufacture and maintenance of electric and neon signs, billboards and commercial advertising structures,
Offices, retail stores and watchpersons' living quarters incidental to and on the same site with an industrial use,
Warehouse and distribution,
Public utility and public service structures and facilities, such as communications equipment buildings, electric distribution substations, electric transmission substations, gas regulator stations, pumping stations, public utility service yards, corporation yards, railroad rights-of-way and stations, reservoirs and storage tanks,
Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use,
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
Permitted Uses—Administrative Approval Required.
Gas and electric transmission lines in accordance with Section 17.108.080;
Mobile or modular offices in accordance with the requirements of mobile or modular offices;
Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a use permitted by administrative approval or conditional use;
Indoor recreational uses;
Temporary uses such as a circus, carnival, religious revival, Christmas tree lot, promotion and sale in trucks or trailers, animal show or display, and pumpkin patch pursuant to Section 17.108.080;
Other uses which have been added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
Conditional Uses—Commission Approval Required.
Any of the uses listed in Section 17.48.030(B); provided, that on the basis of the use permit application and the evidence submitted, the planning commission makes the following findings in addition to the findings prescribed in Chapter 17.112:
That consideration of all the determinable characteristics of the use which is the subject of the application indicates that the use has the same essential characteristics as the uses listed in subsection B above, with respect to methods of operation, type of process, materials, equipment, structures, storage and appearances,
If the use involves nuisance or hazardous characteristics, that the application include sufficient evidence to indicate that special devices, construction or site design are planned to eliminate the nuisance or hazardous characteristics normally attendant to operation of the use,
That the use reasonably can be expected to conform with the required conditions prescribed for the district in Section 17.48.060;
Public buildings and grounds;
Expansion or remodeling of an existing nonconforming use of a structure or land, up to 50% or less of the value of the structure, or reestablishment of a nonconforming use which has been damaged, except nonconforming signs and outdoor advertising structures, nonconforming uses occupying a structure with an assessed valuation of less than $100, and nonconforming fences, walls and hedges;
Bulk storage and delivery of liquefied petroleum gas;
Outdoor vending stalls for the sale or trade of new and used articles at specified times of the day and week as either a temporary or permanent use of land;
Expansion, remodeling, or additions to a conditional use that are not considered an incidental or accessory use as defined in Section 17.04.080;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020;
Excavations according to the requirements of Chapter 17.88;
Recycled water storage ponds and sprayfields.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 92-92; Ord. 99-168; Ord. 04-237 § 2; Ord. 13-323 § 1; Ord. 24-455, 2/12/2024)
Application. This district is intended for application to those urban areas of the city which are designated for heavy industrial use in the general plan.
Permitted Uses.
Any use listed as a permitted use in the IL district, excluding all CS uses;
Heavy industrial and related uses, including the following:
Permitted Industrial and Related Uses for IG Districts
Aircraft and aircraft accessories and parts manufacture
Automobile, truck and trailer accessories and parts manufacture
Bag cleaning
Battery manufacture
Boiler works
Box factories and cooperage
Breweries, distilleries and wineries
Building materials manufacture and assembly, including, but not limited to, composition wallboard, partitions, panels and prefabricated structures
Business machine manufacture, including, but not limited to, accounting machines, calculators, card counting equipment and typewriters
Can and metal container manufacture
Candle manufacture, specifically excluding rendering and tallow works
Carpet and rug manufacture
Cement products manufacture; provided, no hazard of fire or explosion is created, including adhesives, bleaching products, bluing, calcimine, dyestuffs (except aniline dyes), essential oils, soda and soda com-pounds and vegetable gelatin, glue and size
Concrete and concrete products manufacture
Cotton ginning, cotton wadding, cotton seed processing and linter manufacture
Clay products manufacture, including brick, fire brick, tile and pipe
Fire arms manufacture
Food products manufacture, including such processing as cooking, dehydrating, roasting, refining, pas-teurization and extracting involved in the preparation of such products as casein, cereal, chocolate and cocoa products, cider and vinegar, coffee, fruits and vegetables, glucose, milk and dairy products, molasses and syrups, oleo/margarine, pickles, sauerkraut, sugar, vegetable oils and yeast
Glass and glass products manufacture
Graphite and graphite products manufacture
Gravel, rock and cement yards
Ink manufacture
Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants and similar agricultural, industrial and household chemical com-pounds manufacture
Jute, hemp, sisal and oakum products manufacture
Leather and fur finishing and dyeing, not including tanning and curing
Machinery manufacture, including heavy electrical, agricultural, construction and mining machinery and light machinery and equipment, such as air conditioning, commercial motion picture equipment, dish-washers, dryers, furnaces, heaters, refrigerators, stoves and washing machines
Machine tools manufacture, including metal lathes, metal presses, metal stamping machines and woodworking machines
Meat products processing and packaging, not including slaughtering and glue and size manufacture
Metal alloys and foil manufacture, including solder, pewter, brass, bronze and tin, lead and gold foil
Metal casting and foundries not including magnesium foundries
Motor and generator manufacture and testing
Outdoor storage of boats, recreational vehicles and legally registered vehicles
Paper products manufacture, including shipping containers, pump goods, carbon paper and coated pa-per stencils
Paraffin products manufacture
Plastic manufacture
Porcelain products manufacture, including bathroom and kitchen fixtures and equipment
Precious metals reduction, smelting and refining
Rubber products manufacture, including tires and tubes
Sand blasting
Shoe polish manufacture
Solid waste recycling
Starch and dextrine manufacturing
Steam electric generating stations
Steel products manufacture and assembly, including steel cabinets and lockers, doors, fencing and fur-niture
Stone products manufacture and stone processing, including abrasives, asbestos, stone screening and sand and lime products
Storage, sorting, collecting or baling of iron, junk, paper, rags, or scrap; structural steel products manu-facture, including bars, girders, rail and wire rope
Textile bleaching
Wire and cable manufacturing
Wood and lumber processing and woodworking, including planing mills and saw mills, excelsior, ply-wood, veneer and wood-preserving treatment;
Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted used;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
Permitted Uses—Administrative Approval Required.
Gas and electric transmission lines;
Mobile and modular offices;
Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a use permitted by administrative approval or conditional use;
Indoor recreational uses;
Temporary uses such as a circus, carnival, religious revival, Christmas tree lot, promotion and sale in trucks or trailers, animal show or display, and pumpkin patch pursuant to Section 17.108.080;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
Conditional Uses—Commission Approval Required.
The following uses and other uses may be approved according to the procedures in Chapter 17.112; provided, however, that for uses which involve nuisances, danger of fire or explosion, or other hazards to health and safety, the planning commission shall make a specific finding that the use can be expected to conform with each of the required conditions prescribed for an IG district in Section 17.48.040. The commission may require submission of reports by technical consultants or other evidence in addition to the data prescribed in Chapter 17.112.
Conditional Uses for IG Districts
Adult entertainment establishments, subject to the requirements of Chapter 5.08
Asphalt and asphalt product manufacture
Cement, lime, gypsum and plaster of Paris manufacture
Charcoal, lampblack and fuel briquettes manufacture
Chemical products manufacture, including acetylene, aniline dyes, ammonia, carbide, caustic soda, cellulose, chlorine, cleaning and polishing preparations, creosote, exterminating agents, hydrogen and oxy-gen, industrial alcohol, nitrating of cotton or other materials, nitrates of an explosive nature, potash, pyroxy-lin, rayon yarn, and carbolic, hydrochloric, picric and sulphuric acids
Coal, coke and tar products manufacture
Drop forges
Dumps and slag piles
Electroplating shops
Excavations according to the requirements of Chapter 17.88
Explosives manufacture and storage
Fertilizer manufacture
Film manufacture
Fireworks manufacture and storage
Fish products processing and packaging
Garbage and refuse dumps
Gas and oil wells
Gas manufacture or storage
Gelatin, glue and size manufacture from animal or fish refuse
Grain rolling and storage
Incineration or reduction of garbage, offal and dead animals
Junk yards
Lard manufacture
Linoleum and oil cloth manufacture
Liquefied petroleum gas bulk storage and delivery
Magnesium foundries
Manure, peat and topsoil processing and storage
Metal and metal ore reduction, refining, smelting and alloying
Motor vehicle wrecking yards
Paint manufacture, including enamel, lacquer, shellac, turpentine and varnish
Paper mills
Petroleum and petroleum products refining and storage
Rifle and pistol ranges
Rubber manufacture or processing, including natural or synthetic rubber and gutta-percha
Soap manufacture, including fat rendering
Steam plants
Stock yards, stock feeding yards and slaughter houses
Stone quarries, gravel pits, mines and stone mills
Storage of inflammable liquids
Storage of used building materials
Tallow manufacture
Tanneries and curing and storage of rawhides
Wood and bones distillation
Wood pulp and fiber reduction and processing;
Public buildings and grounds;
Expansion or remodeling of an existing nonconforming use of a structure or land, up to 50% or less of the value of the structure, or reestablishment of a nonconforming use which has been damaged, except nonconforming signs and outdoor advertising structures, nonconforming uses occupying a structure with an assessed valuation of less than $200 and nonconforming fences, walls and hedges;
Expansion, remodeling or additions to a conditional use that are not considered an incidental or accessory use as defined in Section 17.04.080;
Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a conditional use;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020;
Recycled water storage ponds and sprayfields.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 96-136; Ord. 99-168; Ord. 04-237 § 3; Ord. 13-323 § 1)
In the IL and IG districts, all open and unlandscaped portions of any lot shall be maintained in good condition free from weeds, dust, trash and debris.
No use shall be permitted and no process, equipment or material shall be employed which is found by the commission to be injurious to persons residing or working in the vicinity by reason of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, cinders, dirt, refuse, noise, vibrations, illumination, glare or heavy truck traffic, or to involve any hazard of fire, explosion or radio activity, or to emit electrical disturbances which adversely affect commercial or electronic equipment outside the boundaries of the site.
No solid or liquid wastes shall be discharged into a natural watercourse, nor into a public or private sewage disposal system except in compliance with applicable regulations of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board.
In an IL or IG district, no use shall emit particulate matter or other air pollutants in excess of the applicable air pollution emission standards of the County Air Pollution Control District, the state or of the federal government.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection D above, no industrial use shall be permitted to utilize coal in any form as a source of fuel for the conduct of any industrial operations within the city.
(Ord. 92-73)
Screening and Landscaping. Fences, walls and hedges shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 17.92.
Site Area. The minimum site area shall be one-half acre in the IG district. No minimum site area shall be required in the IL district.
Frontage, Width and Depth of Site. There shall be no limitations.
Coverage. There shall be no limitations.
Yard Requirements.
Front Yard. The minimum front yard for both the IL and IG districts shall be 10 feet.
Rear and Side Yards. Except as provided below, no rear yard or side yards shall be required.
The minimum rear yard abutting a UR-ST, RCO, R, RM, or C district shall be 15 feet.
On a reversed corner lot adjoining a key lot in a UR-ST, RCO, R, RM, or C district, the minimum side yard adjoining the street shall not be less than one-half the required front yard on the key lot.
The minimum side yard abutting a UR-ST, RCO, R, RM, or C district shall be 15 feet.
Distances Between Structures. There shall be no limitations.
Building Height. The building height shall be no greater than 76 feet, unless a building height of no greater than 95 feet is determined to be warranted by the planning commission under the provisions of Chapter 17.100, and except that a greater height may be approved for tanks, towers, silos and similar facilities under the provisions of Chapter 17.112.
Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading. Off-street parking and off-street loading facilities shall be provided as prescribed in Chapter 17.76.
Signs and Outdoor Advertising Structures. No signs or outdoor advertising structure of any character shall be permitted, except as provided in Chapter 17.84.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 92-96; Ord. 12-312 § 2; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
No use shall be erected on any lot or site in an I district until the site plan and architectural plans shall have been approved in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 17.100 and 17.104.
(Ord. 92-73)
All uses shall be subject to the general provisions and exceptions in Chapter 17.16.
(Ord. 92-73)