Planned unit developments (PUDs), involving the careful application of design, are encouraged to achieve a more functional, aesthetically pleasing and harmonious living and working environment within the city, which otherwise might not be possible by strict adherence to the regulations of this chapter.
In certain instances, the objective of the general plan and zoning code may be achieved by the development of planned units which do not conform in all respects with the land use pattern designated on the zone plan or the district regulations prescribed by this chapter. A planned unit development may include a combination of different dwelling types and/or a variety of land uses which are made to complement each other and harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity, by design.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 22-442 § 1)
A planned unit development may be located in any district upon the granting of a use permit in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or by applying the planned unit development combining district in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17.52.010 and 17.52.020. A planned unit development shall be adopted or amended in the same manner as prescribed by Chapter 17.124. A planned unit development shall include a development plan and development schedule.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 22-442 § 1; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
A planned unit development shall include only those uses permitted, either as permitted uses or conditional uses, in the zoning district in which the planned unit development is located, subject to the following exceptions:
Any combination of uses permitted in any R or RM district as a permitted use, a use permitted by administrative approval, or a conditional use, may be included in a planned unit development located in an R or RM district.
Any combination of uses permitted within any C or IL district as a permitted use, a use permitted by administrative approval, or a conditional use may be included in a planned unit development located in a C district.
Any combination of uses permitted in any CS, CH, IL or IG district as a permitted use, a use permitted by administrative approval, or conditional use may be located in a planned unit development located in an IL or IG district.
(Prior code § 188.03; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
The minimum site area for a planned unit development shall be five acres, provided, however, that a smaller parcel may be permitted if the proposal meets the purposes described in Section 17.56.010, as determined by the planning director.
(Prior code § 188.04)
The standards of site area and dimensions, site coverage, yard spaces, distances between structures, off-street parking and off-street loading facilities and landscaped areas need not be equivalent to the standards prescribed for the regulations for the district in which the planned unit development is located if the applicant has demonstrated by the design proposal that the objectives of the zoning code and the objectives of this chapter will be achieved.
(Prior code § 188.05; Ord. 22-442 § 1)
No use shall be permitted and no process, equipment or material shall be employed which is found by the planning commission to be objectionable to persons residing or working in the vicinity, or injurious to property located in the vicinity by reason of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, cinders, dirt, refuse, water-carried wastes, noise, vibration, illumination, glare, unsightliness or heavy truck traffic, or to involve any hazard of fire or explosion.
(Prior code § 188.06; Ord. 22-442 § 1)
An application for a planned unit development zone shall include and be accompanied by a development plan.
The development plan shall include:
A map showing any street system and lot designed within the zone. Any area proposed to be dedicated or reserved for parks, playground, school sites, public buildings, and other such uses must be shown. Compliance with this requirement shall not be construed to relieve the applicant from compliance with the subdivision regulations or any other applicable regulations of the city of Lathrop.
A plot plan for each building site or sites in the proposed PUD zone or any portion thereof as required by the community development director. The plot plan shall show the approximate location of all proposed buildings, indicating distances between buildings and property or building site lines.
Elevations of all proposed structures. Such drawings need not be the result of final architectural decisions but need only be in sufficient detail to indicate the height of proposed buildings and general appearance of the proposed structures so that the entire development will have architectural unity, be in harmony with surrounding developments and comply with any design criteria in effect at the time of application.
A parking and circulation plan for all nonresidential developments. This plan shall include off-street parking, truck loading access, proposed circulation patterns of vehicles within the PUD zone and to and from adjacent public thoroughfares. Any special engineering features and traffic regulation devices needed to facilitate or insure the safety of the circulation shall be shown.
Any or all of the following plans and diagrams or similar information may be required by the community development director:
A parking and circulation plan for residential developments;
A landscaping and tree planting plan;
A map showing the existing and proposed topography of the area at one-foot contour intervals and trees and structures on the property;
An economic feasibility report or market analysis;
Noise evaluation of the proposed development;
A traffic analysis of the proposed development.
Any changes proposed in the development plan shall be submitted to the community development director and shall be processed as follows:
Changes in the development plan which do not involve new uses, significant impact on adjacent property or significant site redesign may be approved by the community development director or referred to the planning commission for decision without a public hearing.
Changes in the development plan which involve new uses, revisions with significant impact on adjacent property or significant site redesign shall be considered amendments to the PUD zone and processed the same as a zone boundary change.
(Ord. 22-442 § 1)
An application for a PUD zone shall be accompanied by a development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the project can be expected to begin, the anticipated rate of development and the completion date.
From time to time the planning commission shall compare the actual development accomplished in the various PUD zones with the approved development schedule. If the development schedule has expired, the commission may either recommend that the city council grant an extension to the schedule or shall initiate proceedings to rezone the property to the zone classification which it held immediately prior to being zoned PUD.
Upon request by the property owner and for good cause, the planning commission may recommend that the city council extend the time limits of the development schedule provided that any request for an extension be on file in the office of the community development director at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any time limit.
(Ord. 22-442 § 1)
The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on the planned unit development establishment or revision application as required by Chapter 17.124 (Amendments). The planning commission shall consider the full application at this hearing including the development plan and development schedule.
The planning commission shall forward a written recommendation, and reasons for the recommendation, on the proposed planned unit development establishment or revision to the city council. The recommendation shall be based on the findings in Section 17.56.080, in addition to the amendments findings specified in Chapter 17.124.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 22-442 § 1)
Upon receipt of the planning commission's recommendation, the city council shall conduct a public hearing and either approve, approve in modified form, or deny the planned unit development establishment or revision. The city council may approve the application only if all of the findings in subsection B below can be made, in addition to the amendments findings specified in Chapter 17.124.
The city council may approve an application for a planned unit development establishment or revision only if all of the findings can be made:
The proposed development is consistent with the goals, policies and actions of the general plan and any applicable specific plan and community plan.
The site for the proposed development is adequate in size and shape to accommodate proposed land uses.
The site for the proposed development has adequate access considering the limitations of existing and planned streets and highways.
Adequate public services exist or will be provided to serve the proposed development.
The proposed development will not have a substantial adverse effect on surrounding property, will be compatible with the existing and planned land use character of the surrounding area, and will enhance the desirability of the area and have a beneficial effect.
The proposed development carries out the intent of the planned unit development zoning district by providing a more efficient use of the land and an excellence of site design greater than that which could be achieved through the application of established zoning standards.
Each individual unit of the proposed development, in each phase as well as the total development, can exist as an independent unit capable of creating a good environment in the locality and being in any stage as desirable and stable as the total development.
Any deviation from the standard ordinance requirements is warranted by the design and additional amenities incorporated in the development plan, which offer certain unusual redeeming features to compensate for any deviations that may be permitted.
The principles incorporated in the proposed development plan indicate certain unique or unusual features, which could not otherwise be achieved under the other zoning districts.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 22-442 § 1)