The purpose of the Central Lathrop design review board is to produce a harmonious, pleasing and desirable appearance of sites, structures and signs through the review of the site design and building design in the Central Lathrop Specific Plan planning area including, but not limited to, materials, textures, colors and such other elements of construction which affect the exterior appearance of structures; to encourage originality in site design, building design, and construction in a manner which will enhance the physical appearance and attractiveness of the community; to preserve the investments in properties which exhibit tasteful consideration of the external physical appearance of the site and structures thereon; to encourage and enhance the desirability of private investment within the surrounding area; and to insure compliance with the Central Lathrop Specific Plan and the design guidelines associated therewith.
Site and architectural design review provisions of this chapter shall apply to any permitted or conditional use listed within the VR-CL (Variable Density); HR-CL (High Density Residential); R/MU-CL (Residential/Mixed-Use Zoning); NC-CL (Neighborhood Commercial Zoning); CO-CL (Commercial Office Zoning); P/SP-CL: Public/Semi-Public Zoning); and OS-CL (Open Space Zoning) of this Chapter 17.62 of the Lathrop Municipal Code. There shall be no exceptions to such application, except as may be granted for historic structures designated by the city of by previously approved specific plans.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
The CLDRB shall consist of a total of three members, appointed as follows: two members appointed by the city and one member appointed by Richland Planned Communities, Inc., or its successor-in-interest.
Building design review is required for the following:
Any new building;
Any new use or existing use or building for which exterior remodeling is proposed, including exterior surface improvement, such as painting, sand blasting, veneer and stucco surface;
The establishment or remodeling of any on-premises sign or other advertising structures, which are regulated under Chapter 17.84 of the Lathrop Zoning Code.
Architectural design standards shall consist of the following:
Generally accepted principles of architecture and design related to building design, particularly in terms of scale, bulk, mass, color, texture and form;
Review of proposed development in the context of the surrounding land use and structures.
Site design standards shall consist of the following:
City code requirements for development as they relate to circulation, parking, setbacks and landscape design issues;
General principles related to site planning.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3)
The following drawings shall be submitted to the CLDRB with an application for any site plan review, conditional use permit, planned unit development, tentative subdivision map, tentative parcel map, or administrative approval permit, (hereinafter an "application").
Architectural drawings, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed structures, by point of compass, as they will appear upon completion of construction. All exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified;
Scale drawings of all signs by point of compass that are subject to architectural design review; showing size, location, material, colors and any proposed illumination.
The CLDRB may require additional information of the applicant if necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3)
The city community development department shall check all drawings submitted for site and architectural design review for compliance with applicable provisions of this code and shall submit the drawings to the CLDRB.
The CLDRB shall act to approve, deny or require modifications of the drawings submitted for committee review within 30 days of the determination by the CLDRB that the application meets the requirements of the chapter for completeness.
The authority of the CLDRB with respect to site and building design shall extend to reviewing the plans and making recommendations to the permitting authority in the form of conditions for all other discretionary entitlements. The appeal on any such conditions shall be to the permitting authority and shall be heard in connection with the approval, disapproval or other action on the application.
The application fee for a permitted or conditionally permitted use as set by resolution of the city council is sufficient to cover the cost of handling the application and includes the design review committee.
(Ord. 04-245 § 3)