Management. Prior to the approval of the use, the operator of the single room occupancy use must submit to the community development department, planning division a written management plan. At a minimum, the management plan shall include and address the following:
Procedures for staff training to meet the needs of the residents and identification of staff processes to address the following topics: client intake, confidentiality, health and safety training, mental health, and substance abuse treatment and referrals;
Operational rules and standards of conduct for residents, including policies prohibiting the use or possession of controlled substances by residents, rules prohibiting the use or possession of alcohol in common areas, and any other provisions necessary to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses;
Twenty-four hour on-site management;
Units shall be limited to single occupancy, with provisions for overnight guests; and
Units shall be leased for a minimum period of one month.
Unit Size. Each unit shall be at least 275 square feet in size and include a bathroom.
Common Facilities. The single room occupancy shall include the following facilities for use by residents:
Kitchen and dining area;
Laundry room;
Recreation or meeting room; and
Outdoor recreational space, provided that the space is located within a building interior court-yard or is enclosed by a building, solid fence, wall, or some combination thereof to secure the space and ensure that it is not accessible to the general public.
Parking. Parking shall be provided at a ratio of one vehicle space per unit and bicycle rack storage of one rack per five rooms.
Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be located along all pedestrian pathways, parking lots, entrances and exits, common outdoor areas, and at the front of the building. All lighting shall be maintained in good operating condition and shall be fully-shielded.
Building and Site Maintenance. The exterior of the building must be kept in a good state of repair and the exterior finish and landscaping must be kept clean and well maintained. The exterior of the site shall be kept in a neat and orderly manner, free of weeds, loose trash, debris, and other litter, including, but not limited to, shopping carts.
(Ord. 16-365 § 1)