It is the intent of the city to impose standards and regulations in regards to the planning, installation, and maintenance of the public and private landscape that provide aesthetic and functional amelioration to the city, while being in compliance with state and local regulations as they pertain to the use of water. The city recognizes the imperative need to conserve water in all of its varied uses in order to meet the needs of its growing population.
This chapter is intended to establish standards and regulations for new residential, industrial, commercial and institutional development. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to existing development. Standards set forth for institutional development shall be the same as those listed for industrial development as described in this chapter.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 96-136)
Single-Family Developments—Development Standards. All new single-family developments that require a development permit shall meet the following requirements:
Landscaping. All required yards shall be landscaped and maintained as provided by the provisions of this title. All front yards must contain in addition to other landscaping, a minimum of one tree planted in accordance with Section 17.92.100 and in conformance with the approved tree schedule and criteria as provided in Section 17.92.090. Corner lots shall include a minimum of one tree for each street frontage. All existing trees on undeveloped property shall be maintained unless removal or relocation has been approved by the planning director and as identified on an approved landscape plan pursuant to Section 17.92.040.
Landscape Plan. Each project shall include a landscape plan as described in Section 17.92.040.
Irrigation Plan. Each project shall include an irrigation plan described in Section 17.92.050.
Water Conservation. Each project shall meet the requirements for water conservation set forth in Section 17.92.060.
Landscaping Requirement. For one-family residential zone districts:
Landscape Area. At least 35% of the front yard and street-side yard shall be landscaped consisting of living plant materials including, but not limited to, trees, shrubs, groundcover, natural turf, flowers, and vines. Tree planting must be planted in accordance with this title. For building permits issued for new residential construction after July 15, 2015, no more than 25% of the actual front and street-side yard area shall be natural turf if irrigated with potable water.
Artificial Turf Standards. Artificial turf may be placed in substitute of natural turf but shall meet the following standards:
Artificial turf shall be made from polypropylene, polyethylene, a blend of such fibers, or new industry standard that has very little to no known toxic substance on a permeable backing. Nylon-based or plastic grass blades are not permitted. The use of indoor/outdoor carpeting and artificial shrubs, flowers, trees, and vines instead of natural plantings is prohibited.
Artificial turf shall have a minimum blade length (pile height) of 1.25 inches or as determined by the community development director or designee.
An appropriate solid barrier device (i.e., concrete mow strip) is required to separate artificial turf from soil and live vegetation.
Artificial turf shall be lead free.
Artificial turf shall be trimmed to fit against all regular and irregular edges to resemble a natural look.
Artificial turf shall be designed to allow water to percolate through synthetic grass at a minimum drain rate of 25 inches per hour (or an alternative rate as determined by the public works director) to an adequate drainage system installed underneath the artificial turf to prevent run-off, pooling, and flooding.
All artificial turf shall have a warranty that protects against color fading and a decrease in pile height. A minimum four-year manufacturer's warranty is required for a "do it yourself" homeowner's installation; and a minimum eight-year manufacturer's warranty is required for an installation certified by the manufacturer.
Installation shall be done at a minimum to the manufacturer's specifications, and include the following: removal of all sod and existing groundcover, a synthetic porous filter fabric shall be installed, compacted and porous decomposed crushed granite and/or road base material (at least three inches), all edges and seams of the artificial turf are to be anchored with nails and glue, all seams shall be nailed and glued— not sewn—and artificial turf shall be visually level with the grain pointing in a single direction.
Artificial Turf Maintenance. Artificial turf shall be maintained by the property owner in an effective manner which includes cleaning, brushing, debris removal; repairing of depressions and ruts to maintain a level visual surface; elimination of any odors, flat or matted areas, weeds, evasive roots, looseness at edges, seams; and the replacement of the artificial turf when maintenance or repair is unable to simulate a natural thriving, green, grass appearance.
Multifamily Developments—Development Standards.
Landscaping. For multifamily developments of four or less units, the single-family development requirements described in Section 17.92.020(A) shall apply. For developments of five or more units, the following requirements shall be imposed in addition to those imposed in Section 17.92.020(A):
All areas not used for buildings, parking, driveways, walkways, recreational facilities or other permanent facilities shall be landscaped. At a minimum, 15% of the net site area shall be landscaped.
All required yards shall be landscaped and maintained as provided by the provisions of this title.
Site development shall incorporate the surrounding topography and provide for the preservation of natural features such as water courses, wooded areas, and rough terrain.
Parking, Noise Attenuation, and Screening. Each project shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 17.92.070.
Mobilehome Parks—Development Standards.
Landscaping. All areas not used for buildings, parking, driveways, walkways, recreational facilities or other permanent facilities shall be landscaped. At a minimum, 15% of the net site area shall be landscaped. Common recreational areas can account for 10% of the net site area requirement. Site development shall incorporate the surrounding topography and provide for the preservation of natural features such as water courses, wooded areas, and rough terrain.
Landscaping Plan. Each project shall include a landscaping plan as described in Section 17.92.040.
Irrigation Plan. Each project shall include an irrigation plan as described in Section 17.92.050.
Water Conservation Requirements. Each project shall meet the requirements set forth in Section 17.92.060.
Parking, Noise Attenuation, and Screening. Each project shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 17.92.070.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 16-355 § 1)
Commercial Developments—Development Standards.
Landscaping. All areas not used for structures, parking, driveways, walkways or other hardscape shall be landscaped and maintained as provided by the provisions of this title. At a minimum, 15% of the net site area shall be landscaped and all areas of the project area abutting other properties or public right-of-ways shall include a continuous landscaped planting strip no smaller than five feet in width. All landscaping materials used shall be in accordance with Section 17.92.100 and in conformance with the tree and shrub schedule and criteria as provided in Section 17.92.090. All existing trees on the project site shall be maintained unless removal or relocation has been approved by the planning director and as identified on an approved landscape plan pursuant to Section 17.92.040.
Landscaping Plan. Each project shall include a landscaping plan as described in Section 17.92.040.
Irrigation Plan. Each project shall include an irrigation plan as described in Section 17.92.050.
Water Conservation Requirements. Each project shall meet the requirements set forth in Section 17.92.060.
Parking, Noise Attenuation, and Screening. Each project shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 17.92.070.
Industrial Developments—Development Standards.
Landscaping. All areas not used for structures, parking, driveways, walkways or other hardscape shall be landscaped and maintained as provided by the provisions of this title. At a minimum, 10% of the net site area shall be landscaped and all areas of the project area abutting other properties or public right-of-ways shall include a continuous landscaped planting strip no smaller than five feet in width. All landscaping materials used shall be in accordance with Section 17.92.100 and in conformance with the approved tree and shrub schedule and criteria as provided in Section 17.92.090. All existing trees on the project site shall be maintained unless removal or relocation has been approved by the community development director or the city manager's designee, and as identified on an approved landscape plan pursuant to Section 17.92.040.
Landscaping Plan. Each project shall include a landscaping plan as described in Section 17.92.040.
Irrigation Plan. Each project shall include an irrigation plan as described in Section 17.92.050.
Water Conservation Requirements. Each project shall meet the requirements set forth in Section 17.92.060.
Parking, Noise Attenuation, and Screening. Each project shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 17.92.070.
(Ord. 92-96; Ord. 96-136; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)
A landscape plan is required for all new residential, commercial, and industrial developments. Each plan shall be professionally drawn to an identifiable scale no smaller than one inch equals 20 feet on 18 inch by 24 inch or 18 inch by 26 inch drawing media and shall include the following:
Landscape Materials, Trees, Shrubs, Groundcover, Turf, Etc. Planting symbols shall be clearly drawn and plants labeled by botanical name, common name, container size, spacing, and quantities of each group of plants indicated in accordance with the provisions of this title;
Property lines, street names, and existing utilities;
Streets, driveways, walkways, and other paved areas;
Pools, ponds, water features, fences, retaining walls and other screening devices;
Existing and proposed buildings and structures including elevation if applicable;
Natural features including, but not limited to, rock outcroppings, existing trees, and shrubs that will remain and those that are intended to be removed;
Tree staking, plant installation, soil preparation details, and any other applicable planting and installation details;
Irrigation materials, specifications, and design in conformance with the water conservation and irrigation design requirements stated in Section 17.92.060;
Drainage and run-off detail as they pertain to the proposed landscape.
Identify location of mulch application. Mulch shall be applied on all exposed soil surfaces of planting areas except in areas of rooting or creeping ground covers. The application of mulch will conserve soil moisture, improve fertility and health of the soil, reduce weed growth, and enhance the visual appeal of the new landscaping areas.
(Ord. 92-96; Ord. 21-418 § 16)
The irrigation plan shall be drawn separately from the landscape plan but drawn at the same scale using the same format as described in Section 17.92.040. The irrigation plan should also include:
Location and size of separate meters for the landscape;
Location, type, and size of all components of the irrigation system, including automatic controllers, main and lateral lines, valves, sprinkler heads, moisture sensing devices, rain switches, quick couplers and backflow prevention devices;
Static water pressure at the point of connection to the public water supply;
Flow rate (gallons per minute), precipitation rates (inches per hour), and design operating pressure (psi) for each station;
Location and specifications of recycled irrigation systems;
Location of and size of public water lines and connections;
Any other applicable information as required by the public works director.
(Ord. 92-96)
State's Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO).
The Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance of the state of California, as contained in Sections 490 through 495, Chapter 2.7, Division 2, Title 23 in the California Code of Regulations is hereby adopted by reference as the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance of the city of Lathrop. A copy of the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance of the state of California shall be maintained in the community development department office of the city of Lathrop and shall be made available for public inspection while the ordinance codified in this section is in force.
"Local agency" in the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance shall mean the city of Lathrop.
"Local water purveyor" in the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance shall mean the city of Lathrop.
(Ord. 16-355 § 1)
Screening and landscaping of open parking and loading areas shall be provided as follows:
Parking lots located on the project site of 10 parking spaces or less that area adjacent to the project property lines shall include a five-foot landscape strip buffer installed continuously along the property line unless it is adjacent to an area that is designated on the general plan for residential use, zoned for residential use or where an existing residential use exists or abuts a street frontage; in such occurrences, the planting strip shall be 10 feet in width minimum. Parking areas of more than 10 parking stalls shall include a 10 foot landscape strip buffer installed continuously along the property line in all cases.
Trees shall be planted in the landscaped area at the area of one tree per six parking spaces. The trees planted shall be selected from the criteria as described in Section 17.92.090, and approved by the community development director. Open parking areas on streets shall have a minimum five-foot planting strip. The planting strip shall be measured from the street right-of-way line allowing openings for walkways and driveways. All trees planted along a public right-of-way shall be maintained to allow a minimum clearance of 10 feet from grade.
Areas containing plant materials should be bordered by concrete curb at least six inches high and six inches wide. Alternative barrier design to protect landscaped areas from damage by vehicles and/or to filter/retain runoff on-site may be approved by the community development director.
Landscaping shall be distributed throughout the parking lot. Parking lot landscaping shall be located so that pedestrians are not required to cross unpaved areas to reach building entrances from parked cars. This can be achieved through proper orientation of the landscape fingers and islands by providing pedestrian access through the landscaped areas that would otherwise block direct pedestrian routes.
Varied tree and plant species shall be used throughout the parking lot. No one species shall comprise more than 75% of the plantings within each of the following categories: shade tree, screen tree, shrub.
Planters containing landscaping shall be provided adjacent to and within parking areas in accordance with the following regulations:
Transit shelters are allowed within the landscaping area.
Parking lots of 20 spaces or more shall provide a landscaped island measuring a minimum of eight feet by 16 feet at a ratio of one island for every eight spaces. The island shall contain at least one tree.
No planter shall be smaller than five feet wide by five feet long, or 25 square feet, excluding curbing. Each planter shall include an irrigation system.
Shading requirement. Trees shall be planted and maintained throughout the surface parking facility to ensure that, within 15 years after establishment of the parking facility, at least 50% of the parking facility will be shaded. Solar canopies, if provided, can be counted towards this calculation.
Existing mature trees on the site shall be preserved whenever possible. If the existing tree is removed, the replacement tree shall be sized as follows:
Two to six inches in diameter = 24-inch box.
Six inches or greater in diameter = 36-inch box.
All plant material removed from a multifamily or nonresidential project in which the community development department has approved the landscape plan shall be replaced. Replacement shrubs shall be a minimum five-gallon size. Ground cover shall be a minimum size of a full flat.
All landscaped areas shall be designed so that plant materials are protected from vehicle damage or encroachment.
All plant materials shall be maintained free from physical damage or injury arising from lack of water, chemical damage, insects, and diseases. Plant materials showing damage shall be replaced by the same or similar species. Planting areas shall be kept free from weeds, debris, and undesirable materials which may be detrimental to safety, drainage, or appearance. Planter areas shall have mulch replenished as needed.
All parking areas and parking lots shall also be in compliance with the adopted zoning ordinance and other city ordinances, resolutions, and regulations as set forth by the city council.
If a commercial, industrial, or multifamily residential project abuts a residential zone, an area designated on the general plan for residential use, or an existing residential use, a solid masonry wall, or alternative materials approved by the community development director, eight feet in height, shall be erected to the adjoining planting strip.
Residential land uses that are noise impacted per the general plan noise element may incorporate effective sound attenuation measures to reduce noise to acceptable levels, including sound walls exceeding the maximum height of this title.
All outside storage areas shall be screened so as not to be visible from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. Screening shall be a minimum of six feet in height, and consist of a solid material. Outside storage is not permitted in front or street side yards, or in front of structures.
Trash enclosures shall be provided for each development. Each enclosure shall consist of three solid walls and a gated fourth wall.
Roof mounted mechanical equipment, tanks, ventilating fans and similar equipment shall be screened from the view of adjacent properties and public rights-of-way at grade. The required screens shall be architecturally compatible with the building or structure on which they are used.
Industrial projects shall be allowed security fencing, which may include a maximum of two feet of barbed wire adjacent to areas that are not zoned or planned for residential use. The total height of such fencing shall not exceed eight feet in height.
Fence and Wall Maximum Allowed Heights and Locations. Each fence and wall on a residential property shall comply with height limits and locations shown in the table below:
Location of Fence or Wall
Maximum Height1,4
Within required front setback2
3 feet3
Within required street side setback
<5 feet from back of sidewalk2
3 feet3
≥5 feet from back of sidewalk2,5
7 feet
Within required interior side and rear setback
7 feet
At the intersections of streets, alleys, and driveways6
3 feet
As part of a discretionary entitlement, the city may grant additional height or location requirements to enclose or screen specific areas or uses for fences and walls designed for noise attenuation.
Setback area is measured from back of sidewalk to the fence. If no sidewalk exists, the setback is measured from the property line to the fence.
Height of front and street side fence may be increased to four feet if the fence remains substantially (minimum 50%) open and transparent (e.g., picket fence, open wood slats, open wrought iron).
Architectural features on fences may exceed the maximum height (e.g. vertical components such as spires on wrought iron fences). The average height of the fence, including architectural features, shall not exceed the maximum height permitted above.
For reversed corner lots, fences greater than three feet in height shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the back of sidewalk.
See definition of clear visibility triangle in Section 17.04.080.
Fence and Wall Design and Maintenance Standards.
Fencing Materials. Fences and walls shall be constructed of attractive, long-lasting materials (e.g., masonry, wood, tubular steel, or stone).
Prohibited Fencing Materials. Unless approved as a condition of approval or in conjunction with another entitlement, walls or fences of sheet or corrugated iron, sheet steel, concertina wire, or sheer aluminum are prohibited. Barbed wire fencing, concertina wire, serpentine wire, razor wire, and other similar fencing materials shall not be constructed or placed on top of a fence except where property is used for agricultural, open space, or industrial uses.
Maintenance. Fences and walls shall be continuously maintained in an orderly and good condition.
Temporary Fences. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to prohibit the erection of a temporary fence around construction projects in compliance with the city adopted building code and other applicable provision of the municipal code.
(Ord. 92-96; Ord. 16-355 § 1; Ord. 18-384 § 1; Ord. 19-405 § 1; Ord. 21-418 § 16)
All streets, roads, and parkways within the city shall meet the following standards as required by the provisions of this title. In residential, commercial and industrial zones, trees shall be planted in accordance with Sections 17.92.020 and 17.92.030. In addition, the following requirements shall apply:
Trees shall be planted between four feet and 10 feet from a public right-of-way. Trees should also be a minimum of 10 feet from any driveway.
Trees planted on street frontages where noise attenuation is required shall be planted in a minimum five foot landscape strip or in tree wells as described in Section 17.92.100. Each tree shall be spaced no farther than 20 feet apart.
Trees planted on streets that provide off-street parking shall be planted in accordance with Section 17.92.100.
(Ord. 92-96)
General Requirements. A tree and shrub schedule shall be submitted with the landscape plan. The species of trees and shrubs to be required should meet the following criteria for its intended purpose:
Street Trees—Tree Well Trees and Landscape Strips. These trees are to be used in city approved tree wells and in sidewalk locations in the public right-of-way. These types of trees should be non-root evasive, drought resistant, pest and disease resistant and create a canopy that will not hinder pedestrians or motor vehicles. Fruit bearing trees, trees that drop excessive leaves, spores, and the like should not be considered.
Street Trees—Street Frontages. These trees should meet the criteria listed above for tree well trees, as well as provide shade for residences, parking lots and parkways.
Shrubs. Shrubs should be drought, pest and disease resistant and should not grow to a height above three feet near street frontages or on corner lots. Shrubs that produce thorns should not be considered.
The planning director shall approve the tree and shrub schedule according to the above criteria. All trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained in accordance with Section 17.92.100.
(Ord. 92-96)
Planting Standards.
Street Trees. Street trees shall be planted 20 feet on center no closer than four feet from the back of curb or planting edge. Trees shall maintain a 10-foot vertical clearance over walks, pathways, and the like. Each tree shall be a minimum of 15 gallons in size and shall be planted with root barriers.
Shrubs. Shrubs should be planted as to provide a reasonable amount of ground cover. Shrubs that are used for screening purposes shall meet height requirements as provided by this title. Any shrub that will reach three feet in height at maturity shall not be planted within a required setback. Each shrub shall be a minimum of five gallons in size.
Planting Design. The planting design shall be incorporated in the landscape plan as described in Section 17.92.040. Choice of planting materials, trees, and shrubs should take into account drought tolerance, ease of maintenance and aesthetic beauty. The design should also take into account future shade conditions in street and parking lot situations., A soil analysis may be required by the planning director under certain conditions; if required it also shall be submitted with the landscape plan.
Timing of Installation. All landscaping, screening, and irrigation shall be in place prior to the request for a final inspection by the owner.
Acceptance by City. Each landscape area shall be maintained for 365 days from the time the owner requests from the city a final inspection of the landscape area prior to transfer of maintenance responsibility to the city. Those landscapes that are to be privately owned, shall be maintained by the property owner.
Maintenance Standards. Each landscape area shall be maintained as follows:
Property Owners' Responsibility. Property owners of developed residential, commercial, and industrial lots shall be responsible for maintaining the landscape areas of their properties to the satisfaction of the city. Property owners of developed residential lots shall be responsible for maintaining their private yard areas (front yards and back yards) within enclosed fenced areas, as well as maintain any unfenced private yards and any parkway strips (landscape strips between sidewalk and roadway) that exist along the frontage area of their properties.
Plantings shall be maintained in good growing condition and whenever necessary, replaced with new plant materials.
Lawn and ground cover shall be trimmed and mowed regularly and planting areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris.
Plantings shall be fertilized, cultivated, and pruned on a regular basis, and good horticultural principles shall be maintained.
When necessary, plantings shall be appropriately staked, tied, or otherwise supported. Supports shall be regularly monitored to avoid damage to plants.
All landscaping and related equipment, including, but not limited to, plants, planting material, screening devices, walkways, benches, irrigations systems, and the like shall be maintained by the owner.
All required screening materials shall be maintained in good condition, and whenever necessary, repaired or replaced.
All property shall be maintained in a manner that will not depreciate adjacent property values.
Landscaping elements which pose an unusual public health or safety hazard shall not be permitted.
The height, spread, and growth habit of all plantings shall not interfere with or obstruct ease of movement of pedestrians or vehicles.
(Ord. 92-96; Ord. 23-449, 11/13/2023)