The minor site plan review provides for minor modifications to previously approved plans or permits where the change is in substantial conformity with the approved plan or permit.
(Ord. 18-384 § 1)
An application for minor site plan review shall be submitted to the planning department on a form prescribed by the department. The application shall include a statement of the use proposed and a site plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 17.100.
The director shall review the proposed use to ascertain all facts pertinent thereto, and in writing, shall state either approval or approval with conditions of the proposed use, together with his or her findings and reasons for such decision within 15 working days of the filing of the application.
In approving the use, the director shall impose such conditions and requirements as may be applicable as listed under Sections 17.100.060 and 17.112.070.
(Ord. 18-384 § 1)
The community development director shall make all of the following findings to approve or conditionally approve a minor site plan review application:
Substantial conformance with previously approved plans;
The proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the general plan, complies with applicable zoning regulations, planned development, master plan or specific plan provisions, improvement standards, and other applicable standards and regulations adopted by the city;
The proposed project will not create conflicts with vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian transportation modes of circulation;
The site layout (orientation and placement of buildings and parking areas), as well as the landscaping, lighting, and other development features, is compatible with and complements the existing surrounding environment and ultimate character of the area under the general plan; and
The proposed architecture, including character, scale, and quality of the design, relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials, colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting and signing, and similar elements, establishes a clear design concept and is compatible with the character of buildings on adjoining and nearby properties.
(Ord. 18-384 § 1)
One copy of the written decision shall be signed and dated by the director and mailed to the applicant.
(Ord. 18-384 § 1)
Appeal of the Approving Authority's action on the request for Minor Site Plan Review entitlement shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified in Chapter 17.125: Appeals.
(Ord. 18-384 § 1; Ord. 19-405 § 1)
A minor site plan review approval shall lapse and shall become void 36 months following the date on which approval by the director became effective unless, prior to the expiration of 36 months, a building permit is issued by the building official and construction is commenced and diligently pursued toward completion of the site or structures which were the subject of the minor site plan review.
Approval may be extended for an additional period not to exceed 12 months upon written application to the director before expiration of the first approval. Notwithstanding, if a development agreement has been adopted for a subject site, the expiration date of subsequent project approvals may be set forth in the development agreement.
The period of time specified in this section shall not include any period of time in which the city is precluded from approving discretionary permits, discretionary entitlements, and/or ministerial permits related to urban level flood protection pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.
(Ord. 18-384 § 1)