The purpose of requiring administrative approval of certain enumerated uses is to determine whether or not, in any particular case, a use listed under a section of district regulations entitled "Permitted uses—Administrative approval required" should be treated as a conditional use because of the peculiar circumstances and conditions of the case. This chapter sets forth the procedure for approval of such use by an administrative act where findings can be made that such use is in conformance with the intent and provisions of the district regulations and other applicable regulations of this title. The provisions of this chapter take cognizance of the impracticality of listing certain uses as categorically possessing the characteristics of those uses listed either the "Permitted use" or "Conditional use—Commission approval required" sections of the various districts provided in this chapter.
Where a development agreement has been approved, administrative approval shall not be required for any permitted use in the district in which the subject property is located, unless otherwise specified in the development agreement.
Except as provided in subsection B and Sections 17.108.050 and 17.108.090, the provisions of Sections 17.108.010 through 17.108.060 shall apply to all uses listed as permitted uses, subject to administrative approval.
As a matter of policy, any use listed as subject to administrative approval shall be considered as if it were permitted use in the district where listed, unless otherwise found to require modifications under the review procedures provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 92-73; Ord. 16-359 § 1)
An application for administrative approval shall be submitted to the planning department on a form prescribed by the department. The application shall include a statement of the use proposed and a site plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 17.100.
The director shall review the proposed use to ascertain all facts pertinent thereto, and in writing, shall state either approval or approval with conditions of the proposed use, together with his or her findings and reasons for such decision within 15 working days of the filing of the application.
In approving the use, the director shall impose such conditions and requirements as may be applicable as listed under Sections 17.100.060 and 17.112.070.
(Ord. 92-73)
The director may grant an application for administrative approval as the permit was applied for, or in modified form if, on the basis of the application and evidence submitted, the director is able to make the findings prescribed under Section 17.112.060, plus the following additional findings:
That the use will not involve any process, equipment or materials which, in the opinion of the director, will be objectionable to persons living or working in the vicinity by reasons of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, cinders, dirt, refuse, water-carried wastes, noise, vibration, illumination, glare or unsightliness, or to involve any hazard of fire or explosion;
That the proposed use will be harmonious with existing structures and use of land in the vicinity.
(Prior code § 185.03)
One copy of the written decision of the director shall be signed and dated by the director and mailed to the applicant.
(Prior code § 185.04)
Appeal of the approving authority's action on the request for administrative approval entitlement shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified in Chapter 17.125, Appeals.
(Prior code § 185.05; Ord. 19-405 § 1)
Upon violation of any applicable provisions of this chapter, or, if granted subject to a condition or conditions, upon failure to comply with the condition or conditions, a use permit shall be suspended automatically. Notice of such suspension shall be sent immediately to the person or persons responsible for noncompliance by the building official. Within 30 days of the suspension, the city council shall consider the suspension. If not satisfied that the regulation, general provision, condition or conditions are being complied with, the city council may revoke the use permit or take such action as may be necessary to ensure compliance with the regulation, general provision, condition or conditions.
(Prior code § 185.06)
Before a building permit shall be issued for any building or structure proposed as part of an approved application for administrative approval, the building official shall determine that the proposed building location, facilities and improvements are in conformity with the site plan and conditions as approved.
(Prior code § 185.07)
Application. The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed as to limit or interfere with the construction, installation, operation and maintenance of any uses coming under the jurisdiction of the public utilities commission, which uses are related to the public utility purposes of water and gas pipes, mains and conduits, telegraph and telephone lines, pole-mounted repeaters, telephone booths, sewers and sewer mains, electric light and power distribution and transmission lines, except as provided in subsection B below.
The routes of proposed gas or electric transmission lines shall be submitted to the planning department for review and recommendations. The department shall confine its review to the route, placement and height of such towers or lines and the effect on land use. Power transmission lines shall be those lines which are intended to transmit gas or electric energy from the source of such energy to a receiving substation, or from a receiving substation to a distribution substation.
Prior to the acquisition of rights-of-way, the following plans and information shall be submitted to the director for review and recommendations:
The location of the proposed route;
Type of towers and transmission lines;
Approximate height of towers or size of lines;
Widths of rights-of-way;
Other pertinent data.
The director may, when in the public interest, recommend such modifications as deemed necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare.
The director shall complete the review and make findings within 60 days after the filing of the plans and data.
Appeals. The recommendations of the director may be appealed to the planning commission within 10 days of the completion of the review and findings. The appeal shall be placed on the agenda of the commission's next regular meeting. The commission shall review the findings and recommendations, and shall act to uphold, modify or disapprove the recommendations of the director.
Effect of Regulations. These regulations are intended to provide constructive advice by the city to a public utility engaged in the routing of electrical or gas transmission lines through the city, thereby assisting in the selection of those transmission line routes which will best meet the needs of the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Prior code § 185.08)
In order to assure the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city, while still providing for their pleasure and convenience, the community development director or the city manager's designee may issue a permit for the establishment of temporary uses within the city in accordance with the following procedure and conditions; however, at his or her discretion or at the request of the planning commission, he or she may refer any application for a temporary use or structure to the planning commission for consideration.
Prior to the establishment of any temporary use on any lot or parcel in the city, an administrative approval shall be obtained from the planning division. Such permit may be issued for any use which is deemed by the community development director or the city manager's designee, to be of a temporary nature upon making the findings required in Section 17.108.030.
Temporary uses for which permits may be granted include, but are not limited to, carnivals, circuses, religious revivals, Christmas tree lots, promotions and sales in trucks or trailers, animal shows or displays, pumpkin patches, and live entertainment held indoors such as a live band, disc jockey, karaoke, or similar activities, incidental to the primary use of an existing business.
Temporary uses conducted entirely within a structure that is occupied by an existing business or organization shall be exempt from the provisions of this section, except as otherwise permitted pursuant to subsection B of this section.
Ingress and egress shall be limited to that designated by the community development department. Appropriate directional signs, barricades, fences or landscaping shall be provided where required.
Off-street parking facilities shall be provided on the site of each temporary use.
Upon termination of the temporary use or abandonment of the site, the applicant shall remove all materials and equipment and restore the premises to its original condition.
The opening and closing time for promotional enterprises shall coincide with the hours of operation of the sponsoring commercial establishment. Reasonable time limits for other uses may be set by the community development director or the city manager's designee, based on the impact of the use on surrounding properties.
The following temporary uses are exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter, provided that they comply with the development standards listed herein:
Garage sales consistent with Section 17.16.110.
Fireworks stand, provided that the necessary permit(s) are obtained from the fire department and/or other regulatory agencies consistent with the requirements of Chapter 8.13.
Temporary events sponsored by the city and held on city owned facilities or property.
Temporary construction/laydown yard for a utility company that is associated with a construction project in the city.
Applications for temporary permits shall be submitted and processed as described in this chapter except that the application shall be accompanied by the following:
Five copies of a dimensional plot plan showing the following:
The subject property with the lot lines and abutting properties,
The location of the temporary use related to the subject and adjoining properties,
The parking, driveways and loading areas,
The vehicular ingress and egress;
One copy of the dimensioned elevations of any structure proposed for the location;
A description of the proposed means of providing sewer and water to the site, if appropriate;
A copy of the notice to animal control as required by Section 25989.1 of the California Health and Safety Code.
The community development director or the city manager's designee shall have the authority to approve or disapprove the application, or to approve it subject to compliance with such conditions as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of this title and to meet the requirements listed in subsection A of this section.
In the event the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the community development director or the city manager's designee, the applicant may appeal the decision as outlined in Section 17.108.050.
(Ord. 99-168; Ord. 10-298 § 1; Ord. 13-329 § 1; Ord. 22-431 § 1; 22-442 § 1)