The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the continuation, nonrenewal, or cancellation of Williamson Act contracts for properties which are annexed into the city limits.
(Prior code § 195.01)
It is the intent of the city to continue Williamson Act contracts which are in force at the time the property is included in the city limits. No new agricultural preserves will be initiated for property within the city limits. The city, after acquiring land in a preserve by annexation, shall have all the rights and responsibilities specified in Government Code Section 51235.
(Prior code § 195.02)
On or before September 1st of each year, the city shall file with the Director of Conservation a map of the city and designate thereon all agricultural preserves in existence at the end of the preceding fiscal year.
(Prior code § 195.03)
Uses permitted under this section shall be consistent with the principles of compatibility set forth in Government Code Section 51238.1(a)(b)(c), and the following uses:
Field crops, tree crops, row crops, berry or bush crops, provided no additional land shall be planted in cotton, trees or vines;
Farms for the keeping or raising of animals, excluding poultry farms, rabbit or other small animal farms, fish or frog farms, dairies, hog. farms, feedlots, slaughterhouses and kennels unless otherwise specifically permitted in the zoning district which is combined or if they exist on the day the property annexes. Any new poultry farms, rabbit or other small animal farms, fish or frog farms, dairies, hog farms, feedlots, slaughterhouses and kennels proposed subsequent to annexation are specifically prohibited.
(Prior code § 195.04)
Conditions imposed on mineral extraction as a compatible use of contracted land shall include compliance with the reclamation standards adopted by the Mining and Geology Board pursuant to Section 2773 of the Public Resources Code, including the applicable performance standards for prime agricultural land and other agricultural land, and no exceptions to these standards may be permitted.
(Prior code § 195.05)
If either the landowner or the city desires in any year not to renew the contract, that party shall serve written notice of nonrenewal of the contract upon the other party in advance of the annual renewal date of the contract. Unless such written notice is served by the landowner at least 90 days prior to the renewal date or by the city at least 60 days prior to the renewal date, the contract shall be considered renewed as provided in Government Code, Section 51244 or Section 51244.5. All nonrenewal notices will be processed in accordance with procedures prescribed in Government Code 51245.
(Prior code § 195.06)
The landowner may petition the city council for cancellation of any contract as to all or any part of the subject land. The city council may grant tentative approval for cancellation of a contract only if the findings specified in Government Code, Article 5, Section 51282, and where applicable, in Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code can be found. Any consideration of cancellation, and procedures thereof; will conform to the provisions of Government Code, Article 5, Sections 51281.1 through 51286.
(Prior code § 195.07)