means the County Manager or the County Manager’s designee.
“Bicycle tour”
means any organized group of 50 or more bicycles upon any County road, for which directional signs or road markings and rest stops are provided, and for which registration is required.
means the Board of County Commissioners for Clatsop County.
“County road”
means any County road, as defined in ORS 368.001(5), in Clatsop County. “County road” shall not include any road within the limits of any incorporated city in Clatsop County.
“County road event”
means any parade, footrace, motorcade, walkathon, bicycle tour, events requiring extensive roadside parking, road rally, other significant road event or large event as defined in this section.
“Event requiring extensive roadside parking”
means any scheduled or planned event which will result in more than 50 vehicles at any one time parking within the right-of-way of a County road.
“Large event”
means any event involving more than 100 vehicles or bicycles or 400 pedestrian participants.
means an organized procession containing 50 or more vehicles, except funeral processions, and military convoys upon any County road.
“Other significant road event”
means any scheduled or planned event which requires a detour or road closure, partial or complete, or the use of pilot vehicles to guide traffic, which is expected to exceed 45 minutes of time, either for one period of time, or separate intervals of time which in the aggregate are expected to exceed 45 minutes of time. Road construction and maintenance, utility placement and maintenance, search and rescue activities, and response by law enforcement agencies, fire departments, ambulance companies or public works departments to criminal activities, fires, accidents, landslides, or other emergencies are not considered other significant road events under this chapter.
means any march or procession consisting of people, animals or vehicles, or combination thereof, except funeral processions, upon any County road which does not comply with normal and usual traffic regulations or controls.
“Public agency”
means any governmental entity included in ORS 190.410 that, prior to issuance of a County road event permit, asks the County to collect reimbursement for the costs incurred by that entity.
means an organized run of 100 or more participants who are at any one time upon any portion of a County road. Athletic competitions sponsored by a Clatsop County school district are not included within this definition.
“Road rally”
means any organized contest of speed or of driving skills utilizing automobiles or motorized vehicles of any kind upon any County road.
means the elected Sheriff of Clatsop County or the Sheriff’s designee.
means any organized walk of 100 or more participants who are at any one time upon any portion of a County road, for which directional signs or road markings and rest stops are provided, and for which registration is required.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct a parade, race, walkathon, bicycle tour, motorcade, or any other public event in or upon any County road or knowingly participate in any such event unless and until a permit to conduct such event has been obtained from the Administrator, or, as hereinafter provided, from the Board.
It shall be unlawful, and no permit shall be issued, to conduct any event after sunset and before sunrise involving pedestrian participants, unless the Administrator or the Board is assured that adequate steps have been taken to provide for the safety of the participants, spectators, and residents in the vicinity of the activity.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Any person who wants to conduct a parade, race, motorcade, bicycle tour, walkathon, or other public event using County roads shall apply to the Administrator for a permit at least 60 days in advance of the date of the proposed event. The Administrator may at his or her discretion consider any application for a permit to conduct such an event which is filed less than 60 days prior to the date such parade, race, or motorcade is to be conducted. The application for such permit shall be made in writing on a form approved by the Administrator. In order that adequate arrangements may be made for the proper policing of the event, the application shall contain the following information:
The name of the applicant, the sponsoring organization, the event chairperson and the addresses and telephone numbers of each.
The purpose of the event, the date when it is proposed to be conducted, the location of the assembly area(s), route to be traveled and the approximate time when the event will assemble, start and terminate.
An application fee of $100.00, except that the application fee will be $500.00 for over 100 vehicles or bicycles or 400 pedestrian participants.
Such other information as the Administrator may deem reasonably necessary.
Any deposit required in Section 12.12.110.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Standards for Issuance. The Administrator, or in the event of a large event, the Board, shall issue a permit conditioned upon the applicant’s written agreement to comply with the terms of such permit unless the Administrator or Board finds that:
The time, route and size of the parade, race, motorcade, walkathon, or bicycle tour will disrupt to an unreasonable extent the movement of other traffic or will endanger the safety of participants or citizens, or cause a safety hazard to other traffic.
The event is of a size or nature that requires the diversion of too many County law enforcement officers, public works employees or other County personnel to properly control the event or that allowing the event would deny reasonable law enforcement or other emergency service protection to the citizens of the County.
Such event will interfere with another event for which a permit has been issued.
The County Public Works Director determines the event would damage County roads.
Standards for Denial. The Administrator, or in the case of large events, the Board, shall deny an application for a County event permit and notify the applicant of such denial where:
The Administrator or Board makes any finding contrary to the findings required to be made for the issuance of a permit.
The information contained in the application is found to be false or nonexistent in any material detail.
The applicant refuses to agree to abide by or comply with all conditions of the permit.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
In each permit the Administrator, or in the case of large events, the Board, shall specify:
The assembly area and time therefor.
The starting and ending time of the event.
The minimum and maximum speeds.
The route of the event.
What portions of roads to be traversed may be occupied by such event.
The number of persons required to monitor the event.
The number and type of vehicles, if any.
That the permit holder advise all participants in the event by written notice, of the terms and conditions of the permit, prior to the commencement of such County road event.
Such other requirements as are found by the Administrator to be reasonably necessary for the protection of persons or property.
The amount of deposit required as set forth in Section 12.12.110.
All conditions of the permit shall be complied with so far as reasonably practicable.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Approval or denial of an application made pursuant to Section 12.12.040(B) may be appealed to the Board. Said appeal must be in writing and received by the Board not later than 5:00 p.m. on the seventh calendar day after the date of the decision by the Administrator. The Board shall consider the appeal as soon as practicable after receipt of the appeal. Upon such appeal, the applicant and appellant shall have the right to be heard. The Board may reverse, affirm, or modify in any regard the determination of the Administrator.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
The permit of any event with more than 100 vehicles or bicycles or 400 participants shall be issued solely by the Board.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Any permit for a County road event issued pursuant to this chapter may be summarily revoked or amended by the Administrator prior to the commencement of the event, at any time when by reason of disaster, public calamity, riot or other emergency, it is determined that the safety of the public or property requires such revocation or amendment.
If at any time during the County road event held under a valid permit, the Administrator or Sheriff, believes an unreasonable threat to the health, safety and welfare of the public is present, or the permit holder cannot maintain order and compliance with all applicable state and local laws or refuses or is unable to adhere to the terms and conditions of the permit, the Administrator or Sheriff may terminate the County road event or reduce the number of participants, or take any lawful action to remedy the unsafe condition.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Applicants shall agree in writing to assume the defense of and indemnify and save harmless the County and its commissioners, boards and officers, including the County Sheriff, employees and agents, from all suits, actions, damages or claims to which the County may be subjected of any kind or nature whatsoever resulting from, caused by, arising out of or as a consequence of such County road event and the activities permitted in connection therewith. Applicants shall provide County with evidence of insurance with combined single limit policy amounts not less than the tort liability limits for local public bodies set forth in ORS 30.272 and 30.273. The County shall be named as an additional insured. The Administrator may waive proof of insurance if circumstances warrant for County road events other than large events. Applicants shall also agree to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless any public agency providing services to the County road event.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Applicants shall pay to the County the cost of County personnel and personnel from other public agencies who are required by the County to work or perform duties during or as a result of County road events, and all other costs incurred by County and other public agencies including, but not limited to, trash removal, road repairs, policing, fire protection, medical assistance and medical standby, administrative costs, and manning of barricades. Applicants shall deposit with the County, as described in Section 12.12.110, a sum in an amount required by the Administrator or Board for the purpose of covering costs to the County.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Applicant shall provide a deposit to the County not less than 15 days prior to the event in an amount set by the Administrator or in the case of a large event, the Board. The deposit shall be in cash or by certified check. Applicant shall not be entitled to interest on funds deposited. The costs and expenses County and other public agencies incur before, during, after, or as a result of the event, including any costs associated with enforcing the conditions of applicant’s permit, shall be deducted from the deposit. If the costs and expenses incurred by the County and other public agencies exceed the amount of the deposit, the Administrator shall bill the permit holder and the permit holder shall pay the bill for such additional costs and expenses within 90 days after the County road event. If the deposit exceeds the amount of the costs and expenses incurred by the County and other public agencies, the remaining balance shall be refunded to the applicant within 30 days of the County road event.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Issuance of a permit under this chapter shall not relieve applicant of the responsibility to comply with all applicable ordinances and laws, and obtain all other required permits and licenses necessary for an event.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Any permit granted under this chapter may contain conditions reasonably calculated to reduce or minimize the dangers and hazards to vehicular or pedestrian traffic and the public health, safety, tranquility and welfare including, but not limited to, changes in time, duration and number of participants.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or who willfully violates the terms of the permit, shall be guilty of a Class A violation under Chapter 1.11.
(Ord. 11-10 § 3; Ord. 21-01 § 4)