Application. This chapter is intended to regulate event gatherings with more than 1,000 persons, but fewer than 3,000 persons continuously over at least an eight-hour period, or 3,000 or more people for more than an eight-hour period but less than a 24-hour period. This chapter does not pertain to “mass gatherings” as that term is defined in ORS 433.735, but is intended to regulate less intensive events. Those events that meet the state mass gathering definition shall comply with state statutory and regulatory requirements; this chapter shall not create a local definition of mass gatherings.
State Mass Gathering Requirements Inapplicable. Because Clatsop County has defined social gatherings to be exclusive of the state definition of mass gatherings, state regulations and requirements relating to mass gatherings shall be inapplicable to social gatherings as defined by this chapter.
means the Clatsop County Manager, or a designee.
“Health Department”
means the Clatsop County Health Department.
includes any person who holds, stages, or sponsors a social gathering and the owner, lessee, or possessor of the real property upon which the social gathering is to take place.
“Outdoor mass gathering”
has the meaning set forth in ORS 433.735.
“Permit holder”
is the person to whom a permit is issued for a social gathering. If a corporation applies for the permit, the corporation must designate one or more individuals who will be the County’s point of contract.
means the Clatsop County Sheriff, or his/her designee.
“Social gathering”
means an event, activity or assembly that (a) continues or can reasonably be expected to continue for more than eight consecutive hours, but less than 120 consecutive hours within any six-month period; and (b) continuously has more than 1,000 persons, but less than 3,000 persons on the real property for more than eight consecutive hours, or has 3,000 or more persons on the real property for more than eight consecutive hours and less than 24 consecutive hours.
Land Use. Neither a mass gathering nor a social gathering, as described above, is a land use. However, land use approval through the Clatsop County Community Development Department shall be required of any property owner, contract purchaser or lessee upon whose real property five or more mass gatherings or social gatherings are held in any 12-month period. The intent of this provision is to determine when an underlying property is engaged in a use, the intensity of which requires land use approval.
(Ord. 11-12 § 7)
Permits Required for Social Gatherings.
The County may issue a permit for a social gathering upon application and payment of the required fee when the permit applicant demonstrates compliance with or the ability to comply with all applicable health laws, building codes, zoning regulations, and safety rules and agrees to reimburse the County for all expenses.
No social gathering shall be held in Clatsop County outside the limits of incorporated cities unless the organizer first obtains a permit and complies with all provisions of this chapter. One permit shall be required for each social gathering. Civil liability for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall rest in all persons who are responsible for obtaining permits under this provision.
The permit shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place upon the premises of the assembly. No permit shall be transferred or assigned without the consent of the Board of County Commissioners.
Exceptions. This chapter shall not apply to any regularly organized and supervised school district activity or program that takes place on school property, nor to any activity of a municipal corporation or government agency nor to activities occurring at the Clatsop County parks or any state park, the Clatsop County Fairgrounds, Camp Rilea, and Camp Kiwanilong.
(Ord. 11-12 § 7)
Permit Application Fee. The application fee shall be established by Board order, and shall be an estimate of anticipated costs to the County for receiving, processing and reviewing applications. The total fee shall not exceed $5,000.00.
Permit Application for Social Gathering.
The application shall include all of the following and shall be filed at least 60 days before the proposed gathering:
Name, address and telephone number of the property owner and permit applicant or, if a corporation, the name, address and telephone number of the individual(s) who will represent the corporation as the point of contact and permit holder;
Assessor map and tax lot number, address and zoning designation of the place of the proposed gathering;
Date of the proposed gathering, including set-up and clean-up;
Estimated attendance at the proposed gathering;
Estimated parking requirements;
A narrative describing the nature of the event, the sponsor, the hours it will be open to the public, how traffic is to be handled, the provisions to be made for on-site waste, solid waste disposal, including recycling of materials, potable water, refuse removal, safety measures and any other information that may be requested by the Administrator;
A detailed site plan that shows the layout of the event, including parking area, traffic flow, sanitation and refuse stations, vendor and program locations property boundaries and roads;
A statement of whether alcohol will be available and if so, by whom and in what location, along with a copy of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission permit; and
Such other appropriate information as the Administrator shall require in order to insure compliance with this chapter. If such additional information is not supplied within two weeks of the Administrator’s request, the application will be deemed incomplete.
The deposit required pursuant to subsection E of this section.
Incomplete applications shall be denied and the application fee, less County costs, shall be returned to the permit applicant.
The Board may issue, upon application, a permit for up to five years. Such permit is discretionary and may only be applied for by an organizer of a social gathering which has been held pursuant to properly issued permits in the three immediately preceding years. The fee for a multi-year permit shall be set by Board order. All other requirements of this chapter shall apply to a multi-year permit application as if the application was for a single-year permit.
Notice Requirements—Public Hearing.
The Administrator shall send notice of the application to the Sheriff and other interested law enforcement agencies, the County Planning Director, the County Health Administrator, the County Building Official, the County Administrative Officer, and the chief of the fire district in which the gathering is to be held. The Administrator may request such cooperation and assistance from other state and local agencies as deemed necessary.
Each official receiving notice of the application under this subsection shall submit comments or responses in writing to the Administrator within 14 days after the date the notice was mailed. The comments may include recommendations as to granting the permit and recommended conditions that should be imposed.
The Administrator shall make a recommendation on the application to the Board of Commissioners.
The Board of Commissioners shall hold a public hearing on the issue of the application’s compliance with all of the requirements of this chapter. Notice of the time and place of such hearing including a general explanation of the matter to be considered shall be published at least ten calendar days before the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. Notice shall also be sent to property owners within 1,000 feet of the property upon which the social gathering will be held.
Conditions of Permit.
The Board of Commissioners may, as conditions of the permit, require:
Twice-daily inspection by appropriate County staff for compliance with County code, State law, and applicable Oregon Administrative Rules;
Twice-daily inspection by the Fire Chief, or designee of the fire district in which the social gathering site is located, for compliance with fire safety regulations;
Twice-daily inspection of the social gathering site by the County Sheriff, or other law enforcement designee, for compliance with conditions of the permit concerning crowd control, traffic management and compliance with state and local laws, including criminal laws;
If the inspections described above reveal deficiencies in compliance with state or local law, the inspectors may return as often as needed until the deficiencies are cured. If the deficiencies are not cured or cannot be cured, the County Sheriff may terminate the social gathering;
The permit holder shall provide the County with evidence of liability insurance in amounts not less than the Oregon Tort Claim limits set forth in ORS 30.272 and ORS 30.273. The insurance policy may not be cancelable, and shall provide coverage against liability for death, injury, or disability of any human, or for damage to property arising out of the social gathering. The insurance policy must be an “occurrence” policy, or its equivalent which provides for payment of claims made during the 180-day period after the scheduled termination of the event. Clatsop County shall be named as an additional insured under the policy. The permit for the social gathering shall be voided by the Administrator if the permit holder does not file proof of the non-cancelable insurance required by this section with the Administrator at least thirty days before the first day of the event. A performance bond to ensure clean up of the event may also be imposed as a condition of approval;
The permit holder to keep a reasonable count of persons and vehicles entering and leaving the social gathering site;
The permit holder to designate a contact person who shall be easily identified and who shall remain at the social gathering site at all times; and
The permit holder to maintain order, require compliance with all state and local laws, and provide for the orderly dispersal of those in attendance if state and local laws are not observed.
The Board shall have the authority to take any action necessary, including modification or revocation of a permit, to (a) remedy noncompliance with conditions of a permit; and (b) ensure a permit holder complies with all provisions of the permit, this chapter or other local or state requirements.
Deposit. The permit holder shall provide a deposit to the County not less than 15 days prior to the event in an amount set by the Administrator. The deposit shall be in cash or by certified check. Applicant shall not be entitled to interest on funds deposited. The costs and expenses the County incurs before, during, after, or as a result of the event, including any costs associated with enforcing the conditions of applicant’s permit, shall be deducted from the deposit. If the costs and expenses incurred by the County exceed the amount of the deposit, the Administrator shall bill the permit holder and the permit holder shall pay the bill for such additional costs and expenses within 90 days after the social gathering. If the deposit exceeds the amount of the costs and expenses incurred by the County, the remaining balance shall be refunded to the applicant within 30 days of the social gathering.
Authority of Sheriff to Regulate Social Gatherings.
For a social gathering held under a valid permit, the County Sheriff has the authority to order the crowd to disperse and leave the social gathering site if the permit holder cannot maintain order and compliance with all applicable state and local laws, or refuses to maintain order and compliance with state and local laws or refuses or is unable to adhere to the terms and conditions of the permit.
If at any time during the social gathering held under a valid permit, the number of individuals or vehicles attending the gathering exceeds the number of individuals or vehicles estimated in the permit application and creates, in the belief of the Sheriff, an unreasonable threat to the health, safety and welfare of the public, the County Sheriff has the authority to require the permit holder to limit further admissions until a sufficient number of individuals or vehicles have left the site to eliminate the health, safety or welfare threat to the public.
(Ord. 11-12 § 7)
Duration of Operation.
No social gathering shall be conducted in the unincorporated areas of Clatsop County within 1,000 feet of any neighboring residence between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. without the approval of the Board of Commissioners.
The use of amplification shall be regulated so that it will not interfere with the normal use of any school, church, residence or other permanent place of human habitation unless prior written consent is obtained from all affected persons. A sound level in excess of 70 decibels prior to 10:00 p.m. and in excess of 50 decibels after 10:00 p.m. (as measured upon the A scale of a standard sound level meter on affected property) shall constitute interference.
Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Prohibited. No organizer shall permit any person to sell intoxicating liquor at a social gathering, nor permit intoxicating liquor to be sold on the premises without first obtaining appropriate licenses from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, copies of which shall be submitted to the Administrator.
Illegal Drugs Prohibited. No organizer of a social gathering shall permit any person to bring controlled substances into a social gathering, unless legally prescribed by a physician, nor permit controlled substances to be used on the premises, unless legally prescribed by a physician.
Illegal Fireworks Prohibited. No organizer of a social gathering shall permit any person to bring illegal fireworks into a social gathering, or set off the fireworks on the premises.
(Ord. 11-12 § 7; Ord. 12-03 § 8)
The County Counsel or District Attorney for Clatsop County may maintain an action in any court of general jurisdiction to prevent, restrain, or enjoin any violation of this chapter.
If social gathering attendees remain on the social gathering site after the scheduled end of the gathering or the organizer or permit holder fails to remove all debris or residue by the end of the cleanup period specified in the social gathering permit, the Sheriff or County code enforcement officers may issue citations to the landowner, all persons remaining at the event site, and to all persons who have left debris behind.
In addition to any other remedies provided, if the social gathering site is not restored to its previous condition, or better, the County may arrange for cleanup of the site, and then file an action for damages against the organizers, including the landowner or successor landowner and the permit holder.
Public Nuisance. Compliance with the terms of this chapter shall constitute minimum health, sanitation and safety provisions; failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this chapter and State law shall constitute a public nuisance and shall be subject to all provided criminal, civil and equitable remedies.
Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or who willfully violates the terms of the permit, or who counsels, aids, or abets in such a violation, shall be guilty of a Class A violation under Chapter 1.11. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate offense.
(Ord. 11-12 § 7)