The town shall have and exercise with regard to all utilities and franchises, all municipal powers including, without limitation, all powers now existing and which may be hereafter provided by the constitution and statutes. The right of the town to construct, purchase or condemn any public utility, work or way, is expressly reserved. Except as otherwise provided by Constitution or this Charter, all powers concerning the granting, amending, revoking or otherwise dealing in franchises shall be exercised by the council.
The town shall have the power to buy, exchange, lease, own, and control water rights.
The council shall by ordinance establish rates for services provided by municipality-owned utilities. All newly annexed territory shall be served by municipal utilities, if any, within a reasonable period of time after annexation. If the council desires to extend the municipal utilities beyond town boundaries, it shall do so by ordinance.
No franchise shall be granted that exceeds twenty (20) years.
Each franchise granted under the provisions of this Charter shall include a section specifying a periodic review of said franchise.
The council shall cause to be kept in the office of the town clerk an indexed franchise record in which shall be transcribed copies of all franchises heretofore and hereafter granted. The index shall give the name of the grantee and any assignees. The record, a complete history of all such franchises, shall include a comprehensive and convenient reference to all actions at law affecting the same, and copies of all annual reports and such other matters of information and public interest as the council may from time to time require.
All franchise ordinances of the town in effect at the time that this Charter is adopted shall remain in full force and effect according to their provisions and terms until the expiration date provided in such ordinance or until modified by another franchise.