In order to provide for the public health and welfare, to ensure the adequate maintenance and operability of the wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure, and to comply with the laws and regulations of the State of Oregon, and the United States, it is necessary to set uniform requirements for all users of the City's sanitary sewer system to include, but not limited to, the following:
To establish the appropriate authority for the City to condition or deny discharges to the City sewer system;
To prevent the introduction of excessive amounts of grease into the City sewer system;
To prevent the clogging or blocking of the City sewer lines due to grease buildup that cause backup and flooding of streets, residences, and commercial buildings;
To implement a set of procedures to recover the costs incurred when grease blockages require the City to engage in cleaning and maintenance of sewer lines and the disposal of grease blockages;
To implement a procedure to recover costs from the parties responsible for contributing waste products to the City system for the cost of any liability incurred by the City for damage caused by grease blockages resulting in the flooding of streets, residences, or commercial buildings;
To establish enforcement procedures for violations of any part or requirement of this section; and
To establish the authority for the City to carry out routine and nonroutine monitoring (sampling and inspections) of the grease traps of any food service facility either in the City or outside, that contributes waste products that enter the City system.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
The terms and conditions of this section shall apply to all food service facilities.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
The following terms and definitions shall apply:
means the City of Yamhill Oregon, employees of the City, or an authorized agent of the City.
means the food service facility discharging gray water to the City sewer system.
"FOG best management practices"
means practices undertaken at food service facilities have proven effective to minimize the adverse impacts of the discharge of fats, oil, and grease into the municipal wastewater systems and the environment.
"Food service facility or facility"
means any business which prepares and/or packages food or beverages for sale or consumption, on or off site, with the exception of private residences. Food service facilities shall include, but are not limited to, food preparation facilities, food courts, food manufacturers with an average daily discharge volume of up to 25,000 gallons per day, food packagers, restaurants, cafeterias, grocery stores, convenience stores, coffee shops, bakeries, lounges, hospitals, hotels, nursing homes, churches, schools, and all other food service facilities not listed, herein.
"Garbage disposal"
means a device which shreds or grinds up waste materials into smaller portions for discharge into the City's sanitary sewer system.
"Gray water"
means all of the liquid contained in a grease interceptor that lies below the floating grease layer and above the food solids layer.
"Grease interceptor or interceptor"
means a device located underground and outside of the food service facility designed to collect, contain, or remove food wastes and FOG from the waste stream while allowing the balance of the liquid wastes (gray water) to discharge to the wastewater collection system by gravity. Interceptors shall have at least one inspection hatch on the top surface to facilitate inspection, cleaning, and maintenance.
"Grease trap or trap"
means a device located in a food service facility or under a sink designed to collect, contain, or remove food wastes and FOG from the waste stream while allowing the balance of the liquid waste (gray water) to discharge to the wastewater collection system by gravity. Traps shall have a removable lid on the top surface to facilitate inspection, cleaning, and maintenance.
"Grease trap service company"
means a person or company who provides maintenance services for grease traps and interceptors. Maintenance services include cleaning, minor repairs, FOG, and solids removal from the interceptor, and transport of the removed material to an appropriate recycling or disposal facility.
means a material either liquid or solid, composed primarily of fat, oil, and grease from animal or vegetable sources. The terms "fats, oils, and grease (FOG)," "oil and grease," or "oil and grease substances" shall all be included within this definition.
"Waste grease"
means flats, oils, and grease that can be collected following use and prior to discharge to the sewer or interceptor. Waste grease is collected from pans, deep fat fryers, and cooking grills.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
General Requirements. Except as provided otherwise in this subsection, grease interceptors and/or traps shall be provided by the food service facility owner to prevent FOG from entering the sanitary sewer system. The owner shall provide documentation and/or calculations on all sizing and model selections to Yamhill County Building Department for approval prior to installation. The grease interceptor or trap shall be easily and safely accessible for cleaning and inspection. All prospective grease interceptor or trap users must provide manufacturer's capacity data and an estimate of the product rate at the facility that is within the capacity of the grease interceptor or trap to be approved by the Yamhill County Building Department.
Existing Facilities. For the purposes of sizing and installation of grease interceptors/traps, all food service facilities existing within the City's sewer system service area, whether within, or without, the City limits, prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall be allowed to operate and maintain existing grease interceptors/traps provided their grease interceptors or grease traps are maintained in efficient operating conditions.
Except as provided otherwise in this subsection, on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, the City shall require an existing food service facility to install, operate, and maintain a new grease interceptor or trap that complies with the requirements of this section or to modify, repair, or replace any noncompliant interceptor or trap within 90 days of written notification by the City when any one or more of the following conditions exist:
The facility does not have a grease interceptor or trap;
The facility has an undersized, nonrepairable, or defective grease interceptor or trap;
Remodeling of the food preparation or kitchen waste plumbing system is performed which requires a building permit to be issued by the City; or
The existing facility does not have plumbing connections to a grease interceptor or trap in compliance with the requirements of this section, or current building codes.
New Facilities or New Interceptor Installations. Grease interceptors or traps shall be located in the food service facility's lateral sewer line between all fixtures which may introduce grease into the sewer system and the connection to the City's wastewater collections system. Garbage disposals, dishwashers, and restrooms shall not be plumbed to the grease interceptor. Automatic hood washers, floor drains in food preparation and storage areas shall be plumbed to the grease interceptor. Sanitary facilities (restrooms) shall not be plumbed to the grease interceptor under any circumstance.
Pre-existing Operations. A food service facility operating prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section may apply for an exception to the requirement that it install a grease interceptor or grease trap under the following conditions:
That application be made in writing to the City requesting an exemption;
That an exemption be granted only for a food service facility that produces a minimal amount of FOG;
That the determination that a minimal amount of FOG is being produced shall be based on a comparison of the food service facility's production of FOG as compared to all food service facilities subject to the provision of this section. In determining the production of FOG relative to other food service providers, inferences may be drawn from a comparison of the total amount of discharge to the wastewater system, the volume of products likely to produce a heavier concentration of FOG, and the active employment of practices that remove FOG prior to its discharge to a grease trap or grease interceptor;
That the burden or proof is on the food service facility's owner/operator;
That the intention of this exception is to provide relief only to those whose production and discharge of FOG would not constitute more than a minor contribution to the system;
That the food service facility's owner/operator consents to an annual review and inspection at which it shall be determined whether the food service facility has implemented changes that increase its production of FOG; and
That the exception may be unilaterally revoked pursuant to any requirement of the State of Oregon, or the United States whose effect is to require a grease trap or grease interceptor.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
Maintenance. All grease interceptors and grease traps shall be continuously maintained in satisfactory and effective operational condition by the discharger at the discharger's expense. Typically maintenance consists of the removal of floatable solids and settleable solids collected in the grease interceptor/trap; and the cleaning of the walls and piping.
Routine Maintenance Schedules. The discharger is responsible for establishing a routine maintenance schedule that includes the routine removal of floatable and settleable solids and cleaning of the interceptors/traps. The maintenance frequency should be such that the interceptor/trap does not allow fats, oils, grease, and food solids to leave the interceptor and enter the City sewer collection system. The amount of time between pumping and cleaning services is dependent on the volume of wastes discharged, the volume of the interceptor/trap, and the physical integrity of the interceptor/trap structures and piping. It is the discharger's responsibility that the interceptors/traps are routinely inspected and repaired as needed.
Record Keeping Requirements. The discharger is responsible for maintaining appropriate maintenance records that document the routine pumping, cleaning, and repairs made to interceptors and traps. Where the discharger hires a grease trap service company to clean the interceptor/trap and remove and dispose of the accumulated grease and solids, a copy of the pumping manifest or billing must be retained with the maintenance records. Where the discharger does not hire a grease trap service company the discharger shall maintain a receipt for proper disposal of the accumulated FOG and solids. All maintenance records should include at a minimum the following information:
Name of facility;
Date service performed;
Total volume of the interceptor/trap;
Total volume of material removed from the interceptor/trap;
List of all deficiencies identified from an inspection of the empty interceptor/trap;
Name and address of the grease trap service company;
Name and address of final disposal site;
Signature of the grease trap service company employee performing the work, if applicable;
Signature of the discharger's employee observing and accepting the services;
Receipt for payment for proper disposal of FOG and solids, if such services are not provided by a grease trap service company.
Record Retention. All grease interceptor/trap maintenance records shall be retained for a period of no less than three years. These records shall be retained at the food service facility and shall be made available for inspection by the City.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
Storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of all wastes from interceptors/traps shall be performed in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations that pertain to the type and/or class of waste. Materials removed from waste interceptors/traps must be disposed of at State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) designated locations for those specific type wastes. Materials removed from waste interceptors/traps shall not be discharged to the City sanitary sewers or storm drains.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
Dischargers are encouraged to collect excess oil and grease from deep fat fryers, pots, and pans prior to washing. This waste grease and oil should be collected and stored in appropriate containers that are appropriately labeled. The collected waste grease and oil should be collected by a waste grease service company for disposal. In no case shall the discharger dispose of deep fat fryer oils and other collected waste greases and oils by discharge to the grease interceptor/trap or to the City sewer system.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
The discharger shall clean up all spilled grease and oil using appropriate tools including a mop and bucket. Bucket contents may be discharged to the grease interceptor/trap, and solid greases and oils that can be manually picked up should be held in the waste grease collection containers for final disposal. In no instance shall spilled grease and oils be washed to the stormwater drains. If the City is required to clean up a grease and oil spill generated by a discharger, the City is authorized to assess cost recovery fees to the discharger for all reasonable documented costs associated with the clean-up.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
The use of chemicals, emulsifying agents, enzymes, microorganisms, and/or other additives that are added to the grease interceptors/traps to reduce or eliminate the pumping and cleaning of the interceptor/trap is prohibited. Dischargers currently using a chemical or other additive must halt such use immediately on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section or be subject to citation and fine under Section 3.66.110 of this Chapter.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
The City, employees of the City, or authorized agents of the City, have the authority to enter the property of the discharger to conduct inspections of the entire facility, including the interceptors, traps, cooking and storage areas, restrooms, offices, service areas, and other areas of the facility. The City is also authorized to collect samples of any waste stream, including the discharge from the facility and the interceptors and traps. The City may obtain search warrants for inspection and sampling purposes. Failure to grant access may result in the suspension of sewer and water services provided by the City.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
A person failing to comply with the provisions of this section is subject to the short form uniform citation and complaint method and enforcement procedures within Chapter 1.08 of this code. In addition to these enforcement actions the City is authorized to take the following actions to achieve compliance to this section:
Mandatory Interceptor/Trap Service. The City may issue an order requiring the discharger to conduct interceptor/trap maintenance services within a mandatory time period. The cost of the services shall be the direct responsibility of the discharger.
Mandatory Interceptor/Trap Service Schedule. The City may impose a mandatory pumping and cleaning schedule to assure the proper maintenance of an interceptor not properly maintained by the discharger. The cost of the services shall be the direct responsibility of the discharger. Mandatory service schedules may cover a time period of up to three years.
Cost Recovery. The City may assess the discharger the amount of those expenditures made by the City to clean up or prevent sewer blockages and overflows caused by the discharge from that discharger. The City may also recover costs associated with any testing performed for reasons associated with violations or repeat offenders.
Civil Penalties. A person found to have committed a violation of this title shall be assessed a penalty of not more than $500.00 per day per violation, for violations of this section.
Emergency Suspensions. The City may immediately suspend a discharge and/or water services, after informal notice to the discharger, whenever such suspension is necessary to stop an actual or threatened discharge which reasonably appears to present or cause an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of persons.
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)
The application of best management practices that have been developed to minimize the adverse impacts of fats, oil, and grease discharge is encouraged for all food service facilities and businesses in the City. The City suggests that food service facilities become familiar with and implement those practices published in Chapter 3 of the Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies publication, "Fats, Oil and Grease Best Management Practices Manual."
(Ord. 541, 1/10/2024)